English Christian Song | "Humans and All Things Live Within the Laws Set by God"

September 30, 2024


Ever since God created all things,

they've been functioning and continuing to progress in an orderly way

and in accordance with the laws that He prescribed.

Under His gaze, under His sovereignty,

all things have been developing in an orderly way,

contemporaneously to man's existence.

There is nothing that can change or destroy these laws.

It's because of God's sovereignty that all beings can multiply,

and it's because of His sovereignty and His management

that all beings can survive, all beings can survive.

So, under God's sovereignty all beings come into existence,

thrive, disappear, and reincarnate in an orderly fashion.


Humans cannot change these laws

and no person or being can break them.

Though countless changes have occurred, countless changes have occurred—

seas have become fields, while fields have become seas—

these laws continue to exist, these laws continue to exist.

They exist because God exists, and because of His sovereignty

and it's also because of His management.

People's lives proceed within these laws and rules.

People's lives proceed within these laws and rules.

Under these laws were raised generation after generation of people,

and generation after generation of people have survived under them.


People have enjoyed this orderly environment for survival

as well as all of the many things created by God

for generation after generation.

Even though people feel that these types of laws are innate

and contemptuously take them for granted, take them for granted,

and even though they cannot feel that God is orchestrating these laws,

that God is holding sovereignty over these laws,

no matter what, God is always engaged in this unchanging work.

His purpose in this unchanging work is the survival of mankind,

and so that mankind may live on, so that mankind may live on.

from The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God Himself, the Unique IX

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