Evidential Briefing: Chinese Authorities’ Persecution of Christians with The Church of Almighty God

August 3, 2018


General Introduction

The Origin and Development of The Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God (CAG) is a Christian Church founded in China in 1991. The Church came into being due to the appearance of Almighty God—the second coming of the Lord Jesus—and the truths He expressed in The Word Appears in the Flesh, fulfilling the prophecy of the Lord Jesus, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). Accordingly, the Church is referred to by various Christian denominations as “Eastern Lightning.” The name “Almighty God” fulfills the prophecy in the Book of Revelation, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, said the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).

Christian doctrine originates from the Bible. The doctrine of The Church of Almighty God originates from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, as well as The Word Appears in the Flesh expressed by Almighty God—the second coming of Lord Jesus. The Word Appears in the Flesh fulfills the prophecies of “the scroll opened by the lamb” (Revelation 5:1-5) and “what the Spirit said to the churches” (Revelation 2:7, 11; 3:6).

The missionary purpose of The Church of Almighty God is making people see that Almighty God is the second coming of Lord Jesus, who has already begun the work of “judgment must begin at the house of God” (1 peter 4:17) as prophesied in the Bible, so that all Protestants and Catholics who truly believe in God and love the truth can accept His words and work, and thus be taken up into heaven. This is also why The Church of Almighty God has been slandered and condemned by many religious leaders.

The Church of Almighty God officially commenced preaching the gospel to Christians of all denominations and sects in Mainland China in 1995. As of 2005, more than a million people from Christian house churches and underground Catholic churches have converted to Almighty God, including those from the Shouters sect (also known as the Local Church in the West), Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Born-Again Movement, the Sola Fide Movement, and the Great Praise sect, as well as some former non-believers. As of now, there are around 3.5 million The Church of Almighty God Christians in Mainland China.

Persecution Time Line

Since the CAG was founded in 1991, members of the Church have been arrested, imprisoned and tortured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police for attending church meetings and preaching the gospel. The CCP has offered a reward for information leading to the capture of the CAG’s top-ranking executive leader, who is wanted for organizing church activities such as arranging meetings.

In 1995, the CCP released a document condemning Christian house churches such as the CAG, the Shouters, and the All Ranges Church as Xie Jiao,1 and then cruelly suppressed the CAG under the guise of “cracking down on Xie Jiao.”

In 1998, an internal document of the CCP Ministry of Public Security requested all areas to deploy secret forces to investigate the CAG.

In 1999, the CCP Ministry of Public Security issued another document, claiming that the CAG had continued to expand and demanding further strengthening of the investigation into the CAG.

In April 2000, the CCP Ministry of Public Security set out a list of Xie Jiao in notice No. 39, demanding the suppression and banning of 14 religious organizations including the CAG. Christian house churches comprised more than half of the list.

In August 2000, the CCP Ministry of Public Security held a secret meeting, during which it claimed that the CAG was growing at an alarming rate and set up “The Church of Almighty God Project.” Codenamed “Project 807,” the project provided a unified command within national borders to carry out special investigations and suppression against the CAG. Jia Chunwang, the Minister of Public Security at the time, said during the work meeting to “take them out without making a sound.” This document was released in 2002 by Freedom House, which also simultaneously released an additional 5 documents related to the suppression of the CAG.1

Since 2000, the CCP has conducted many secret meetings and launched special projects and operations in various provinces, cities and districts across the country to capture The Church of Almighty God Christians. For example: The Ministry of Public Security’s “Thunder No. 3” project in 2005; Guangdong’s “Thunder No. 3 0808” operation between 2008 and 2009; Shanxi’s “7·17” operation in 2009; Henan’s “Thunder No. 3 BDS301” project in 2011 (“Operation Windstorm”), which captured 14 leaders and many brothers and sisters of the CAG. Meeting materials revealed that the operation was preceded by 8 months of secret surveillance, analyses of more than 500 phone records, and more than 100 instances of tracking church members.

In late 2012, the CCP accused the CAG Christians of “propagating the end of the world,” and publicly arrested a large number of church members. Based on incomplete statistics, in the two short years between 2011 and 2013, at least 380,380 CAG Christians were arrested, detained, or sentenced to prison terms merely for participating in religious activities, 35,330 church members had their homes raided, at least 1 billion RMB was forcibly confiscated, 43,640 church members were subjected to various kinds of torture via kangaroo courts, and 17 people were persecuted to death.

In early 2014, the CCP further increased its suppression and persecution of the CAG. Internal CCP documents reveal that, as of May 2014, authorities in Guangdong province had arrested 990 CAG Christians and confiscated at least 2.5 million RMB in church assets within the span of 1 year and 4 months.

