English Christian Song | "God's Heart for Saving Man Is Sincere"

October 2, 2024


What's God really talking about when He says that mankind is His enemy,

and why would He say so?

What sorts of corrupt disposition in man,

and what revelations of resistance and rebelliousness against God in man,

cause Him to say so, to make these condemnations?

It's precisely because God wants to save man,

because He doesn't abandon mankind,

or His followers, or those whom He's chosen,

that He tirelessly speaks and works in such a way.

God speaks with such earnest patience in order to let people see

that God's made efforts toward saving people—He is not joking;

God wants to save mankind, and He's determined to do so.


There is no aspect of the truth on which God speaks from one angle,

nor does He speak in a single way—

instead, He tells it to people from different angles,

in different styles, with different language and to different degrees,

in order that people will know their corrupt disposition and know themselves,

and from this, understand the direction their pursuit should take,

and what sort of path they should take.

He does this in order that people will abandon

and alter their satanic, corrupt disposition,

and let go of philosophies for worldly dealings, ways of survival,

and ways and modes of living with which Satan corrupts people,

having them live instead according to the ways, modes, directions, and goals

that God has shown people and told them.


God doesn't do all this to get people to buy into it,

to let them see His painstakingly kind intentions,

or how hard it is to do all He does.

You don't need to know that.

Focus only on finding what you should practice in the words God says,

and understanding the truth and God's intentions in them;

enter the truth reality;

live according to the truth principles,

and comport yourself and act according to the truth principles,

and complete the commission given by God,

such that you achieve salvation.

God will thus be satisfied,

and the matter of man's salvation will be accomplished in its entirety,

thus benefiting man, too.

from The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Ten (Part One)

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