990 Those Unrepentant People Who Are Trapped in Sin Are Beyond Salvation

1 Now, whether or not your pursuit has been effective is measured by what you currently possess. This is what is used to determine your outcome; this is to say, your outcome is revealed in the sacrifices you have made and the things you have done. Your outcome will be made known by your pursuit, your faith, and what you have done. Among all of you, there are many who are already beyond salvation, for today is the day of revealing people’s outcomes, and God will not be muddle-headed in His work; He will not lead those who are entirely beyond salvation into the next age. There will be a time when God’s work is finished. He shall not work on those stinking, spiritless corpses that cannot be saved at all; now are the last days of man’s salvation, and He will not do useless work.

2 Those who think only of their flesh and who enjoy comfort; those who seem to believe but who do not really believe; those who engage in evil medicine and sorcery; those who are promiscuous, tattered and ragged; those who steal sacrifices to Jehovah and His possessions; those who love bribes; those who dream idly of ascending to heaven; those who are arrogant and conceited, who strive only for personal fame and fortune; those who spread impertinent words; those who blaspheme God Himself; those who do nothing but make judgments against and slander God Himself; those who form cliques and seek independence; those who exalt themselves above God; those frivolous young, middle-aged and older men and women who are ensnared in licentiousness; those men and women who enjoy personal fame and fortune and pursue personal status among others; those unrepentant people who are trapped in sin—are they not, all of them, beyond salvation?

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Practice (7)

Previous: 989 Do You Understand God’s Attitude When He Takes Retribution on Man?

Next: 991 How Should You Treat Your Own Words and Actions?

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