English Christian Song | "People Should Learn the Lessons of Submission in Everything"

December 2, 2024


All things have the goodwill of God. He trains people through all kinds of circumstances, causing them to receive tempering and learn to submit, and in the end, this tempering bears fruit: They are able to fear God and shun evil, satisfy God, and then they have a real change. To pursue the truth, you must first have the will to suffer, and you must learn to submit to your circumstances. No matter what happens to you, do not rely on your own will or impetuousness, but come before God in prayer. To do this, you must first have a submissive attitude, which is an inner quality that all normal people ought to possess. Additionally, if you pray and ask God to act, and He does not act or open a way out for you, then you must also submit and let Him orchestrate you. This is the only way to live a valuable life.


Whether your life circumstances are good or bad, comfortable or poor, there are lessons you should learn. Those who covet comfort and ease must learn the lessons of submission and suffering; they must achieve the ability to survive in any circumstances, to do their duty well and stand firm in their testimony. Only then can they satisfy God's intentions. When God arranges some difficult and poor circumstances for you, whether or not you can be submissive is the key question. If every one of you is able to show consideration for God's intentions under these circumstances, practice according to His requirements, not be constrained by these things, and do your duty normally, experiencing this way will make your life grow.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. The Five Conditions That Must Be Met to Embark on the Right Track of Belief in God

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