2022 Christian Testimony Video Based on a True Story | "What Is a Good Person?"

January 7, 2022

In hard times, sincerely rely on God and you will find that God’s hand has never left you. Would you like to learn God’s words and rely on God?

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The protagonist has always believed "Repay a drop of kindness with a fountain of reward" is the principle for how to behave and thinks doing this makes a person good. She discovers that Sister Qin has problems in her duties, but because Sister Qin always takes care of her in daily life, she doesn't say anything or expose Sister Qin, and covers up and conceals for Sister Qin when their leader comes to investigate. Finally, because Sister Qin doesn't pursue the truth and follows her own ideas in her duties, she is dismissed. At this time, the protagonist begins to reflect on what it means to be a good person. What principles of conduct does she come to understand in God's word?

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