English Christian Song | "True Pursuers of Truth Will Undergo Change"

January 13, 2025


When it comes to the path someone walks, their views on life, the goals they choose in life, and what sort of person they'll choose to be, no one can help them. God's words and God alone can change people. So, what criteria must you meet in order to let God work, before He will be willing to work? You must first have such a will and aspiration, come before God in prayer and let Him work in you. You must be able to suffer—when God disciplines you, when He rebukes you, you must be able to accept it. To be submissive and accepting at heart is the beginning of doing anything well. So long as you meet the basic requirements of having conscience and reason, pursuing the truth, and loving positive things, all these problems can be resolved—it's just a matter of time.


As you read God's words, and listen to fellowship, and to the brothers' and sisters' experiential testimonies, you should learn to resolve your corrupt disposition, and the various states that arise in you as each thing befalls you, and you should learn to resolve problems with God's words, and be able to come before Him often, telling Him your conditions and states, as well as the problems you are faced with, saying them openly to Him, and sincerely accepting His pruning, discipline and chastening, and even His revealing of you and attitude toward you—your heart remains open to Him, not closed off. So long as your heart stays open to Him, your conscience and reason may serve a purpose, and the truth will be able to enter you and give rise to change in you. All these problems can then be resolved. They're not beyond resolution; none of them is a major problem.


God looks at whether you have a positive pursuit, and what your attitude is toward the truth and positive things, and toward the pursuit of dispositional change. He looks at whether you have such a willingness, at whether you're striving. When God sees you have these things, that your conscience rebukes you when you do wrong, that you know to hate it, that you know to come before God in prayer, and to confess your sins to Him and repent, He then says that you have hope, that you won't be eliminated. Do you think that God's righteous disposition, His mercy and love, are all hollow phrases? It's precisely because He has the essence of righteous disposition that God has an attitude toward each sort of person, and these attitudes are exceedingly practical—they are not hollow at all.

from The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Ten (Part One)

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