English Christian Song | "The Significance of God's End-Time Work in the Great Red Dragon's Nation"

May 8, 2023

In the last days, God is incarnate in the land of the great red dragon,

He has accomplished the work of God as the God of all of creation.

He’s finished all His management work,

He ends the main part of His work

in the place called the Gentile nation,

the nation of the great red dragon.

The work God did in the last two ages

was done to different human conceptions.

But they’re eliminated in this stage,

so that God could fully conquer humans.

Using the conquest work on Moab’s people,

God will conquer all of humanity.

It’s the main significance, prized aspect of this stage of work for humanity.

The last two stages were done in Israel.

If this stage were done with the Israelites,

all would think only they are God’s chosen ones,

and His plan’s desired effect would not come to light.

While His work was being done in Israel,

no new work on the Gentiles was carried out,

and none of God’s era-launching work in Gentile nations was ever carried out.

In the last days, God is incarnate in the land of the great red dragon,

He has accomplished the work of God as the God of all of creation.

He’s finished all His management work,

He ends the main part of His work

in the place called the Gentile nation,

the nation of the great red dragon.

This stage of God’s era-launching work

is first carried out in the Gentile nation,

amongst the descendants of Moab,

helping an entire era get started.

God’s crushed knowledge within human notions

and didn’t let any of it exist.

When conquering He’s crushed human notions,

the old, earlier human ways of knowledge.

He lets people see with God there’re no rules,

there is nothing that is old about God,

all His work is liberated and free,

and that He’s right in anything He does.

He works, selects the recipients and place

for His work based on its meaning and purpose.

He does not adhere to any past rules,

He does not follow the old formulas.

He plans His work based on significance

so as to attain His work’s true effect

and His work’s anticipated purpose,

yes, His work’s anticipated purpose.

In the last days, God is incarnate in the land of the great red dragon,

He has accomplished the work of God as the God of all of creation.

He’s finished all His management work,

He ends the main part of His work

in the place called the Gentile nation,

the nation of the great red dragon,

the nation of the great red dragon.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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