Words on Serving God (Excerpt 70)
If, as a church leader or worker, you are to lead God’s chosen ones in entering the truth reality and bearing good testimony to God, of chief importance is to guide people in spending more time reading God’s words and fellowshipping the truth. In this way, God’s chosen ones can have a deeper knowledge of God’s aims in saving man and the purpose of God’s work, and can understand God’s intentions and His various requirements for man, thus allowing them to perform their duty properly and satisfy God. When you assemble to fellowship and preach, you must speak of your experiential testimony practically, and not be satisfied with preaching words and doctrines. When you eat and drink God’s words, you must focus on understanding the truth—and once you understand the truth, you must try and put it into practice, and only when you practice it will you truly understand the truth. When you fellowship God’s words, speak what you know. Do not boast, do not make irresponsible remarks, do not simply speak words and doctrines, and do not exaggerate. If you exaggerate, people will detest you and you will feel reproached afterward, and you will feel remorseful and upset—and you will have brought all of this on yourself. Can you make people understand the truth and enter into reality if you only preach words and doctrines to lecture and prune them? If what you fellowship about is not practical, if it is nothing but words and doctrines, then no matter how much you prune and lecture them, it will be to no avail. Do you think people being afraid of you, and doing what you tell them to, and not daring to object, is the same as them understanding the truth and being submissive? This is a major mistake; life entry is not so simple. Some leaders are like a new manager trying to make a strong impression, they try to impose their new-found authority on God’s chosen ones so that everyone submits to them, thinking that this will make their job easier. If you lack the truth reality, then before long your true stature will be revealed, your true colors will be exposed, and you could well be eliminated. In some administrative work, a little pruning and discipline is acceptable. But if you are incapable of fellowshipping the truth, in the end, you will still be unable to solve problems, and it will affect the results of the work. If, no matter what issues appear in the church, you keep lecturing people and casting blame—if all you ever do is acting in a bad-tempered manner—then this is your corrupt disposition revealing itself, and you have shown the ugly face of your corruption. If you always stand on a pedestal and lecture people like this, then as time goes on, people will be unable to receive the provision of life from you, they will not gain anything practical, and instead will detest you and be disgusted by you. In addition, there will be some people who, having been influenced by you due to a lack of discernment, will likewise lecture others and prune them. They will likewise get angry and lose their tempers. Not only will you be unable to solve people’s problems—you will also be fostering their corrupt dispositions. And is that not leading them onto the path toward perdition? Is that not an act of evil? A leader should lead primarily by fellowshipping about the truth and providing life. If you always stand on a pedestal and lecture others, will they be able to understand the truth? If you work in this way for a while, when people come to see you clearly for what you are, they are going to desert you. Can you bring people before God by working in this way? You certainly cannot; all you can do is foul up the work of the church and cause all God’s chosen people to loathe you and desert you. There were some leaders and workers who were eliminated for this reason in the past. They were unable to fellowship on the truth to resolve actual problems, lead people to eat and drink the words of God, or lead people to understand themselves. They did none of this essential work; they just focused on putting themselves on a pedestal, lecturing people, and giving orders, thinking that by doing this, they were doing the work of a church leader. As a result, they did not carry out the work arrangements issued by the Above even if they knew them, nor did they do specific jobs well. All they did aside from spouting words and doctrines and shouting slogans was to put themselves on a pedestal and blindly lecture and prune people. This caused everyone to be afraid of, and avoid, these leaders and workers, and people did not dare report problems to them. By acting in this way, the leaders and workers mucked up their work and brought it to a standstill. It was only when the house of God dismissed them that they realized they had not done any real work. Perhaps they felt a lot of remorse, but regrets are of no use. They were still dismissed and eliminated.
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