On June 16, 2014, using the Zhaoyuan McDonald’s murder as the reason, the CCP launched the “Hundred Days Battle” operation to openly suppress the CAG, offering rewards of 10 million RMB for information leading to the arrest of the CAG Christians.2 Concrete arrest numbers could not be tabulated due to the severity of the persecution. Despite some media accounts, the gap between reported arrests and the actual number of people arrested is significant. At least 500,000 Christians are estimated to have been forced to flee their homes, with a portion escaping overseas.

In 2017, the CCP increased its persecution of the CAG. At the start of the year, the CCP commenced a “Door-knocking Operation,”3 conducting a dragnet search for the CAG Christians, establishing a database, and making group arrests. According to the church statistics, at least 583 Christians were arrested in Zhejiang province from July 2 to July 10, 2017. As of early October of the same year, the number of people arrested had increased to 638. The majority of those arrested remain in detention. Precise details cannot be obtained as family visitations are prohibited.

As of January 2018, 38,457 CAG Christians have published their personal cases of arrest and persecution under aliases on the official CAG website.4 These cases are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the total number of the CAG Christians who have suffered persecution.

Here are some cases concerning the persecution of CAG, including 15 Cases of Death by Persecution, 5 Cases of Torture Resulting in Disability and 8 Cases of Imprisonment.

15 Cases of Death by Persecution:

Case 1:

Mr. Xie Yongjiang, 43 years old at that time, was from Wugou Town, Suixi County in Anhui Province’s Huaibei City. He was a member of the Local Church, and later on joined The Church of Almighty God in 1991. On April 30, 1997, after finishing the Church affairs, he and his son-in-law Mr. Gao (24 years old at the time) and Gao’s father (54 years old at the time) were stopped by some police officers of Wugou Town Police Station, near Wugou Town. The officers recognized Xie Yongjiang from his two previous arrests due to his faith; they forcefully arrested the three on suspicion of unlawful preaching and took them to the Wugou Town Police Station. Xie’s son-in-law said, they were tortured in custody. On May 2, Xie Yongjiang’s family was notified that he had been dead at the police station at 2 a.m. that same morning. His family’s request to view his remains was denied. On May 10, the day Xie Yongjiang’s remains were cremated, his family was able to view his remains at the Suixi County Baishan Crematorium. His entire body was covered with wounds, and a welt, like a full circle, was around his neck. He was obviously tortured to death.

Case 2

Mr. Zhang Zhaoqi, from Qin County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, joined The Church of Almighty God in 2001. Just after 9 o’clock in the evening on September 8, 2005, Zhang Zhaoqi was forcibly captured by police officers whilst meeting at a Christian’s house in Jiaokou Town, Qinyuan County and later was escorted in handcuffs to Qinyuan County Detention Center. On the evening of September 9, during the interrogation, Zhang was tortured and beaten to death with a wooden stick, at 50 years of age by Director Hao Mingzhu of Qinyuan County Detention Center. The fourth day after Zhang’s death, the police notified Zhang’s family of his death, but made no mention of the cause of his death or the location of the body, etc. They just used 19,000 RMB to seal the matter with the deceased’s family. Zhang Zhaoqi’s relatives have never seen Zhang’s body. Several months later, murderer Hao Mingzhu was transferred from Qin County Detention Center to the National Security Brigade.

Case 3:

Mr. Wang Mingchi, was a native of Shen County in Liaocheng City in Shandong Province. He became a member of The Church of Almighty God in May 2002. One day in May 2006, while on his way to deliver Christian books for The Church of Almighty God in Yanggu County in the city of Liaocheng, he was captured by several police officers of National Security Brigade from Yangu County. He was sent to that County’s Public Security Bureau and interrogated and tortured for a confession. One after another, the police officers viciously slapped his ears and beat him up. For many days, they used all sorts of instruments of torture to torment Wang. During this time, Wang lost consciousness many times. The Yanggu County police charged Wang with the “crime of disrupting social order and scalping books” and sentenced him to 3 years of reeducation through labor. They sent him to a labor camp in Zibo City located in Shandong Province. His body was bruised and battered and his body was already extremely weak, yet he was forced to do heavy labor. Before long, he was bedridden with illness. His body weight fell from 90 kg to less than 50 kg. When the police saw that Wang was dying, they released him early on December 17, 2006, because they did not want to be blamed for his death. On the night of December 24, 2006, Wang unfortunately passed away due to his grave condition. At the time, he was 45 years old.

