Christian Devotional Song | "God Wishes Everyone Could Be Perfected"

July 11, 2020

All those willing to be made perfect, loyal and obedient to God,

faithfully performing their function— all of them can be made perfect.

I don’t want to forsake or cast out any of those among you.

But if you don’t strive to do well, you’ll only ruin yourself.

It’s you, not Me, that weed you out.

God’s wish is for every person to be gained by Him in the end,

to be totally cleansed by Him.

God wishes to make all perfect and become people that He loves,

and become people that He loves.

It’s a fact when I say you’re backward

or when I say you’re of poor caliber.

Doesn’t mean I intend to forsake you

or lose hope, unwilling to save you.

Today I have come to continue My salvation work for you.

Everyone has the chance to be made perfect.

Just be willing and pursue,

it will work in the end; none will be forsaken.

God’s wish is for every person to be gained by Him in the end,

to be totally cleansed by Him.

God wishes to make all perfect and become people that He loves,

and become people that He loves.

I want everyone to catch up, have Holy Spirit’s work and light,

to obey until the very end, for this is duty you all should do.

When duties all done, you’ll find yourself perfected,

you’ll have great testimony.

Defeating Satan and gaining God’s promise,

you will be those who remain to live in a destination so good.

God’s wish is for every person to be gained by Him in the end,

to be totally cleansed by Him.

God wishes to make all perfect and become people that He loves,

and become people that He loves.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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