"How Could God Not Be Sad" | English Christian Song With Lyrics

April 8, 2020


God has tasted sweet, sour, bitter, pungent,

every taste of the human experience.

He comes in the wind, He goes in the rain.

He’s experienced the persecution of family,

He’s experienced the ups and downs of life,

the pain of the parting from His body.

When God came to earth, instead of welcoming Him

because of the hardship He suffered,

man “politely” declined God’s good intentions.

How could He not be pained and saddened by this?


Could it be that God became flesh only

for it to end like this?

Why does man not love God?

Why is His love repaid with hate?

Could it be that God should just suffer this way?

When God came to earth, instead of welcoming Him

because of the hardship He suffered,

man “politely” declined God’s good intentions.

How could He not be pained and saddened by this?


People have shed tears of sympathy

because of God’s hardships on earth.

They railed against the wrongs of His misfortune.

Yet who has truly known God’s heart?

When God came to earth, instead of welcoming Him

because of the hardship He suffered,

man “politely” declined God’s good intentions.

How could He not be pained and saddened by this?


Who can perceive the feelings of God?

Man once had deep affection for God,

often longed for Him in their dreams.

But how could those on earth understand His will in heaven?

When God came to earth, instead of welcoming Him

because of the hardship He suffered,

man “politely” declined God’s good intentions.

How could He not be pained and saddened by this?

How could He not be pained and saddened by this?

How could He not be pained and saddened by this?

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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