English Christian Song | "Emulate Abraham's Faith and Submission to God"

September 28, 2024


If you acknowledge that God is your God, then you should obey His words,

keep a place for Him in your heart, and put His words into practice.

If God is your God, then you should not try to analyze what He says to you;

whatever He says goes,

and it does not matter that you do not understand or comprehend.

The important thing is that you should accept and submit to what He says.

This was the attitude Abraham adopted when it came to the words of God.


It was precisely because Abraham possessed this attitude

that he was able to obey God's words,

was able to submit to what God commanded him to do,

and could become someone who was righteous and perfect in God's eyes.

Abraham was able to obey as well as submit to what God said.

He did so without compromise.

When God asked for what was most precious to him,

Abraham returned his child to God, sacrificing him for God.

Abraham obeyed and submitted to everything that God asked of him.


Whether viewed through the lens of the notions of man

or through the eyes of the corrupt,

God's request appeared highly unreasonable,

yet Abraham was still able to submit;

this came down to his integrity,

which was characterized by true faith and submission to God.

How was this true faith and submission reflected?

In just two words: his obedience.

Nothing is more precious or more valuable for a true created being to possess,

and nothing is rarer and more commendable,

nothing is rarer and more commendable.

It is precisely this most precious, rare, and commendable thing

that is so absent in God's followers today.

It is precisely this most precious, rare, and commendable thing

that is so absent in God's followers today.

from The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Two: How Noah and Abraham Obeyed God's Words and Submitted to Him (Part One)

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