The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (14) Part One

How long have we been fellowshipping about the responsibilities of leaders and workers for? (Four and a half months.) After fellowshipping on this for such a long period of time, do you now have a somewhat clearer understanding of the specific work that leaders and workers should do? (Yes, our understanding of this is somewhat clearer.) It should be clearer than before. My fellowship is so specific and clear that if someone still doesn’t understand, it would mean that they’re intellectually challenged, right? (Yes.) Looking at this now, do you think it is easy to be a good leader or worker? (It is not easy.) What qualities are needed? (One needs to possess the caliber and humanity necessary for leaders and workers, as well as the truth reality, and a sense of responsibility.) At the very least, one must have conscience, reason, and loyalty, and, following that, caliber and work capability. When a person possesses all these qualities, they can be a good leader or worker and fulfill their responsibilities.

Item Twelve: Promptly and Accurately Identify the Various People, Events, and Things That Disrupt and Disturb God’s Work and the Normal Order of the Church; Stop and Restrict Them, and Turn Things Around; Additionally, Fellowship the Truth So That God’s Chosen People Develop Discernment Through Such Things and Learn From Them (Part Two)

At the last gathering, we fellowshipped on the twelfth item of the responsibilities of leaders and workers: “Promptly and accurately identify the various people, events, and things that disrupt and disturb God’s work and the normal order of the church; stop and restrict them, and turn things around; additionally, fellowship the truth so that God’s chosen people develop discernment through such things and learn from them.” Within this item, we primarily fellowshipped first about what people, events, and things disrupt and disturb the work of God and the normal order of the church. If leaders and workers wish to stop and restrict the various people, events, and things that cause disruptions and disturbances within the church, and want to perform this work well, they must first know and figure out which people, events, and things disrupt and disturb the work of God and the church’s normal order. After that, they must match these up with people, events, and things in the actual church work and church life, and then carry out various tasks such as stopping and restricting them. This is a requirement for leaders and workers. At our last gathering, we fellowshipped about some of the various people, events, and things that disrupt and disturb the work of the church and church life, starting with those that relate to the church life. We also categorized the people, events, and things in church life that have a nature of causing disruptions and disturbances to them. How many issues were there in total? (Eleven. First, often going off topic when fellowshipping the truth; second, speaking words and doctrines to mislead people and win their esteem; third, prattling about domestic matters, building personal connections, and handling personal affairs; fourth, forming cliques; fifth, vying for status; sixth, sowing dissension; seventh, attacking and tormenting people; eighth, spreading notions; ninth, venting negativity; tenth, spreading baseless rumors; and eleventh, violating election principles.) The sixth issue is sowing dissension, which has a nature of causing disruptions and disturbances to it, but compared to the other evil deeds, it is a minor problem. Change it to “engaging in improper relationships,” and the nature of this is more serious than that of sowing dissension. The seventh issue is attacking and tormenting people. Change that to “engaging in mutual attacks and verbal spats”—isn’t this more serious in nature, and more specific and fitting? (Yes.) Mutual attacks and verbal spats are a commonly occurring kind of problem in church life that relates to disruptions and disturbances. Modifying these two issues like this makes them more fitting and closer to the problems that arise within church life. The eleventh issue is violating election principles. Change that to “manipulating and sabotaging elections.” This is merely a change in terms of wording; the nature of this remains the same, it is just that the degree is intensified—it now relates more to the nature of causing disruptions and disturbances.

