English Christian Song | "God Hopes That People Will Pursue the Truth and Attain Salvation"

December 9, 2024


It is up to every person to make their own free choice as to how they will approach truths. God does not force people. If you are willing to pursue the truth, then you have hope of being saved. If you are unwilling to pursue the truth, if you don't care about these truths and dismiss them, if you are not interested at all in these ways of practicing the pursuit of the truth, God will not force you. It's fine, too, if you're merely willing to toil. So long as you don't violate the principles, God's house will let you make your own choice. You can pursue the truth, that is fine; if you do not, that is fine, too. But the last thing I will tell you is that one can only be saved through pursuing the truth. If you do not pursue the truth, your hope of being saved is nil.


No matter what, pursuing the truth is a great matter in life, it is more important than marrying and having children, than raising your sons and daughters, than living your life and making your fortune. It is even more important than performing a duty and pursuing a future in God's house. Pursuing the truth is the most significant thing on a person's life path. If you have not as yet developed an interest in the pursuit of the truth, no one will conclude that you will not pursue the truth in the future. No matter what, God does hope that in the near future, you can embark on the path of pursuing the truth, and become people who pursue the truth, and number among those who have hope of salvation.

from The Word, Vol. 6. On the Pursuit of the Truth I. What It Means to Pursue the Truth (2)

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