English Gospel Song | "Judgment and Chastisement Reveal God’s Salvation" (A Cappella)

January 30, 2021

Verse 1

God judges, condemns, and chastises you now,

so you might know yourself and your worth,

so you might change your disposition,

and you can see that all God’s actions

are done righteously,

and according to His disposition and work’s requirements.


You’ll know He is the righteous God

who loves, judges, and chastises man,

working according to His plan for mankind’s salvation.


God has not come to kill or to lay mankind to waste.

God has come to judge and curse, to chastise and to save.

Verse 2

If you only know that you are of low rank,

corrupt and disobedient,

but don’t know that God wants to make plain

His salvation through the judgment

and the chastisement He does in you now,

then you can’t experience or move on (or you can’t move on).


God has not come to kill or to lay mankind to waste.

God has come to judge and curse, to chastise and to save.


Until the end of His 6,000-year plan,

till He reveals the outcome for each type of man,

God’s work on earth will be for salvation,

to bring those who love Him to completion

and into submission under His dominion.


God has not come to kill or to lay mankind to waste.

God has come to judge and curse, to chastise and to save.

God has not come to kill or to lay mankind to waste.

God has come to judge and curse, to chastise and to save.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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