English Christian Song | "Only by Understanding the Truth Can a Duty Be Well Fulfilled"

October 1, 2024


When some people perform their duty,

they never pull out all the stops and give it their all,

they only give 50 to 60 percent of their effort,

and just go through the motions.

They can never maintain a state of normalcy:

When there's no one to keep an eye on them or offer support,

they slacken off and lose heart;

when there's someone to fellowship the truth, they perk up,

but if the truth isn't fellowshipped to them for a while,

they become indifferent.

They always go back and forth like this.

This is how people are when they haven't gained the truth;

they all live by passion, they all live by passion.

And when their hearts slacken, they become less effective in their duty;

if they work harder, effectiveness increases,

their results in performing their duties are better,

and they gain more.


If you do not understand the truth,

how can you perform your duty adequately?

In fact, what God asks of people is all attainable by people,

is all attainable by people;

as long as you engage your conscience,

and are able to follow your conscience in performing your duty,

then it will be easy to accept the truth—

and if you can accept the truth, you can perform your duty adequately.

People must have a will;

only those who have a will can truly strive for the truth,

and only once they have understood the truth

can they perform their duty well, satisfy God, and shame Satan.

People must have a will;

only those who have a will can truly strive for the truth,

and only once they have understood the truth

can they perform their duty well, satisfy God, and shame Satan,

satisfy God, and shame Satan.


If you have this kind of sincerity, and do not plan for your own sake,

but only to gain the truth and perform your duty properly,

then your performance of your duty will become normal,

and will remain constant throughout;

no matter what circumstances you encounter,

you'll be able to persist in performing your duty.

In this way, God can set His mind at rest about you,

and the Holy Spirit will enlighten you in understanding the truth principles,

and guide you in entering the truth reality,

and as a result, your performance of your duty

will be sure to be up to standard.

As long as you sincerely expend for God, do your duty in a down-to-earth way,

and not act in a slippery way or play tricks, you will pass muster with God.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. In Believing in God, What Is Most Important Is to Practice and Experience His Words

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