English Christian Song | "How to Bear Witness to God in Your Faith"

May 21, 2024


You have experienced so much of God's work,

you have seen it with your own eyes

and experienced it personally, experienced it personally;

when you have reached the very end,

you must not be unable to perform the function incumbent upon you.

What a pity that would be!

In the future, when the gospel is spread,

you should be able to speak of your own knowledge,

testify to all that you have gained in your heart,

and spare no effort.

This is what a created being should attain.

What is the actual significance of this stage of God's work?

What is its effect?

And how much of it is carried out in man?

What should people do?

When you can speak clearly of all the work

God incarnate has done since coming to earth,

then your testimony will be complete.


When you can speak clearly of these five things:

the significance of His work; its contents; its essence;

the disposition it represents; and its principles,

then this will prove you are capable of bearing testimony to God,

that you are truly possessed of knowledge.

God's requirements of you are not very high,

and they're attainable by all those who are in true pursuit.

If you are resolved to be one of God's witnesses,

then you must understand what God loathes and what God loves.

You have experienced much of His work;

through this work, you must come to know

His disposition, His intentions and His requirements of mankind,

and use this knowledge to testify about Him and fulfill your duty.

If you are resolved to be one of God's witnesses,

then you must understand what God loathes and what God loves.

You have experienced much of His work;

through this work, you must come to know

His disposition, His intentions and His requirements of mankind,

and use this knowledge to testify about Him

and fulfill your duty, fulfill your duty.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Practice (7)

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