English Christian Song | "God Would Never Change the Things He Has Ordained"

December 25, 2024


God has a method in everything He does. God ordains when a person will be born, when they will die, and how many missions they'll have in this life. God has ordained your lifespan. He will not end your lifespan early because of your poor performance in this life, nor will He extend your life several years due to good performance in this life. This is what is called having a method. Everyone has a mission, everyone has a role, everyone's life and death have been predestined long ago; God would never upset this.


God Himself would never upset nor change the things that He has ordained or planned. This is a fact; furthermore, from this matter, we see God's power and wisdom. God has already fully planned the genesis, advent, lifespan, outcome of all the created beings, as well as their life's mission and the role they play in mankind. No one can change these things; this is the authority of the Creator.


The blessings and misfortunes of a person's life, and when a person will die—these things are predestined by God. No one can change them. You can seek the truth and pray to God for life entry and a change in your life disposition. If your sincerity can move God, you will be able to obtain the Holy Spirit's work. This is what God is willing to do. But you should be reasonable. You cannot ask God for longevity or immortality, because your lifespan is ordained by God. It cannot be changed by people, and no amount of asking will make a difference. As long as it's ordained by God, He will not change it.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Part Three

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