Case 4:

Ms. Zhang Huanfu, was from Zhuyang Town, Jiangjin District, Chongqing City, and originally a co-worker of a faction. She joined The Church of Almighty God in May 2000. On August 18, 2008, Zhang Huanfu hosted a Christian gathering because of her faith and was thus captured by Chongqing Municipality Yongchuan District Public Security Bureau and sentenced to re-education through labor; she served her sentence at Shimahe Women’s Re-education Through Labor Camp, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City. The first time her husband Mr. Cao went to visit her, he saw that Zhang had been beaten so much that her nose was bruised and her face swollen and deformed. During her prison term, Zhang Huanfu was forced to work 15 hours each day of overloaded labor and was often punished physically, not allowed to go to the toilet, having to urinate or defecate in her trousers and not allowed to eat. Sometimes Zhang fainted as she was so hungry, but the team leader said she was feigning madness and acting like an idiot, punched and kicked her and even the prisoners who helped Zhang suffered physical punishment. Zhang Huanfu was physically and mentally tortured and she committed suicide in prison one day in April 2009 at the age of 50 years old.

Case 5:

Ms. Shen Xiurong, 42 years of age, from Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, joined The Church of Almighty God in 1998. She was a church leader. At noon on March 6, 2008, three police officers from Pingyuan County Public Security Bureau National Security Brigade, Dezhou City came to Shen’s home and captured her without showing any credentials and took her to Pingyuan County Public Security Bureau National Security Brigade for interrogation. The police forced her to disclose the situation of other Christians. When she refused, the police threatened to detain her. At around 4 o’clock in the afternoon that day, Shen’s husband learned that Shen had fallen to her death from a Public Security Bureau building. The police said that Shen had committed suicide by jumping from a building. The suspicious part is that Shen fell from the toilet’s window on the third floor with her head facing downward and crashed into a trash container. The circumstance of her death could not have been suicide. Shen’s true cause of death cannot be known. On March 10, Shen’s remains were cremated. The Public Security Bureau of Pingyuan County paid Shen’s family 220,000 RMB in compensation to keep this incident private and threatened them not to investigate this matter further.

Case 6:

Mr. Yu Futing, was a native of Longhe Township, Changshou District, Chongqing City. He joined The Church of Almighty God in 2005. On September 10, 2009, when gathering at a Christian’s home, Yu was caught and taken to Changshou District Duzhou Police Station for interrogation by Chief Zhang Biao of the Hexing Police Station in Liangping County, policemen of the Changshou District Duzhou Police Station and village cadres, totaling more than 10 people. The police beat him with an electric baton during the interrogation. Later, the court sentenced him to a year of labor re-education on charge of “participating in a Xie jiao organization and disrupting social order.” According to Yu when he was still alive, he was mistreated and tortured by police at the labor re-education camp because of his belief in Almighty God. In winter, the prison guards instigated other prisoners to pour cold water on his head and blew cold air at him with a fan. He became ill afterward. His illness worsened day by day due to the long-term heavy manual labor, and prison guards still continued to beat and abuse him. On April 24, 2010, only when Yu was persecuted so badly that he could no longer walk or work did the police let Yu’s family pick him up. When he was released, Yu’s entire body was swollen, especially his head, and his abdomen was also swollen with hard lumps. Yu was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer after returning home. He died on October 5, 2010 despite treatment.

Case 7:

Ms. Wang Fengtian, from Zuoshan Town, Changyi City, Weifang, Shandong Province, was a Christian from The Church of Almighty God. At around 7 p.m. on January 16, 2009, Wang was caught at home by police from Zuoshan Street Police Station and taken to the local police station. She was later taken to Weifang City Detention Center and locked up. During this time, the police forced her to reveal where the Church’s money was kept as well as whereabouts of other Christians, but were refused. Wang was interrogated four times. When Wang was being interrogated, Christian Hai’ou who was also detained there had heard her cry. She also saw extremely heavy shackles put on Wang so that she was not able to stand up and could not straighten her back to walk. After one month, the police could not get any evidence for her conviction and then escorted three people including Wang to a hotel to set up a clandestine tribunal and extract confession through torture. According to Hai’ou, during her forced confessions, she heard the roar of the police coming from the next room and the sound of smashing and Wang’s screams. She also heard the police say that Wang was already beaten black-and-blue for refusing to confess. Half a month of forced confession later (the beginning of March), Wang was tortured to death by the police at the age of 39. Because Wang was beaten beyond recognition, too horribly to look at, the police gave her make-ups before informing her family of her death. When Wang’s younger sister went to identify the body, she saw bruises all over her sister’s back. It was obvious that she had been subject to inhuman torture and abuse before she died!

