English Christian Song | "God Wishes to Save Man to the Greatest Extent Possible"

June 30, 2024


While God's work of salvation is being done,

every single person who can be saved will be saved as far as possible,

and none of them discarded,

for the purpose of God's work is to save man, is to save man,

for the purpose of God's work is to save man.

All those who are unable to achieve a change in their disposition

during the time of God's salvation, God's salvation of man—

as well as all those who are unable to submit to God completely—

will become objects for punishment, objects for punishment.

This stage of work—the work of words—

will unlock for people all of the ways and mysteries

that they do not understand,

so that they can understand God's intentions and His requirements of them,

and so that they can have the prerequisites to put God's words into practice

and achieve changes in their disposition.


God uses only words to do His work

and does not punish people for being a little rebellious;

this is because now is the time of the work of salvation.

If anyone who acts rebelliously were punished,

then no one would have the opportunity to be saved;

everyone would be punished and fall into Hades.

The purpose of words that judge man is to allow them to know themselves

and submit to God, submit to God;

it's not to punish them with such judgment.

Each person who has accepted being conquered by God's words

will have ample opportunity for salvation;

God's salvation of each of these people will show His utmost leniency.

In other words, they will be shown the utmost tolerance.


As long as people turn back from the wrong path,

and as long as they can repent,

God will give them opportunities to obtain His salvation.

When humans first rebel against God,

He has no desire to put them to death;

rather, He does all He can to save them.

If someone really has no room for salvation,

then God will cast them aside, will cast them aside.

The reason God is slow to punish certain people

is that He wishes to save everyone who can be saved,

everyone who can be saved.

He judges, enlightens, and guides people only with words,

and does not use a rod to put them to death.

Employing words to bring humans salvation

is the purpose and significance of the final stage of work.

He judges, enlightens, and guides people only with words,

and does not use a rod to put them to death.

Employing words to bring humans salvation

is the purpose and significance of the final stage of work.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. You Should Put Aside the Blessings of Status and Understand God's Will to Bring Salvation to Man

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