English Christian Song | "Only by Accepting Judgment and Chastisement Can One's Disposition Change"

December 17, 2024


Achieving dispositional change is no simple matter. This is because God is not saving newly-created humans who are uncorrupted by Satan, but a group of humans who have been deeply corrupted by it, filled with satanic poisons and satanic dispositions, who are resisting and rebelling against God. Dispositional change lies not in changes in rituals or regulations, and much less in changes to one's external appearance or outward behavior, character, or temper. This is very far removed from God's requirements!


If you want to achieve dispositional change, you must have knowledge of your own corrupt disposition, and discern your various fallacious thoughts, perspectives, behaviors, and manifestations based on God's words. You must hold your state against God's word for comparison, and come to understand your own corrupt disposition, and to see clearly that the essence of this corrupt disposition is something which resists and betrays God, and something which He loathes. In this way, you'll be able to cast off your corrupt disposition and gradually achieve dispositional change.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. The Path of Practice Toward Changing One's Disposition

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