English Christian Song | "God's Love Must Be Tasted in Real Life"

July 22, 2024


If you wish to see God's love, wish to truly experience God's love,

then you must go deep into reality, you must go deep into real life

and see that everything God does is love and salvation,

everything God does is love and salvation,

that all He does is to make people leave behind that which is unclean,

and refine the things within man that are unable to satisfy God's intentions.

All He does is to make people leave behind that which is unclean,

and refine the things within man that are unable to satisfy God's intentions.


God uses words to provide to man, He uses words to provide to man;

He arranges the circumstances of real life for people to experience.

Through the enlightenment and guidance of God's words,

if you often pray, explore, and seek, and discover what you should practice,

find opportunities for the Holy Spirit's work, truly cooperate with God,

and are not muddled and confused, not muddled and confused,

then you will have a path in real life, and you will truly satisfy God.


When you have satisfied God, inside you there will be God's guidance,

and you will be especially blessed by God,

which will give you a sense of enjoyment:

You will feel especially honored that you have satisfied God,

you will feel especially bright inside,

and in your heart you'll be clear and peaceful.

Your conscience will be comforted and free from accusations,

and you will feel pleasant inside when you see your brothers and sisters.

This is what it means to enjoy God's love, to enjoy God's love,

and only this is truly enjoying God.

People's enjoyment of God's love is attained through experience:

By experiencing hardship and practicing the truth, they gain God's blessings.

If you always practice the truth in this way,

you'll gradually develop a clear knowledge of much of God's work,

and at that time you'll feel

that God's words are as clear as crystal before you.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Those Who Love God Will Forever Live Within His Light

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