English Christian Song | "Can You Testify to God Before the Great Red Dragon?"

December 7, 2024

My work among the group of people of the last days is an unprecedented enterprise, and thus, so that My glory may fill the cosmos, all people must suffer the last hardship for Me. Do you understand My intention? This is the final requirement I make of man. I hope that all people can bear strong, resounding testimony to Me before the great red dragon, that they can, for a final time, offer themselves up for Me, and fulfill My requirements. Can you truly do this? You were incapable of satisfying My heart in the past—could you break this pattern in the final instance? I give people the chance to reflect; I let them ponder carefully before finally giving Me an answer. Do you have the faith to fulfill My requirements?

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God's Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 34

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