English Gospel Song | "The Meaning of God's Work of Judgment in the Last Days"

May 28, 2020

Verse 1

Know that in the last days

Christ uses a number of truths to teach man,

He uses truths to expose the essence of man

and dissect their words and their deeds.


Verse 2

Christ’s words comprise various truths

about man’s duty, how to be loyal to God,

obey God, live out normal humanity,

God’s wisdom, disposition, and more.


Verse 3

These words are all directed

at man’s essence and corruption.

Those words that show how man rejects God,

they speak of man as Satan’s embodiment and God’s foe.



The work of judgment brings about

man’s understanding of the true face of God

and the truth about their own rebelliousness.

It allows man to learn God’s will, purpose of His work,

mysteries they don’t understand,

know their corrupt substance and its roots,

and discover man’s ugliness.


Verse 4

God makes man’s nature clear

not with a few words but over much time,

by exposing, dealing and pruning,

as He undertakes His work, all work of judgment.


Verse 5

Plain words can’t replace these ways;

only truth man does not have can do this.

These methods are judgment,

help man gain true knowledge of God,

and can subdue, convince man to submit to God.



The work of judgment brings about

man’s understanding of the true face of God

and the truth about their own rebelliousness.

It allows man to learn God’s will, purpose of His work,

mysteries they don’t understand,

know their corrupt substance and its roots,

and discover man’s ugliness.



The work of judgment brings these effects,

for it opens the truth, way and life of God

to all who have faith in Him.

This is the work of judgment done by God.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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