The Various People, Events, and Things That Disrupt and Disturb Church Life

V. Vying for Status

Last time, we fellowshipped up to the fourth issue, forming cliques. This time, we will move on to fellowshipping about the fifth issue, vying for status. The matter of vying for status is a problem which arises often in church life and it is something that is not uncommon to see. What states, behaviors, and manifestations belong to the practice of vying for status? What manifestations of vying for status belong to the problem of the disruption and disturbance of God’s work and the normal order of the church? No matter which issue or category we fellowship on, it must pertain to what is said in item twelve, about “the various people, events, and things that disrupt and disturb God’s work and the normal order of the church.” It must reach the level of disruption and disturbance, and it must pertain to this nature—only then is it worth fellowship and dissection. What manifestations of vying for status are associated with this nature of disrupting and disturbing the work of the house of God? Most common is people vying with church leaders for status, which is chiefly manifested in them seizing on certain things about leaders and their errors in order to denigrate and condemn them, and purposefully exposing their revelations of corruption and the failings and shortcomings in their humanity and caliber, particularly when it comes to deviations and mistakes they have made in their work or when handling people. This is the most commonly seen and most blatant manifestation of vying with church leaders for status. In addition, these people do not care about how well church leaders do their work, whether or not they act according to the principles, or whether or not there are issues with their humanity, and are simply defiant toward these leaders. Why are they defiant? Because they also want to be a church leader—this is their ambition, their desire, and so they are defiant. No matter how church leaders work or handle problems, these people always seize on things about them, judge and condemn them, and even go so far as to blow things out of proportion, distort facts, and exaggerate things to the greatest extent possible. They do not use the standards that the house of God requires of leaders and workers to measure whether these leaders act according to the principles, whether they are right people, whether they are people who pursue the truth, and whether they have conscience and reason. They do not evaluate leaders according to these principles. Instead, based on their own intentions and aims, they constantly nitpick and invent complaints, finding things to hold against leaders or workers, spreading rumors behind their backs about them doing things that aren’t in line with the truth, or exposing their shortcomings. They might say, for example, that: “Leader So-and-so once made a mistake and was pruned by the Above, and none of you knew about it. See, they’re so good at putting on an act!” They do not consider and care about whether this leader or worker is a target for cultivation by God’s house, or whether they are an up-to-standard leader or worker, they just keep on judging them, twisting the facts, and making petty moves against them behind their back. And to what end do they do these things? It is to vie for status, is it not? There is an aim to everything they say and do. They are not considering the church’s work, and their evaluation of leaders and workers is not based on the words of God or the truth, much less the work arrangements of God’s house or the principles that God requires of man, but on their own intentions and aims. They counter everything leaders or workers say, and then offer their own “insights.” Regardless of how much of what leaders and workers say is in line with the truth, they do not accept it in the slightest. They rebuff whatever the leaders and workers say, and put forth their own differing opinions. In particular, when a leader or worker opens up and lays themselves bare, talking about their self-knowledge, they feel even more pleased, and think they have found their chance. What chance? The chance to denigrate this leader or worker, to let everyone know that this leader or worker has poor caliber, that they can be weak, that they are also a corrupt human, that they also often make mistakes in the things they do, and that they are no better than anyone else. This is their chance to find something to hold against that leader or worker, their opportunity to incite everyone to condemn, overthrow, and bring down that leader or worker. And the motivation for all of these behaviors and actions is none other than vying for status. If the principles of elections and the principles of cultivating and using people in God’s house are followed, under normal circumstances, such individuals will never be elected as leaders or workers. This is something they have seen through and understood clearly, so they resort to any means to attack and condemn the leaders and workers. No matter who becomes a leader or a worker, they are simply defiant toward them, and always nitpick and make irresponsible, critical comments about them. Even if there’s nothing wrong with the actions or words of these leaders and workers, they always manage to find some fault with them—in fact, the problems they pick out are not ones of principle but are purely trivial issues. So, why do they dwell on these trivial issues? Why are they able to judge and condemn leaders and workers so openly over such things? They have only one goal, and that is to vie for power and status. No matter how God’s house fellowships about the various manifestations of false leaders and antichrists, they never link these manifestations to themselves but exclusively connect them to leaders and workers at all levels. Once they find a match, they think, “Now I have evidence; I’ve finally found something to use as leverage against them and gotten a good opportunity.” Then they become even more unrestrained in exposing, judging, making critical assessments, and condemning everything that these leaders and workers do. Some of the issues they raise might seem a bit problematic on the surface, but when measured against the principles, they are not significant. So why do they bring them up? It’s not for any other reason but to expose the leaders and workers, with the aim of condemning and defeating them. If the leaders and workers are beaten into negativity, beg for mercy, and bow down to them, if the brothers and sisters see that these leaders are always negative and weak, and that they often make mistakes when they act, and no longer elect them as leaders, if the brothers and sisters no longer listen as attentively when these leaders fellowship the truth, and if people no longer cooperate as actively and earnestly when these leaders are implementing work, then those vying for status will be pleased, and they will have an opportunity to take advantage of. This is the scenario they most wish to see and what they hope will happen most. What is their goal in doing all this? It’s not to help people understand the truth and discern false leaders and antichrists, nor to lead people before God. Instead, their aim is to defeat and bring down the leaders and workers so that everyone sees them as the most suitable candidate for serving as a leader. At this point, their goal will have been achieved, and they will just have to wait for the brothers and sisters to nominate them as a leader. Are there such people in the church? What are their dispositions like? These individuals are vicious in disposition, they do not love the truth at all, and they do not practice it either; they only desire to hold power. What about those who understand some of the truth and possess some discernment—would they be willing to let such people hold power? Would they be willing to fall under their power? (No.) Why not? If most people could clearly see the nature essence of such individuals, would they still elect them as leaders? (No.) They would not, unless everyone has just met and isn’t very familiar with each other. But once they become familiar and see clearly which individuals have poor caliber and are muddled, which are evil people with vicious and deceitful dispositions, which are eager to vie for status and walk the path of antichrists, which can pursue the truth and do their duties loyally, and so on, once they grasp the nature essence and categories of various people, then the election of leaders will be relatively accurate and in accordance with the principles.

