English Christian Song | "Only Honest People Can Be Saved"
January 20, 2025
Being honest has a direct bearing on whether or not a person can submit to God and whether or not they can attain salvation. No matter what your disposition or character is, as long as you can be an honest person as God requires, you can be saved. God saves honest people, and those He wants for His kingdom are honest people. If you are capable of lies and trickery, you are a deceitful, crooked, and insidious person; you're not an honest person. Then there is no chance that God will save you, nor can you possibly be saved. You say that you are very pious now, that you're not arrogant or self-righteous, that you are able to pay a price when performing your duty, or that you can spread the gospel and convert many people. But you are not honest, you are still deceitful, so you absolutely cannot be saved.
To be saved, one must first be honest in accordance with the words and requirements of God. They must open themselves up, lay bare their corrupt dispositions, their intents and secrets, and seek the way of the light. "To seek the way of the light" means seeking the truth in order to resolve your corrupt disposition. When you lay bare your corruption, the goals and intents that lie behind your actions, you also dissect yourself; you seek what God requires, look at what God says, and find out what the truth principles are. This is what it means to seek the truth; this is what it means to walk in the light. When people are able to practice this regularly, they are able to truly change, and thus they are able to attain salvation.
from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. The Most Fundamental Practice of Being an Honest Person
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