A Guidebook for Faith

115 articles

What Comes With Pursuing Fame and Gain?

By Su Wen, China When I was little, my family was often looked down upon because I didn’t have many siblings. At that time, my parents would often sa…

A Teacher’s Choice

By Mo Wen, China As the sun set in the west, at the time of dusk, the door of a small farmhouse was open, with a white cloth tied to the doorknob, an…

Farewell to the Days of Chasing Money

By Zheng Yi, China I was born into a poor family, where my guileless and hardworking parents supported our family through farming. As a child, I saw …

Does Money Really Bring Happiness?

By Michael, New Zealand When I was eight years old, my family experienced an unforeseen incident. From then on, my mother and I were dependent on eac…

I Found a Truly Happy Life

By Elizabeth, Russia I was brought up in an ordinary rural family. Although we were by no means well-off, I was still very happy. My mother had a che…

My High Expectations Harmed My Son

By Xiaoxiu, China When I was young, there were five siblings in the house, and I was the eldest. My father worked away from home for many years, and …

High-Pressure Education Harmed My Daughter

By Niuniu, China My parents got divorced when I was quite young. My older sister and I lived with my dad, and our life was really tough. Our family w…

How to Treat Parental Kindness

By Jian Xi, China When I was young, I had a weak constitution and often fell ill. Sometimes, my parents would rush me to the clinic in the middle of …

A Government Official’s Choice

By Xin Zheng, China My dad broke the law and he was arrested before I was born. That kind of thing was really shameful in the Chinese countryside in t…

What Should We Pursue in Life?

By Song Zihan, China My health wasn’t great as a child and much of our family’s money generally went to my healthcare, so my dad didn’t really like me…

My Choice for My Remaining Years

By Xiao Yong, China As a child, my family was quite poor and we would often be bullied by other villagers. I would always feel awful when I saw my mo…

How I Let Go of a Secure Job

By Lizhi, Japan I was born in a poor and backward rural family. Even as a child, my father demanded that I study hard, so that in the future, I could…

I’m So Worn Out by Life—What Can I Do?

Dear Li Rui, How are you doing? I remember something I asked you about before—society feels so competitive these days and life feels so exhausting,…

The Awakening of a Money Slave

By Xingwu, China When I was young, my family was poor, and my parents couldn’t afford my tuition, so I made and sold fences to pay for school. One tim…

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