Would most people prefer to elect as a leader someone who is always vying for status, or would they choose someone whose caliber and work capability are relatively average, but who is diligent and steadfast? When it’s not clear what character of these two individuals is like, what their nature essence is, or what path they are on, which one would most people prefer to elect as a leader? (The second, the one who is steadfast.) Most people would choose the second. The manifestations of those who are always vying for status are proof of their humanity and essence. Can’t most people see through and discern their manifestations? People will say, “This person always gives the church leader a hard time; his ambitions are set on attaining the status of a church leader, he wants to replace her as leader. Ever since that person was elected as a church leader, he has always targeted her and found her displeasing. He always talks back to her, and finds fault with whatever she does, seizing on anything he can, and he also passes judgment on her and exposes her shortcomings behind her back. Especially during gatherings or when fellowshipping about work, if she doesn’t express herself clearly for a moment, he interrupts, showing a great deal of impatience. He even scorns her, mocking, deriding, and laughing at her; he makes things difficult for her at every turn and traps her in embarrassing situations.” With these behaviors exposed to everyone, won’t most people be able to discern this individual? (Yes.) Then, is this conducive to his seizing the position of leader? Definitely not. Are these people who vie for status clever or foolish? Clearly, they are idiots, fools. There’s another serious issue: These individuals are devils, and their nature is unchangeable! Their desire for power and status is uncontrollable, even to the point where they lose their senses, which is not something that normal humanity possesses. This desire exceeds the bounds of the rationality and conscience of normal humanity, reaching a level of unscrupulousness. These people will act this way regardless of time, place, or context, without considering the consequences, let alone the impact of their actions. These are the most typical manifestations and approaches of those who vie for status. Whenever there’s a gathering or fellowship about work, as soon as everyone comes together, these individuals cause disturbances like annoying flies, spoiling church life and the normal order of fellowshipping the truth. Such behaviors and approaches have a nature of causing disruptions and disturbances to them. Shouldn’t such individuals be restricted? In severe cases, shouldn’t they be cleared out or expelled? (Yes.) Sometimes, relying solely on the strength of the church’s leaders to restrict evil people can be a somewhat feeble, isolated effort—if, after clearly seeing the severity of the disruptions and disturbances caused by evil people and thoroughly discerning their essence, the brothers and sisters can unite with the church’s leaders in stopping and restricting such evil individuals, won’t this be more effective? (Yes.) If someone says, “Restricting evil people is the responsibility of leaders and workers, it has nothing to do with us ordinary believers. We won’t bother with it! Evil people vie for status with the church leaders; they vie for status with those who have it. We don’t have status; they aren’t trying to take anything away from us. In any case, it doesn’t affect us. Let them vie as they wish. If the church leaders have the ability, they should restrict them; if not, they should leave them be. What does this have to do with us?” Is this viewpoint good? (No.) Why is it not good? (They don’t uphold the normal order of the church.) To put it in more apt terms, what does the normal order of the church refer to? Isn’t it referring to normal church life? (Yes.) This involves normal and orderly church life—it involves the orderly eating and drinking of God’s words, which means that people can pray-read and fellowship God’s word, and share personal experiences, in a church life where the Holy Spirit works, God is present, and God guides, and at the same time, also receive enlightenment and guidance from the Holy Spirit and gain light. This is what God’s chosen people should enjoy in church life. If some people destroy this normal order, then they should be stopped and restricted according to the principles, and should not be tolerated. This is not only the responsibility and obligation of leaders and workers but also the responsibility and obligation of all who understand the truth and possess discernment. Of course, it would be best if the church’s leaders could spearhead this work, fellowshipping with the brothers and sisters about the nature of these individuals’ actions, what type of people these individuals are based on their manifestations, and how the brothers and sisters should discern and see through to such individuals. If these evil people are not restricted and the brothers and sisters are all disturbed, misled, and beguiled by them, and the church’s leaders end up getting isolated instead of those evil people, then this church will become paralyzed and inevitably descend into chaos. Can normal church life continue under such circumstances? If it cannot continue, will the church’s gatherings still be fruitful? Will God’s chosen people still gain something from such gatherings? If God’s chosen people gain nothing from them, then are such gatherings blessed by God or detested by Him? Of course, they are detested by God. Gatherings without the Holy Spirit’s work and without God’s blessing can no longer be considered church life but rather become the meetings of a social group. Does anyone like a disorderly church life? Is it edifying or beneficial for anyone? (No.) If, during this period, you have not gained anything in terms of your life entry from any gathering, then this time has been of no value or meaning to you; you have squandered this time. Doesn’t this mean that your life entry has suffered a loss? (Yes.) If, during a gathering, there are evil people vying for status, and disputing and arguing with a church leader, and people consequently end up feeling anxious, with the whole gathering becoming suffused with a foul atmosphere, and filled with Satan’s wicked energy, and if, besides debating topics such as who is right and who is wrong, no one comes before God to pray and seek the truth, and no one acts according to the principles, then after this kind of gathering, will your faith in God have increased or diminished? Will you have understood and gained more when it comes to the truth, or will your mind have been upset by the disputes, without you having gained anything at all? Sometimes you might think, “I don’t understand why people believe in God. What is the point of believing in God? How can these people behave this way? Are they still believers in God?” Because of a single disturbance by Satans and devils, people’s hearts become upset and muddied; they feel that believing in God is pointless, and do not know the value of believing in God, and their minds become scattered. If everyone can be vigilant, and particularly sensitive and sharp regarding such matters, rather than being numb and slow, then when evil people frequently say or do things in church life for the sake of vying for status, most people will quickly realize there’s a problem that needs to be resolved. They will be able to swiftly discern who is manipulating these situations, and what their disposition essence is, they will quickly realize the seriousness of the issue, and be able to stop and restrict the evil ones in a short period of time, cleansing them away from the church, and preventing them from continuing to disturb and constrain people within the church. Would this not be beneficial and edifying for most people? (Yes.)

