Experiential Testimonies Before the Judgment Seat of Christ
Volume 2Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth, carries out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God, and supplies people with all the truths needed for them to be purified and saved. God’s chosen people have heard the voice of God, been brought before God’s throne, attended the feast of the Lamb, and commenced life with God face-to-face as the people of God in the Age of Kingdom. They have received the watering, shepherding, revelation, and judgment of God’s words, gained a new understanding of God’s work, seen the true fact of their being corrupted by Satan, experienced genuine repentance, and begun to focus on practicing the truth and undergoing a change in disposition, producing various testimonies about the purification of corruption through experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement. The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days has made a group of overcomers who, through their personal experiences, bear witness that the judgment of the great white throne in the last days has already begun!
Experiential Testimonies
2Faith: The Source of Strength
3God’s Words Eliminated My Misunderstandings
4A Church Leader Isn’t an Officer
5The Struggle to Speak Honestly
7Freed From Anxiety Over My Illnesses
8Practice the Truth Even If It Offends
9Learning to Submit Through My Duty
10I’ve Witnessed God’s Appearance
11Reflections on Seeking Name and Gain
13I Know the Way to Resolve Corrupt Disposition
14Finally Free of Misunderstandings
16How I Resolved My Cunning and Deceit
17A Special Experience in Youth
18The Consequences of Pursuing Comfort
19Seeing That I Was Sick of the Truth
20I’ll Never Again Complain About My Fate
22Why Am I Afraid to Report on Problems?
23How I Learned to Testify to God
24My Days Preaching on the Frontline
27The Fruit of Sharing the Gospel
29Judgment and Chastisement Is God’s Love
30In Letting Go of Status, I Am Liberated
31The Shamelessness of Showing Off
33A Story of Reporting a False Leader
34Released From the Shackles of Home
36Listening to God’s Voice and Welcoming the Lord
37What’s Behind Not Taking a Stand
38Facing My Son’s Terminal Illness
40What Comes of Not Striving in My Duty
41Does Salvation Require Status?
42Gains Made Through Adversity
43After the Death of My Partner
44A Secret Hotel Interrogation
46Bearing Witness to God Is Truly Doing a Duty
48Nineteen Years of Blood and Tears
49Those Days of Fighting for Name and Gain
50A Bitter Lesson From Following Man Instead of God
51I’ve Welcomed the Lord’s Return!
52Letting Go of My Domineering Ways
53My Bumpy Road of Spreading the Gospel
56How Did My Duty Become Transactional?
57Pursue the Truth Even More in Old Age
58A Government Official’s Choice
59The Bitterness of Being a People-pleaser
60Reporting a False Leader: A Personal Struggle
63Freed From the Burden of Returning Kindness
64What I Gained by Being an Honest Person
65A Craving for Comfort Almost Doomed Me
68Now I Know How to Bear Witness to God
69Why Won’t I Shoulder a Burden?
70God Appearing and Working in China Is So Significant
71The Test of a Difficult Environment
72Temptations in Brainwashing Class
74Being Called Out Unmasked Me
75Learning From Expelling an Evildoer
76The Lessons I Learned From Being Dismissed
77Craving Comfort Gets You Nothing
78What I Learned From Being Dismissed
81A Choice Made Without Regret
83The Consequences of Working Willfully
84Stick to the Principles to Do a Duty Well
85What Was All That Suffering For?
86What Should We Pursue in Life?
87I Finally Found the Path to Purification
88Amidst Torture and Torment I Saw …
89See My Parents for Who They Are
90Your Duty Is Not Your Career
91The Truth Behind Carelessness
93Harmonious Cooperation Is Key in a Duty
94Leaders Mustn’t Hold Talents Back
95How to Handle Being Pruned and Dealt With
96The Path to an Honest Appearance
97The Consequences of Excessive Emotional Attachment
98Behind the Scenes of a Family’s Persecution