Words on Performing a Duty (Excerpt 41)
In the house of God, all those who pursue the truth are united before God, not divided. They all work toward a common goal: fulfilling their duty, doing the work that falls to them, acting according to the truth principles, doing as God requires, and satisfying His will. If your goal is not for the sake of this, but for your own sake, for the sake of satisfying your selfish desires, then that is the revelation of a corrupt satanic disposition. In God’s house, duties are done according to the truth principles, while unbelievers’ actions are governed by their satanic dispositions. These are two very different paths. Unbelievers keep their own counsel, each with their own aims and plans, everyone living for their own interests. That is why they all scramble for their own benefit and are unwilling to give up an inch of what they gain. They are divided, not united, because they are not out for a common goal. The intention and nature behind what they do is the same. They are all out for themselves. There is no truth that reigns in that; what does reign and is in charge in that is a corrupt satanic disposition. They are controlled by their corrupt satanic disposition and cannot help themselves, and so they fall deeper and deeper into sin. In God’s house, if the principles, methods, motivation, and starting point of your actions were no different from those of the unbelievers, if you were also toyed with, controlled, and manipulated by a corrupt satanic disposition, and if the starting point of your actions were your own interests, reputation, pride, and status, then you would perform your duty no differently from the way unbelievers do things. If you pursue the truth, you should change the way that you do things. You should abandon your own interests and your personal intentions and desires. You should first fellowship together on the truth when you do things, and understand God’s will and requirements before you divide the labor among you, with an eye on who is good and bad at what. You should take on what you are able to do and hold fast to your duty. Do not struggle or snatch at things. You must learn to compromise and to be tolerant. If someone has just begun performing a duty or only just learned the skills for a field, but is not up to some tasks, you must not force them. You must assign them tasks that are slightly easier. This makes it easier for them to achieve results in performing their duty. That is what it is to be tolerant, patient, and principled. It is a part of what normal humanity ought to have; it is what God requires of people and what people should practice. If you are fairly skilled in some field and have been working in that field longer than most, then you should be assigned the more difficult work. You should accept this from God and submit. Don’t be picky and complain, saying, “Why am I being picked on? They give the easy tasks to other people and give me the hard ones. Are they trying to make life difficult for me?” “Trying to make life difficult for you”? What do you mean by that? Work arrangements are tailored to each person; those who are abler do more. If you have learned much and been given much by God, you should be given a heavier burden—not to make life difficult for you, but because it is an exact fit for you. It is your duty, so don’t try to pick and choose, or say no, or try to get out of it. Why do you think it is hard? The fact is that if you put some heart into it, you would be entirely up to the task. Your thinking that it is hard, that it is biased treatment, that you are being deliberately picked on—that is the revelation of a corrupt disposition. It is refusal to do your duty, not accepting from God. That is not practicing the truth. When you pick and choose in performing your duty, doing whatever is light and easy, only doing what makes you look good, this is a corrupt satanic disposition. That you cannot accept your duty or submit proves that you are still rebellious toward God, that you are opposing, refusing, and avoiding Him. This is a corrupt disposition. When you come to know that this is a corrupt disposition, what should you do? If you feel that the tasks given to others can be completed easily while those given to you keep you busy for a long time and require you to put effort into research, and this makes you unhappy, is it right of you to feel unhappy? Certainly not. So, what should you do when you sense that this is not right? If you are resistant and say, “Every time they mete out jobs, they give me the ones that are hard, dirty, and demanding, and give others the ones that are light, simple, and high-profile. Do they think I’m just someone they can push around? This isn’t a fair way to distribute jobs!”—if that is your thinking, it’s wrong. Irrespective of whether there are any deviations in the distribution of jobs, or whether they are distributed reasonably or not, what is it that God scrutinizes? What He scrutinizes is a person’s heart. He looks at whether someone has submission in their hearts, if they can take on some burdens for God, and if they are a lover of God. As measured by God’s requirements, your excuses are invalid, your performance of your duty is not up to standard, and you lack the truth reality. You have no submission at all, and you complain when you do a few demanding or dirty tasks. What is the problem here? First of all, your mentality is wrong. What does that mean? It means that your attitude toward your duty is wrong. If you are always thinking of your own pride and interests, and are inconsiderate of God’s will, and have no submission at all, then that is not the correct attitude you should have toward your duty. If you expended sincerely for God and had a God-loving heart, how would you treat tasks that are dirty, demanding, or hard? Your mentality would be different: You would choose to do whatever is difficult and seek out heavy burdens to shoulder. You would take up what other people are unwilling to do, and you would do it solely for the love of God and to satisfy Him. You would be filled with joy to do so, without any hint of complaints. The dirty, the demanding, and the difficult show people for who they are. How are you different from people who take on only light and high-profile tasks? You aren’t much better than they. Is that not how it is? This is how you must see these things. So then, what most reveals people for who they are is their performance of their duty. Some people say great things most of the time, claiming that they are willing to love and submit to God, but when they come across a difficulty in performing their duty, they let loose all kinds of complaints and negative words. It is obvious that they are hypocrites. If someone is a lover of the truth, then when faced with a difficulty in performing their duty, they will pray to God and seek the truth while treating their duty in earnest even if it isn’t suitably arranged. They will not complain, even if faced with heavy, dirty, or difficult tasks, and they can do their tasks well and perform their duty well with a heart of submission to God. They find great enjoyment in doing so, and God is comforted to see it. This is the kind of person that meets with God’s approval. If someone becomes prickly and irritable as soon as they encounter dirty, hard, or demanding tasks, and won’t let anyone criticize them, such a person is not someone who sincerely expends of themselves for God. They can only be revealed and eliminated. In normal cases when you have these states, are you able to perceive the seriousness of this problem? (Some of it.) If you can perceive some of it, can you turn it around on your own strength, your own faith, and your own stature? You need to turn this attitude around. You first need to think, “This attitude is wrong. Isn’t it cherry-picking