English Christian Song | "God's Work Manifests His Wisdom in All Aspects"

January 12, 2025


God's wisdom pours out in every bit of His work. Not only within and between the lines of the words God utters, but also in the way God speaks, the things He says, the standpoints He takes in His utterances, and even in the tone of His speech, God's wisdom can be seen in all. In the manifold ways God speaks is His wisdom displayed; God's wisdom can also be seen in all the various ways He works in people. Besides God's wisdom being visible to people in His words, people can also come to have a deep appreciation for it in the different environments and situations of the various issues they encounter.


God's words allow people to receive the corresponding provision at any time and place. God can help you at any time and place, support you and provide for you at any time and place, enable you to leave behind your negative state at any time and place, and make you strong and no longer weak. At any time and place, God can change your ideas and the way that you think, enable you to let go of things you believe to be right and the things of Satan, cast off your corrupt dispositions, repent to God, act and practice in accordance with God's requirements and God's words.


God works in many different ways in all those who follow Him, who love God's words and love the truth. Sometimes He bestows grace, and sometimes He bestows light and revelation. Of course, sometimes God will chasten and discipline people to get them to mend their ways, to get them to feel self-reproach in their innermost hearts, to feel truly indebted to God, to feel remorse, to repent, and thereby to relinquish the evil they do and no longer rebel against God, no longer act as they wish or follow Satan, but rather practice in accordance with the path God has shown them.


The Holy Spirit can work and provide for people at all times and in all places. The Holy Spirit uses words to clearly notify, teach, enlighten, and guide them, while also using different methods to work on them, enabling them to naturally and unknowingly come to live under the provision of God's words. In the wake of God's work and the work of the Holy Spirit, people's dispositions are changed and their thoughts are transformed without them being aware of it, and their faith in God gradually increases. In all these effects that are achieved in people, it must be said that these are done by the power of God's words and the wisdom of God's work.

from The Word, Vol. 6. On the Pursuit of the Truth. What It Means to Pursue the Truth (16)

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