If you encounter situations where evil people are vying for status, how will you handle them? What’s the majority view? (We’ll stop this behavior.) Just stop it? How will you stop it? Will you forbid them from speaking, or say, “We don’t like what you say, so speak less in future gatherings!” Will that work? Will they listen to you? (No.) So, what should you do? You need to thoroughly expose and dissect their intentions, motivations, and nature essence according to God’s word, so that the brothers and sisters can discern and be alert to such people and the nature of their actions, rather than being a people pleaser, and just waiting for the church’s leaders and workers to expose the evil people before you take a stance and say, “They should no longer be allowed at gatherings.” Is it good to be a people pleaser? (No, it’s not.) When faced with such situations, don’t the majority of people prefer to dodge and steer clear of these matters, rather than clash with those evil people, so that they can avoid offending them and making it awkward to interact with them later on? Don’t most people adhere to the principle for worldly dealings of being a people pleaser? (Yes.) Then that’s a problem. Suppose eighty percent of people in a church are people pleasers, and when they see such evil individuals vie for status, superiority, and positions as leaders in church life, no one stands up to stop or restrict them, with the majority holding the following view: “The less trouble, the better. I can’t afford to provoke them, so can’t I just avoid them? I’ll just steer clear of them and that will be the end of it. Let them vie; when the time comes, God will punish them. What does it have to do with me!” Under these circumstances, can church life still be fruitful? Most people are lazy and dependent; once the church’s leaders are elected, they consider their work done, and they just wait for the church’s leaders to do everything. If you ask them whether books of God’s words have been distributed in their church, whether there have been any disruptions or disturbances to church life, or whether anyone always spouts words and doctrines or vies with leaders for status, they say, “The church’s leaders know all about these things. I don’t know about them and don’t need to bother with them. The leaders will take care of them when the time comes.” They don’t concern themselves with or inquire about anything, they are not informed about anything, and they neither know nor care about any of the people, events, or things that are involved in church life, which they should know about. When it comes to what these evil people who appear in the church say and do when they are vying for status, as well as the disturbances and impacts they cause to church life, they are utterly indifferent to this, and they do not inquire into or ask about these things. After it’s all over, if you ask them if they have gained any discernment, if they can discern evil people and what the manifestations of evil people are, they cannot say anything besides, “Ask the church’s leaders; they know everything.” Is such a person not a slave? They are a slave, they are cowardly and useless, and living out a vile existence. Situations where evil people are vying for status require discernment, handling, and resolution. This is not solely the responsibility of the church leaders; God’s chosen people all share this responsibility. Most leaders understand a few more truths than the average person, are alert to these issues, and can see the aims and essence of these people’s actions. At the same time, most people should also practically learn lessons and grow in discernment, and unite in accord with those in the church who have a sense of justice, and understand and pursue the truth, to take appropriate actions against these evil individuals who disturb and disrupt church life. They should isolate or clear them out, rather than standing idly by, and merely listening to a bit of fellowship, broadening their horizons a little, and having some awareness of the matter in their hearts when facing these issues, and then considering their work done. This is because church life is not something that only concerns the church leaders, and living a good church life and maintaining the normal order of church life is not just the responsibility of the church leaders—it requires the collective effort of everyone standing up to maintain it.

