English Christian Song | "Taste God's True Love for Man in Experience"

January 26, 2025


God's love is not the kind of love that can be imagined by the mind of man. The love of God is without fleshly feelings and is unaffected by relationships of blood. It is love pure and simple. God's love is not empty words, nor some form of behavior on the part of God, but the truth. If God loves you, He expresses this by often chastening, disciplining, and pruning you. Although your days may pass uncomfortably, amid chastening and discipline, once you've experienced this, you will discover that you've learned much, that you have discernment and are wise when it comes to interacting with other people, and also that you've come to understand some truths.


The love of God people can comprehend is different from the true love of God they can experience in the work of God; people must approach it according to the words of God and seek the truth in His words in order to know what true love is. If they don't seek the truth, how could someone who is corrupt conjure, out of thin air, an understanding of what God's love is, what the aim of His work in man is, and where His painstaking intentions lie? People would never understand these things.


Ordinarily, when people say "love" they mean giving someone what they like; in brief, it involves the selfishness, the feelings, and the flesh of man; it involves aims and motivations. But no matter what God does in you, no matter how He judges and chastises you, chastens and disciplines you, or how He prunes you, even if you misunderstand Him, and even complain about Him in your heart, God shall, with unflagging patience, continue to work in you. God's ultimate aim is that He uses this method to awaken you, so that one day you can understand God's intentions.


When God sees this outcome, what has He gained? He has actually gained nothing. This is because your all comes from God. God does not need to gain anything. All He needs is for people to properly follow and enter in accordance with what He requires while He performs His work, to ultimately be able to live out the truth reality, to live with the likeness of man, and no longer be misled, beguiled, and tempted by Satan, to be able to rebel against Satan, to submit to and worship God, and then God is well pleased, and His great work is done.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Only by Resolving One's Notions Can One Embark on the Right Track of Belief in God (1)

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