in performing my duty? This isn’t submission. Performing my duty should be a happy thing, done willingly and gladly. Why am I not happy, and why am I upset? I know full well what my duty is and that it’s what I should do—why can’t I just submit? I must come before God and pray, and come to know the revelation of these corrupt dispositions deep in my heart.” Then, as you do so, you should pray: “God, I’ve gotten used to being willful—I won’t listen to anyone. My attitude is wrong, and I have no submission. Please discipline me and make me submissive. I don’t want to get upset. I don’t want to rebel against You anymore. Please move me and make me able to perform this duty well. I’m not willing to live for Satan; I’m willing to live for the truth and to practice it.” When you pray like this, the state within you will improve, and when that state improves, you will be able to submit. You’ll think, “This isn’t much, really. It’s just me doing more when others do less, not having fun when they do or chatting idly when they do. God has given me an extra burden, a heavy one; that’s His regard for me, His favor toward me, and it proves that I can bear this heavy burden. God is so good to me, and I should be submissive.” And your attitude will have changed, without your realizing it. You had a bad attitude when you first accepted your duty. You were unable to submit, but you’ve been able to turn it promptly around and promptly accept God’s scrutiny and discipline. You’ve been able to come promptly before God with an obedient attitude, one of accepting and practicing the truth, until you were able to accept your duty in its entirety from God and wholeheartedly fulfill it. There is a process of struggle in this. That process of struggle is the process of your change, the process of your accepting the truth. For people to be willing and glad and to submit to whatever comes their way without a second thought would be impossible. If people could do that, it would mean that they had no corrupt disposition, and they would have no need for God to express the truth to save them. People get ideas; they have wrong attitudes; they have wrong and negative states. These are all real problems—they exist. But when these negative and adverse states, and negative emotions, and corrupt dispositions take charge and control your behavior, your thoughts, and your attitude, what you do, how you practice, and what path you go on to choose will hinge on your attitude toward the truth. You may have emotions or be in a negative or rebellious state, but when these things appear during your performance of your duty, they will be turned readily around, because you come before God, because you understand the truth, because you seek God, and because your attitude is one of submission and acceptance of the truth. You will then be trouble-free in performing your duty well, and you will be capable of victory over the constraint and control that the corrupt satanic disposition has over you. In the end, you will be successful in fulfilling your duty, and fulfill God’s commission, and secure the truth and life. The process of performing people’s duty and gaining the truth is also that of dispositional change. It is all in the performance of their duties that people receive the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment and illumination, and understand the truth, and enter reality. It is also all when there are difficulties in the performance of their duties that they come often before God to pray, to seek, and to discern His will in order to solve them, such that they may perform their duties normally. It is all in the performance of their duties that people are disciplined by God and live under the direction of the Holy Spirit, gradually learning to do things according to the truth principles and coming to perform their duty satisfactorily. This is the truth taking charge and ruling in your heart.
For some people, no matter what issue they might encounter when performing their duties, they do not seek the truth, and they always act according to their own thoughts, notions, imaginings, and desires. They are constantly satisfying their own selfish desires, and their corrupt dispositions are always in control over their actions. They may appear to have always performed their duties, but because they have never accepted the truth, and are incapable of doing things according to the truth principles, they ultimately fail to gain the truth and life, and become laborers worthy of the name. So, what are such people relying on when performing their duties? They are relying neither on the truth nor on God. That bit of truth that they do understand has not taken up sovereignty in their hearts; they are relying on their own gifts and talents, on whatever knowledge that they have acquired as well as on their own willpower or good intentions, to perform these duties. And with this being the case, will they be able to perform their duties to an acceptable standard? When people rely on their naturalness, notions, imaginings, expertise, and learning to perform their duties, although it may appear as if they are performing their duties and not committing evil, they are not practicing the truth, and have not done anything that is satisfactory to God. There is also another problem that cannot be ignored: During the process of performing your duty, if your notions, imaginings, and personal desires never change and are never replaced with the truth, and if your actions and deeds are never done in accordance with the truth principles, then what will the final outcome be? You will have no life entry, you will become a laborer, thus fulfilling the words of the Lord Jesus: “Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and in Your name have cast out devils, and in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:22–23). Why does God call these people who exert effort and who labor evildoers? There is one point we can be sure on, and that is that no matter what duties or work these people do, their motivations, impetus, intentions, and thoughts arise entirely from their selfish desires, and they are wholly in order to protect their own interests and prospects, and in order to satisfy their own pride, vanity and status. It is all centered around these considerations and calculations, there is no truth in their hearts, they do not have a heart that fears and submits to God—this is the root of the problem. What, today, is it crucial for you to pursue? In all things, you must seek the truth, and you must perform your duty properly according to the will of God and what God asks. If you do, you shall receive God’s approval. So what, specifically, is involved in performing your duty according to what God asks? In all you do, you must learn to pray to God, you must reflect on what intentions you have, what thoughts you have, and whether these intentions and thoughts are in line with the truth; if they are not, they should be put aside, after which you should act according to the truth principles, and accept God’s scrutiny. This will ensure that you put the truth into practice. If you have your own intentions and aims, and are well aware that they violate the truth and are at odds with God’s will, yet still do not pray to God and seek the truth for a solution, then this is dangerous, it is easy for you to commit evil and do things that oppose God. If you commit evil one or two times and repent, then you still have hope of salvation. If you keep committing evil, then you’re a doer of all manner of evils. If you still can’t repent at this point, then you’re in trouble: God shall cast you to one side or abandon you, which means you are at risk of being eliminated; people who commit all manner of evil deeds will surely be punished and eliminated.
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