English Christian Song | "The Significance of Belief in God Is So Profound"

October 27, 2024


You still have not fully understood the significance of faith in God.

In fact, the meaning of faith in God is so profound

that if a person's experiences are too shallow,

they will not be able to comprehend it.

When they experience to the very end,

the disposition of Satan and the satanic poisons within them

must be cleansed and transformed.

People must equip themselves with many truths,

meet the standards God requires of man,

and be able to truly submit to God and worship Him.

Only then do they truly attain salvation.


If you're still as you were before when you were part of a religion,

just reciting some words and doctrines and chanting some slogans,

performing a few good behaviors and actions,

and refraining from certain sinful things—at least the obvious ones—

this does not represent that you've entered

the right track in your belief in God.

Does following regulations mean that you're on the right path?

Does it mean that you made the right choice?


If the things within your nature do not change, then you can still resist God,

you can still resist God and offend Him in the end.

This is the biggest problem.

If you do not resolve this problem in your belief in God,

can you be said to have truly attained salvation?

What do I mean by this, exactly?

He wants you to understand in your hearts

that faith in God cannot be separated from His word,

nor can it be separated from God Himself, or the truth.

You have to choose the right path

and put effort into the truth and the word of God.

You cannot just attain a partial or rough understanding, and that's it.

Fooling yourself will only harm you.


It is no good basing your faith on your imaginings.

If you believe until the end, and God is not in your heart,

if you just flip quickly through His words,

and cannot remember them afterward,

and if God does not have a place in your heart,

then you are finished, you are finished.

What does "faith in God cannot be separated from His word" mean?

Do you understand this?

Does it contradict the statement

that "faith in God cannot be separated from God Himself"?

How can you have God in your heart if His words are not in your heart?


If you believe in God, but your heart is devoid of Him,

devoid of His word and His guidance, then you are completely finished.

If you cannot handle even a small matter according to the requirements of God,

then you will fall much shorter of God's requirements

in the face of a major matter of principle.

Then, you won't have any testimony, and this will be troublesome;

it proves that you possess nothing

and that you've not gained any of the truth.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Choosing the Right Path Is the Most Crucial Part of Belief in God

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