Case 8:

Ms. Ma Suoping, 40 years of age at that time, was a native of Xiangning County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province. In 1999, she joined The Church of Almighty God. Before she was murdered, she was one of the main leaders of The Church of Almighty God in mainland China. According to inside sources, the police had known for a long time that Ma Suoping was one of the main leaders in The Church of Almighty God and even designated her as a “state leader level person.” She was already wanted online by the Ministry of Public Security in July 2008. The Public Security Bureau in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province had already attempted to capture Ma Suoping many times but had been unsuccessful. In the afternoon of July 17, 2009, Ma was arrested by the police in a Christian’s house, located in Luan County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. And then she was taken to Tangshan Military Hostel for secret interrogation. On July 22, Ma Suoping was persecuted to death by the CCP police. On July 24, the police notified Ma Suoping’s family that Ma Suoping had already died. Ma Suoping’s husband discovered that her body had bruises and scars which were caused by beating. However, the police denied that they attacked her. They claimed that Ma Suoping was captured alone on July 21 and died suddenly of a heart attack at 6 p.m. on July 22. They said that the scars and bruises on her body appeared after she died. Ma Suoping’s husband is certain that his wife has been healthy all along and that she never had any problems with her heart.

Case 9:

Mr. Ye Aizhong, 42 years of age at that time, was a native of Shuyang County, in Suqian City located in Jiangsu Province. He became a member of The Church of Almighty God in 1999. In the morning of March 26, 2012, Ye Aizhong and another Christian were going to the Computer City in Shuyang County to repair their MP5 players and they were arrested by two Shuyang County plainclothes police officers. In the evening of March 27, the police took them to the Criminal Division of Shuyang County Public Security Bureau for interrogation. During this time, Ye was tortured with an electric chair and electric batons. On March 30, the Criminal Division of Shuyang County police notified Ye’s family that he had been dead on March 29 when they “drew blood from him for a health test.” Ye’s family doubted the information that the police gave them. Afterward, to conclude the case, the police asked Ye’s family to sign a compensation agreement. They even threatened them, saying that they had to sign the paper otherwise they would not be allowed to see Ye’s remains. After Ye’s family were forced to sign, on April 5, they were allowed to see Ye’s remains. According to the descriptions of Ye’s family members, Ye’s body deformed because of the beatings he endured. Wounds covered his body from head to toe. There wasn’t an area on his body that was not damaged.

Case 10:

Ms. He Chengrong, 44 years of age at that time, was a native of Aksu City in Xinjiang. She was a member of the Spirit Sect before converting to The Church of Almighty God near the end of 2004. On December 21, 2012, at around 1 p.m., the police of National Security Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Aksu City was able to track her location by her phone and arrested her. At noon of January 9, 2013, police officers of National Security Brigade notified her family that on the night of January 8, He Chengrong died due to a heart attack at the Nongyishi People’s Hospital in Aksu City. He Chengrong’s family claimed that she did not have heart disease nor myocardial infarction. On January 10, at around 4 p.m., He Chengrong’s family were able to see her remains. Her entire body was swollen and her skin was in an abnormal color. Bruises were evident behind her ears, on her neck and on her arms. According to an insider, when He Chengrong was taken into custody, the police tortured her. They ferociously slapped her across the face, force-fed her with hot pepper-laced water and food through a leather tube, and did not let her sleep or use the washroom day and night. On that evening, before He Chengrong passed away, she was groaning very loudly all night and it sounded like she was in extreme pain. On February 5, the Aksu City police forcibly cremated He Chengrong’s remains.

Case 11:

Ms. Zhang Hongtao, 55 years of age at the time, was a native of Tianshui City, Gansu Province, and originally a member of the Wonderful Words of Life sect. She joined The Church of Almighty God in 2002. On December 6, 2012, Zhang Hongtao was captured by the police whilst preaching the gospel in Xiaochuan Town, Cheng County, Longnan City, and was taken into custody at Xiaochuan Town Police Station. The next day, the police informed Zhang Hongtao’s family that they’d go to Cheng County Public Security Bureau to identify the body and told them that Zhang had died of cerebral hemorrhage. Zhang’s family saw that Zhang’s whole face was covered in bruises, unrecognizable and that there was an egg-sized lump on her head, with many bruises on her face, neck, shoulders, back and legs. They suspected that she had been beaten to death by the police and so they went to departments including the Public Security Bureau, the Provincial Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Department and the County government to figure out the cause of death. Several departments shirked responsibility and passed responsibility to each other, prevented Zhang’s family from investigating the cause of death stating it was on the grounds that “Zhang Hongtao believing in Almighty God and preaching the gospel were unlawful acts” and prevented and closed the case on the condition of “one-time compensation of 100,000 RMB, with the body dealt with by the government.” Zhang’s family saw that there was no way to file a suit against them and eventually signed acceptance.

