English Christian Song | "Do You Know God's Work?"
April 13, 2024
God's work in the flesh does not involve great fanfare,
nor is it wreathed in obscurity.
It is real and actual, real and actual,
and it's work in which one and one equals two.
It's not hidden from anyone, nor does it deceive anyone.
What man sees are real and genuine things.
What man gains is real truth and knowledge.
When the work ends, man shall have a new knowledge of Him.
Those who truly pursue will have no notions about Him.
Man shall have a new knowledge of Him.
Those who truly pursue will have no notions about Him.
This is not just the effect of His work on Chinese people,
but it also represents the effect
of His work in conquering the whole of mankind.
That's because nothing is more beneficial
to the work of conquering all mankind than this flesh,
and the work of this flesh, of this flesh,
and everything of this flesh.
They are beneficial to His work today and in the future.
This flesh shall conquer and gain the whole of mankind.
There is no better work through which the whole of mankind
shall behold God, and submit to God, and know God.
from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of the Incarnate God
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