People who vie for status—the type mentioned in the fifth issue—often appear within church life. Their most obvious manifestation is their vying for status with church leaders, followed by vying for status with those who possess good caliber and comprehend the truth with relative purity, those who have spiritual understanding, and those who understand the truth principles among the brothers and sisters, often challenging these individuals. These people frequently fellowship some pure understandings and light in church life, sharing some personal experiences that are valuable and convey practical understanding; this greatly helps and edifies the brothers and sisters. After hearing their fellowship, the brothers and sisters have a path, knowing how to practice and experience God’s word and how to solve their own problems. They feel very grateful for God’s guidance, and at the same time, they admire and esteem those who have a pure comprehension of the truth and practical experiences. Thus, they tend to regard these individuals highly and draw closer to them. The emergence of these positive things that please God in church life is what those who vie for status least want to see. Whenever they see someone fellowshipping practical experiences, they feel uneasy and jealous, becoming especially awkward. In their awkwardness, they display a demeanor of defiance, disdain, and dissatisfaction, often calculating in their hearts how to make those who have practical experiences and understand the truth look foolish, as well as how to make the brothers and sisters see their flaws and shortcomings, no longer holding them in high regard or drawing close to them. Therefore, those who vie for status are bound to say some things and carry out some actions. They attack and exclude those who share experiential testimonies and those whose frequent fellowship of the truth provides for and aids the life entry of the brothers and sisters. They often seize leverage over the positive characters and expose their shortcomings, with the aim of distancing God’s chosen people from all who often fellowship the truth and share experiential testimonies. In summary, those who vie for status are negative characters who infiltrate the church and play the role of Satan’s lackeys.

