English Christian Song | "God's Words Will Never Pass Away"

January 6, 2025


God means what He says, what He says shall be done, and what He does shall last forever, which means that God's words will never pass away. No matter how many words God speaks, and no matter when it is that God speaks them, they are all the truth, and they never pass away. Even when the world enters a new age, God's words won't change, and they won't pass away. It is because God's words are the truth, and whatever is the truth will never change. So, all of the laws and commandments that God has put forward and spoken, and all of the specific requirements that He has put forward regarding man's behavior will never pass away.


Every requirement in God's words is beneficial to created mankind, they all regulate man's behavior, and they are edifying and valuable with regard to the living out of normal humanity and to how people should comport themselves. All of these words can change people, and make them live out true human likeness. By contrast, if people deny these words of God, and deny the requirements that God has made of mankind, and instead, they abide by those statements about good behavior that man has put forward, then they are in great danger. Not only will they not become increasingly possessed of humanity and reason, they will become increasingly deceitful and false, and they'll become more and more capable of trickery, and the humanity that they live out will contain more and more trickery. Not only will they trick other people, they will try to trick God, too.

from The Word, Vol. 6. On the Pursuit of the Truth. What It Means to Pursue the Truth (4)

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