Case 12:

Mr. Zhang Mengling was a native of Zhoukou City, Henan Province. He started believing in the Lord in 1993, and joined The Church of Almighty God in 1999. In 2013, Zhang preached the gospel in Huaying City, Sichuan Province. On the night of April 2, he was caught by the police of the Huaying City Public Security Bureau. On April 3, he was escorted to Wusheng County Forced Study Base. He was subjected to torture during detention: slapped on the face, asymmetrically handcuffed on the back, chain-locked on the feet, seated on the tiger bench for over half a month, and deprived of sleep. On June 14, Zhang was escorted to the Huaying City Detention Center where he was forced to work in hunger and often starved to dizziness. He was unable to get up under severe conditions. After falling unconscious for four hours on one occasion, he developed persistent hypertension. On November 18, Zhang was sentenced to three years in prison. During that time, he was still being forced to perform heavy labor. Zhang’s health was extremely weak, and his blood pressure rose perilously. On May 9, 2016, Zhang was released upon completion of his sentence. His blood pressure was so high that he couldn’t walk. He felt dizzy and threw up three times on the way home. On September 22, 2016, Zhang Mengling’s uncontrollable high blood pressure led to cerebral vascular rupture. He was rushed to the emergency room. He died on October 5, at age 53.

Case 13:

Ms. Gao Cuiqin, 53 years of age at that time, was a native of the town of Suo, located in Huantai County, Zibo City in Shandong Province. She joined The Church of Almighty God in 2003. Early morning on July 15, 2014, Gao was arrested for her belief in Almighty God by six plainclothes police officers, led by Gong Yuebing, deputy captain of National Security Brigade of Shandong Huantai County Public Security Bureau. She was then transferred to the Huantai County Detention Center for interrogation. On July 16, Gao was tortured to death. On July 17, Gao’s family were notified of her death. When Gao’s family were taking care of her remains, they saw that there were a number of red marks on her back, her face was blue, and her armpits had turned black. Gao’s family demanded to see video recordings of her interrogation, but the police refused. To conceal her true cause of death, the police claimed, “Gao had a pre-existing heart condition, which led her to death from sudden cardiac arrest.” But her family said she had no such medical history. An insider of Public Security Bureau analyzed the conditions of her death and concluded that Gao’s death was caused by a high voltage electric baton. Huantai County Public Security Bureau later provided Gao’s family with 660,000 RMB for a settlement.

Case 14:

Ms. Jiang Guizhi, 46 years of age at that time, was a native of Ping’yu County in Zhumadian City located in Henan Province. In November 2002, she became a member of The Church of Almighty God. Before she was killed, she was a leader in The Church of Almighty God. On January 4, 2013, Jiang Guizhi was arrested while at a Christian’s house by 8 policemen of National Security Brigade, led by the Captain Yu Hongchao. Afterward, she was brought to the Xiyuan Hotel in Xinmi City for secret interrogation. On January 25, 2013, Jiang was transferred to Zhengzhou City’s No. 2 Detention Center. During her detainment, Jiang’s reflexes gradually became slower. She would not eat or talk and she suffered from incontinence. After 18 days (on February 12), she died. Inside sources say that Jiang told them that the police tortured and raped her during the interrogation. They stuffed things into her vagina during this time. The second day after Jiang died, the police contacted Jiang’s family members and told them that she died suddenly from a heart attack. Jiang’s family claimed that she never had a history of heart problems. When the family asked the police for the reason of her arrest, Police Officer Bai Shuangfeng of the Xinmi City Public Security Bureau said that it was because she was a leader of The Church of Almighty God. They had “no comment” for everything else.

Case 15:

Ms. Liu Jinhua, born in 1987, 28 years of age at that time, was from Hengdong County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province. She joined The Church of Almighty God in September 2012. In August 2014, when Liu Jinhua printed materials concerning religious belief in a rented house in Chengguan Town, Hengdong County, she was discovered and reported by the landlord. At 5 a.m. on February 2, 2015, police officers from Chengguan Town Police Station in Hengdong County lay in wait around the rental house and at around 6 a.m. they took advantage of Liu’s unpreparedness and beat her to death. At about 8 a.m. Liu was found dead in the yard of the rented house. At noon that day, Liu’s family was told that Liu had committed suicide by jumping over the building. Her family went to Hengdong County funeral parlor and saw an egg-sized hole on top of Liu Jinhua’s head and the scalp was gone; there was a depression in her bone which had clearly been caused by a heavy blow from a hammer-like blunt object. Her family asked the police for an explanation and the police officer He Jianheng from Chengguan Town Police Station, seeing the matter had been exposed, threatened Liu’s family with the issue of Liu believing in Almighty God and said that the State did not permit belief in Almighty God and that those who believed in Almighty God had to be captured. He also said that Liu had been monitored for a long time and that at 5 a.m. they had surrounded the rented house and made the capture.

