English Christian Song | "All Creatures Will Return Under the Dominion of the Creator"

November 27, 2024


The three stages of work could only have been done by God Himself, and no man could do such work on His behalf. Only God Himself could have done His own work from the beginning until today. When the entire management of God is nearing its end, God will class all things according to kind. Man was made by the Creator's hands, and in the end He must completely return man under His dominion; this is the conclusion of the three stages of work. The stage of work of the last days, and the previous two stages in Israel and Judea, are God's plan of management in the entire universe. No one can deny this, and it's the fact of God's work. Although people have not experienced or witnessed much of this work, the facts are still the facts, and this is undeniable by any man.


If you only know one particular stage of work, and don't understand the other two stages of work, or the work of God in times past, then you are unable to speak the whole truth of God's entire plan of management, and your knowledge of God is one-sided, for in your belief in God you don't know or understand Him, and so you are not fit to be God's witness. Regardless of whether your current knowledge of these things is profound or superficial, in the end, you must have knowledge, and must be thoroughly convinced, and all people will see the entirety of God's work and submit under God's dominion. At the end of this work, all religions will become one, all created beings will return under the dominion of the Creator, all created beings will worship the one true God, and all evil religions will come to nothing, never to appear again.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Knowing the Three Stages of God's Work Is the Path to Knowing God

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