Christian Devotional Song | "Principles of Action for Believers"

May 16, 2020

Verse 1

When you are able to satisfy God

and when you accept His care and protection,

that’s when you will be described as righteous.

Those who accept God’s protection, perfection,

who accept His care and are gained by Him,

God regards them as righteous and precious.



Ask if you’re practicing righteousness,

if all your actions are watched by God

in what you do.

This indeed, it is the principle

by which all people who believe in God

choose to live their lives.


Verse 2

The more you embrace God’s current words,

the more you’ll understand and receive His will,

and the more you’ll be able to satisfy

His requirements and live out His words.

And this is God’s commission for you;

and it should be achieved by all of you.



Ask if you’re practicing righteousness,

if all your actions are watched by God

in what you do.

This indeed, it is the principle

by which all people who believe in God

choose to live their lives.

Ask if you’re practicing righteousness,

if all your actions are watched by God

in what you do.

This indeed, it is the principle

by which all people who believe in God

choose to live their lives,

choose to live their lives.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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