473 Only the Truth Can Make Man’s Heart at Peace


God’s disposition and what He has and is is all the truth.

Its value cannot be measured against material things,

no matter their worth, because it is not an object,

and it supplies the needs of every heart.

Verse 1

While you’re pursuing salvation through God

and a change in your disposition,

if you don’t understand truth

and God’s disposition and will,

won’t this leave you feeling uneasy?

Won’t your heart thirst and hunger?

Pre-chorus 1

Won’t your heart feel restlessness?

Is there a way for you to fix this?


People must have the truth in their lives.

They never can do without it.

You could say it’s the greatest thing.

Though it can’t be seen or be touched,

you can’t ignore its importance.

It’s the only thing that can bring rest to your heart.

Verse 2

When you strongly desire to gain

God’s enlightenment so you’ll know

His will and the truth,

what you need most is not a meal,

or some kind words or fleshly comfort.

What you need is God’s instructions.

Verse 3

You need Him to tell you directly

what to do and how to do it,

and clearly say what the truth is.

If you understand just a small bit,

won’t your heart feel more satisfaction

than if you’d had a good supper?

Pre-chorus 2

When your heart is satisfied,

does not your whole being gain true rest?


People must have the truth in their lives.

They never can do without it.

You could say it’s the greatest thing.

Though it can’t be seen or be touched,

you can’t ignore its importance.

It’s the only thing that can bring rest to your heart.


What comes from God, what He has and is,

and everything about Him

are greater than all other things,

including the thing or person

you once believed you treasured most.

If you can’t gain words from the mouth of God

or understand His will,

you never will be able to gain rest.

All that God does is truth and life.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself III

Previous: 472 Truth Is the Highest of All Life’s Aphorisms

Next: 474 You Should Forsake All for the Truth

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