5 Cases of Torture Resulting in Disability

Case 1:

Mr. Ye Jianjun, living in Longkou Economic Development Zone, Longkou City, Shandong Province, worked in a glass factory of Longkou City. In 1987, Ye believed in the Lord and was originally a believer of the Sola Fide Movement. He joined The Church of Almighty God in 1998. Ye Jianjun is honest, well-behaved, served enthusiastically, and enjoyed spreading the gospel. One day in May 1999, Ye returned home having been out preaching the gospel for more than ten days and was suddenly as skinny as a bag of bones and absent-minded in spirit. His wife asked why and found out that Ye had been caught by the police whilst preaching the gospel and had been brutally tortured. Ye Jianjun said that the police tied him to an iron chair and violently slapped him around the ears until he was deafened. During the period of interrogation by torture, the police did not give him food or drink for five days. At that time, Ye’s wife hurried to cook for him. During the dinner, Ye suddenly threw his bowl on the floor, and stood up to beat her wife. Ye’s wife found that Ye was mentally disordered. Ye’s family sent him to Huangshan Psychiatric Hospital of Long kou City in Shandong Province, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Since Ye was persecuted and became mentally disordered, he was always discriminated and ignored by the world. In February 2012, Ye Jianjun died with his name uncleared, at 63 years old.

Case 2:

Mr. Bai Rongguang (alias) is 47 years old this year. In December 2012, he was arrested by the police in Xinxiang City, Henan Province, for believing in Almighty God and preaching the gospel. In July 2013, Bai was sentenced to four years in prison on the charge of “using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement.” During incarceration, the prison guards repeatedly forced Bai to undergo “forced conversion” (inculcating the theory of atheism in order to make him deny and betray God), and forced him to sign “the three statements” (a confession, a repentance, and a declaration of breaking off ties), which were all refused by him. The prison guards repeatedly instigated prisoners to beat Bai, and had once locked him on a torture rack for three days and three nights, beating him with leather soles and forbidding him to eat, sleep, urinate and defecate. In March and April 2014, Bai was unable to eat due to emotional stress. After seven days, he passed out from exhaustion. The prison guards brutally force-fed him from the nose by using a stomach tube. Afterward, they continued to force him to do labor. The prison guards sprayed pepper water in Bai’s eyes, wantonly beat and tortured him until he fell unconscious. They only notified his family when his body began to emit putrid odor. Under the intense demands of his family, the police agreed to send him to the hospital. When Bai regained consciousness three days later, he began to talk deliriously. A week later, before Bai had recovered, he was taken back to prison. Since then, Bai was exhibiting mental disorders with sporadic outbursts of crying and laughing. His eyes were blank and his behavior was abnormal. But the prison guards insisted that Bai was pretending and sent him to the strict management team where he was repeatedly tortured. When his wife visited him in prison, he had been tortured into psychosis. His body was covered with wounds, and there were large blisters on the back of his left hand. Her application to the prison for compassionate release was denied…. In December 2016, Bai completed his sentence and was released from prison. On the fifth day after his release, he was sent to the psychiatric hospital for treatment. To date, he has not been able to take care of his own living.

Case 3:

Mr. Zeng Yu (alias) is now 29 years old. In December 2012, he was arrested by the CCP police in Henan Province for believing in Almighty God and spreading the gospel. While detained, the police repeatedly suspended him from handcuffs, viciously beat him, forced him to perform backbreaking manual labor, and instructed other prisoners to beat and torment him. In July 2013, the court sentenced him to three years in prison on the charge of “using a Xie Jiao organization to disturb and undermine national order.” While serving their sentences, the CCP attempted multiple times to brainwash Christians from The Church of Almighty God, forcing them to sign the “three statements” (a confession, a repentance, and a declaration of breaking off ties), as well as write monthly “thought reports.” Early 2015, Zeng Yu wrote in his thought report, “All positive things come from God, and all negative things come from Satan.” When the guards read this, they frenziedly beat him on the head and back with high-voltage electric batons until he was trembling and going numb from head to toe, started to experience delirium, and collapsed to the ground. After that the guards arranged for two other prisoners to keep watch over Zeng Yu around the clock. Then in 2015 he was shut up in a tiny 42 meter room for a month, after which he started to experience hallucinations and trance-like states. When his sentence was up and he was released, Zeng Yu suffered from amnesia. He was plagued by thoughts of dying, would stare blankly, would not eat or drink, and behaved abnormally. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia by a doctor. Zeng Yu’s condition saw some improvement through treatment, but he requires daily medication, and he is never free from monitoring and control by the CCP police.

