English Christian Song | "Who Committed the Sin of Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit?"

January 19, 2025


The frenzied energy of the scribes' and Pharisees' hatred for the Lord Jesus exposed their own wild ambitions and their evil satanic countenances, as well as their malevolent nature with which they resisted God. They did not investigate the source of the Lord Jesus' actions, nor did they investigate the essence of what He said or did. Rather, in a state of crazed agitation, and with deliberate malice, they attacked and discredited what He had done. They went so far as to willfully discredit His Spirit. They not only blasphemed God's Spirit as Beelzebub and the prince of the devils, but also condemned God's work and condemned and blasphemed the Lord Jesus Christ. The essence of their resistance and blasphemy of God was entirely the same as the essence of the resistance and blasphemy of God given by Satan and the demons.


They did not just represent corrupt humans, but more so they were the embodiment of Satan. They were a channel for Satan amongst mankind, and they were the accomplices and lackeys of Satan. The essence of their blasphemy and their denigration of the Lord Jesus was their struggle with God for status, their contest with God, and their unending testing of God. The essence of their resistance to God and their attitude of hostility toward Him, as well as their words and their thoughts, directly blasphemed and angered God's Spirit. Thus, God determined a reasonable judgment based on what they said and did, and God determined their deeds to be the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This sin is unforgivable in both this world and the world to come.

from The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself III

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