Does the Lord Really Return on a Cloud?
We’re seeing one disaster after another, and pandemics are sweeping the globe. Believers have been urgently waiting for the Lord to return on a cloud …
We’re seeing one disaster after another, and pandemics are sweeping the globe. Believers have been urgently waiting for the Lord to return on a cloud …
All believers in the Lord are eagerly looking forward to His return. Today, we’re going to fellowship a bit on the Lord Jesus’ prophecies and discuss …
We’ve already chatted a few times about God’s judgment work in the last days. Today we’d like to take a look at who performs this judgment work. All b…
Today I’d like to talk about how to discern false Christs from the true Christ. Some may ask what that has to do with our faith in God. Quite a lot. D…
Today, the subject of our fellowship is “Recognizing How the Three Stages of Work Are Done by One God.” This topic is important, and directly related …
We all know that 2,000 years ago, the Lord Jesus appeared and worked in Judea to redeem mankind, and preached “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is …
2,000 years ago, after the Lord Jesus was crucified and completed His redemption work, He promised He’d return. Since then, all believers have been lo…
2,000 years ago, our Savior the Lord Jesus came to do the work of redemption and was madly condemned by the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees of t…
The Savior Almighty God has appeared and is working in the last days, and He’s expressed millions of words. He’s doing the work of judgment beginning …
People have realized that the great disasters are upon us and those expecting the Lord to come on a cloud have been waiting with bated breath. After…
Right now, all believers are longing for the Lord Jesus to come on a cloud, because disasters are becoming more serious and plagues of all kinds are…
It has been 30 whole years since Christ of the last days, Almighty God, appeared and began working and expressing truths in 1991. He has expressed T…
A pandemic spreads relentlessly, and earthquakes, floods, insect swarms, famines have begun to occur. Many people are in a state of constant anxiety…
In the last days, the Savior Almighty God has already come to earth, expressing truths, appearing and working to fully save mankind. Since the book …
We all know that two thousand years ago, God came incarnate to the world of man as the Lord Jesus to redeem humankind, and preached, “Repent: fo…
Today, the epidemic is spreading around the world, and disasters are growing worse. We have seen earthquakes, famines, and wars, and all believers e…
Since Almighty God, the Savior, expressed truths for His judgment work of the last days, many people have sought and investigated the true way, and …
At the mention of destiny, most people equate having money and status, and being successful with a good destiny, and think the poor, the obscure, th…