Case 4:

Mr. Liang Geng (alias) is 48 years old this year. In December 2012, while preaching the kingdom gospel of Almighty God in Xinjiang, he was beaten unconscious and arrested by the police of the National Security Brigade. During interrogation, the police repeatedly beat Liang for extended periods of time. His internal organs were injured from kicking. He fainted and discharged blood in his urine for several days. In September 2013, the CCP sentenced Liang to prison for three years on the charge of “using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement.” During incarceration, in order to force Liang to renounce his faith, the prison put him under strict supervision for several months, forcing him to sit on a bench with nail grooves for more than 20 hours every day. Whenever he made the slightest move, he was viciously beaten, resulting in skin ulceration on his hip that adhered to clothing, and severe coccyx nerve damage. To date, Liang still experiences numbness over his entire body after sitting for more than 10 minutes. In addition, the police forced Liang to take psychotropic drugs for up to six months, resulting in long-term symptoms of mind-wandering, splitting headache, severe hypertension, cerebral infarction, and syncope shock on several occasions. In 2015, Liang was tortured near death, and the CCP was forced to grant him compassionate release, and placed him under the supervision of the local police station and community office for five years on regular home inspection, forbidding Liang to leave the city.

Case 5:

Ms. Xiang Chengzhong (alias) is 41 years old this year. In December 2012, she was arrested by the CCP police in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province for believing in Almighty God and preaching the gospel. She was sentenced to three years and six months in prison on the charge of “using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement.” In July 2013, she was transferred to the prison for women. To force her to give up her faith, the prison guards punished her to stand for more than 20 hours each day and put her under supervision by specially-assigned personnel to deprive her of sleep. At the slightest sign of resentment, she was punished to standing in a horse-stance, confinement, and so on. During that period, the prison guards repeatedly exploited the moments when Xiang was in a trance and forced her to write a statement of guarantee, a statement of breaking off ties, a statement of exposure and criticism, and a statement of repentance. The period lasted for several months, causing her to experience drastic weight loss, severely swollen legs, instability in standing, loss of sensation in both hands from handcuff wounds, and difficulties in eating and dressing. Even so, Xiang still refused to sign the “four statements.” In 2014, the prison guards tricked Xiang into taking some unknown medication, causing her to experience hallucination a few days later, making her unable to control her behaviors. Afterward, the prison guards forced her to watch brainwash propaganda videos. When she refused, they handcuffed and suspended her off the ground, and instigated prisoners to beat and torment her. They deprived her of sleep for several days and forced her to do intensive labor. When Xiang Chengzhong was released from prison, her body was already debilitated with slow reflexes and severe memory decline. She suffered from hallucinations from time to time, and could only engage in simple manual labor.

8 Cases of Imprisonment

Case 1: Mr. He Zhexun

Date of birth: September 18, 1963

Date and place of arrest: On March 11, 2009, in Xuchang City, Henan Province

Charges: Using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement and disturbing social order because of being an upper-level leader of The Church of Almighty God in mainland China and was responsible for the overall work of the church.

Statement of the defendant: He Zhexun refused to accept the decision and said what he believed in is not a Xie Jiao.

Court decision: In February 2010, he was sentenced to fourteen years of imprisonment.

Other information: He Zhexun was arrested alongside four other people including Xin Ge, Zou Yuxiong, Song Xinling and Gao Qinlin, who were sentenced to twelve years, eleven years, eleven years and six months and twelve years of imprisonment respectively.

Case 2: Ms. Luo Yanping

Date and place of arrest: On December 11, 2012, in Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Charges: Using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement because of printing over 30,000 copies of Selections of the Records of the Three Stages of God’s Work and Judgment Begins With the House of God, which are books of The Church of Almighty God.

Court decision: On November 21, 2013, People’s Court of Tonglu, Zhejiang sentenced Luo to ten years in prison, from December 11, 2012 to December 10, 2022, and deprived her of political rights for two years.

Source of CCP: http://bit.ly/2ExtkKx

Case 3: Ms. Ren Guixia

Date of birth: October 7, 1966

Date and place of arrest: In April 2015, in Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province.

