894 God Comes Among Man to Save Them


If I did not descend into mankind in My own person,

they’d have been permeated long ago by their own notions,

becoming Satan’s possessions,

for what you believe in is just the image of Satan;

it has nothing at all to do with God Himself.

Is this not My salvation?

Verse 1

Day by day, I live with men and act together with men.

I’m in the midst of mankind, but none have noticed this.

Were it not for My Spirit guiding the whole human race,

which of them would still exist in the present age?

Pre-chorus 1

In the past, I said “I have created humanity,

guided the whole of humanity,

commanded all of humanity”;

was this not actually so?

Verse 2

Could it be your experience of these things isn’t enough?

The mere phrase “service-doer” should be enough for you

to spend a lifetime’s effort explaining in detail.

With no real experience,

people won’t come to know Me through My words.

Pre-chorus 2

But today I’ve come, yes, I have come into your midst:

Won’t this let you get to know Me?

Could it be My incarnation

isn’t also salvation for you?


If I did not descend into mankind in My own person,

they’d have been permeated long ago by their own notions,

becoming Satan’s possessions,

for what you believe in is just the image of Satan;

it has nothing at all to do with God Himself.

If I did not descend into mankind in My own person,

they’d have been permeated long ago by their own notions,

becoming Satan’s possessions,

for what you believe in is just the image of Satan;

it has nothing at all to do with God Himself.

Is this not My salvation?

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 13

Previous: 892 Those Who God Will Save Are Foremost in His Heart

Next: 895 God’s Will for Mankind Will Never Change

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