Charges: Using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement because of distributing over 2,000 books on believing in God to the Christians when being a leader of The Church of Almighty God.

First court decision: On May 18, 2017, sentenced to nine years in prison.

Last court decision: On July 31, 2017, Intermediate People’s Court of Bozhou, Anhui upheld the decision.

Other information: On February 19, 2015, she was put under administrative detention for fifteen days for her belief in Almighty God.

Source of CCP: http://bit.ly/2stzBSX

Case 4: Mr. Fang Ronghua

Date of birth: November 1, 1969

Date and place of arrest: In November 2015, in Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province

Charges: Using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement because of arranging Christians to preach the gospel and transferring the books of the church when being a leader of The Church of Almighty God.

Court decision: On December 7, 2016, Fang was sentenced to eight years in prison by People’s Court of Dongtai, Jiangsu, from November 23, 2015 to November 22, 2023, and was deprived of political rights for two years.

Source of CCP: http://bit.ly/2EgDhso

Case 5: Ms. Li Huaxian

Date and place of arrest: On August 23, 2014, in Jinxiang County, Jining City, Shandong Province

Charges: Using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement because of preaching the gospel of Almighty God to others and keeping more than 2,000 pieces of evangelical materials at home.

Court decision: On December 12, 2014, People’s Court of Jinxiang, Shandong sentenced Li to eight years in prison, from August 23, 2014 to August 22, 2022.

Other information: On August 23, 2014, Li was put under administrative detention for fifteen days because of being found to be a Christian from The Church of Almighty God by the CCP police.

Source of CCP: https://goo.gl/y3XwGQ

Case 6: Ms. Li Mei (alias)

Date and place of arrest: On July 1, 2014, she was put under criminal detention in Wulian County, Rizhao City, Shandong Province.

Charges: Using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement because of being in charge of the gatherings of Christians and the work of preaching the gospel when being a leader of The Church of Almighty God, and keeping many books and materials of The Church of Almighty God at home.

Court decision: On December 16, 2014, People’s Court of Wulian, Shandong sentenced Li Mei to eight years in prison, from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2022.

Source of CCP: http://bit.ly/2o7EOKu

Case 7: Mr. Sun Teng

Date and place of arrest: On November 11, 2013, in Zhucheng City, Shandong Province

Charges: Using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement because of being in charge of the transfer of the books and materials in a church in Zhucheng City, and a book and an MP5 player that contained materials of The Church of Almighty God were found at home.

Court decision: On July 16, 2014, People’s Court of Zhucheng, Shandong sentenced Sun Teng to seven years in prison, from November 11, 2013 to November 10, 2020.

Other information: He was arrested alongside Sun Xihua and Zi Fang, who were sentenced to four years in prison on the same charge and had completed their prison term and been released.

Source of CCP: http://bit.ly/2H6gu4j

Case 8: Mr. Yao Maigui

Date of birth: January 10, 1937

Date and place of arrest: On August 19, 2013, in Ru’nan County, Henan Province

Charges: Using a Xie Jiao organization to undermine law enforcement because of distributing books and CDs of The Church of Almighty God to others and preaching the gospel of Almighty God and keeping 505 books, 192 CDs, and 322 pieces of evangelical materials of The Church of Almighty God at home.

Court decision: On March 12, 2014, Yao Maigui was sentenced to five years in prison by People’s Court of Ru’nan, from October 16, 2013 to October 15, 2018.

Source of CCP: http://bit.ly/2H7wh2K

Note: Personal information of victims is not revealed in order to protect them from retaliation by the CCP. Filed in March 2018.

1 中华人民共和国公安部 (通 知) 公通字 [2000] 39号 (Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China (Notice), Public Notice [2000] No. 39)


2 Report Analyzing Seven Secret Chinese Government Documents

https://web.archive.org/web/20140903140032/https://www.hudson.org/content/researchattachments/attachment/566/a nalysis_of_china_docs_1_to_7.pdf

3 the Central 610 Office, 2014. 全国“全能神”专项整治工作电视电话会议精神(The Spirit of the National “Almighty God” Special Remediation Work Teleconference)June 16,2014.


4 Office of the CCP Henan Provincial Committee,March 31,2017. 中共河南省委办公厅关于转发《省委防范和处理邪教问题领导小组2017年工作要点》的通知 (Notice on Forwarding the “Key Work Points of the Provincial Leading Groupfor Prevention and Handling of Xie jiao Issues in 2017”)


5 中国政府抓捕迫害全能神教会神选民的铁证 (Ironclad Evidence that the Chinese Government Arrests and Persecutes the Congregation of The Church of Almighty God)


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