A sister, who had committed errors in her intimate relations before believing in God, repented after becoming a believer and never made such mistakes again. She felt particularly remorseful about her past transgressions and thus opened up and fellowshipped with the brothers and sisters. What is the purpose and principle of opening up and fellowshipping? It is to foster mutual understanding and eliminate internal barriers between the brothers and sisters. Most brothers and sisters, after understanding the truth, can open up and fellowship their own revelations of corruption and past transgressions, while also expressing gratitude and praise for God’s salvation. Is such opening up and fellowshipping appropriate? (Yes.) After understanding the truth, most brothers and sisters are able to open up and fellowship in this way; does this constitute a problem? (No.) It is very normal for people to have committed some mistakes in terms of their intimate relations or in other respects before coming to believe in God. Some people can speak about these mistakes, while some conceal and disguise themselves, and no matter how others practice opening up and laying themselves bare, they say nothing themselves. They believe that these mistakes are the skeletons in their closet, which they can’t let anyone know about, lest their reputation, face, and standing be lost. However, some people comprehend things differently; they believe that since they have come to believe in God and have accepted God’s salvation, they ought to open up and fellowship now about their past wrongdoings and the mistaken paths they’ve walked, and bring them out for dissection, and that these are just things that they have gone through as Satan-corrupted humans. Now, they are able to open up, lay themselves bare, and fellowship. Whether it’s to summarize the past or to put an end to it, the fact that these people can do this proves what their attitude toward practicing the truth is: They are willing to practice the truth, and they have the resolve to practice it. How exactly one practices depends on their comprehension and resolve. However, opening up and laying oneself bare is definitely not a mistake, and even less is it a sin. It should not be used as leverage against someone, and even less should it become evidence that another person uses to attack them. The majority of people can treat this matter correctly, that is, their comprehension of it is pure and in accordance with the truth principles. However, evil individuals harbor the wrong intentions; they insist on seizing on things about people to ridicule them, toy with them, and judge them. Such evil deeds are quite obvious. Those who are able to lay themselves bare, open up, and fellowship their corruption and the wrong paths they have taken, possess hearts that hunger and thirst for righteousness in their approach to the truth and to the words of God. Consequently, as they read God’s words, they unconsciously gain some practical understandings and insights. These practical understandings and insights help them find the path to practice in the face of difficulties and the myriad situations that occur in their lives, leading to some genuine experiential understanding of the truth. Fellowshipping these genuine experiential understandings is edifying and helpful to others; the brothers and sisters will look upon these individuals with admiration and respect, saying, “Your practical experiences are truly wonderful. After hearing about them, I can empathize deeply. I see that your way of practice is correct and blessed by God. I too am willing to let go of my own notions and prejudices and drop my encumbrances; I want to practice the truth in a simple manner and receive God’s enlightenment and guidance like you. This path is the right one.” Aren’t these manifestations quite normal? Is it not very proper for such a relationship to arise among the brothers and sisters? This is a type of interpersonal relationship that differs from the type found among those who do not believe in God; it is one that is approved of by God and that He wishes to see. Only when such a normal relationship exists among the brothers and sisters can church life be normal. However, there will always be some evil people or some with malicious intent, who stand up to attack, denigrate, and exclude those with practical experiences, those who thirst and hunger for righteousness, and those who admire and esteem people with experience. Why do they attack these individuals? Their purpose is nothing else but to vie for a certain status within the church. Because they do not love the truth nor pursue it, they masquerade as pursuers of the truth by fabricating false experiences to mislead everyone and gain their high regard. This is using Satan’s methods of misleading and controlling people to achieve their desired status and power. Such incidents occur frequently in churches everywhere and are visible to all. If you find that some brothers and sisters possess some of the truth reality, can fellowship genuine experiential understanding of God’s words during gatherings, and have gained the praise of many, yet for some reason are attacked, retaliated against, and plunged into suffering by some, then you should be alert, and discern what kinds of people engage in this behavior. Why are those who pursue the truth often attacked and excluded? What is really going on here? This definitely indicates a problem.

In church life, close attention should be paid to those who frequently find fault with leaders and workers. Additionally, some people often mock, deride, or attack those who relatively pursue the truth and yearn for God’s words. These negative characters should also be closely monitored and watched to see what their next actions will be. If someone can expose the shortcomings of church leaders or attack individuals who have the truth reality without any just cause while partaking in church life, there definitely is an issue and a reason behind it; it is certainly not without cause. The brothers and sisters should pay serious attention to such individuals because this is no small matter. Sometimes, after having just heard a testimony of practical experience and feeling full enjoyment in one’s heart, or after having just gained a bit of light and understanding, one can nevertheless be thrown into confusion by a few misleading words spoken by evil people, thus losing everything one had just gained. Just when one has started to build a bit of faith, they get disturbed by evil people and return to their original status; just when they start to develop a bit of thirst for the truth and God’s word, along with a bit of resolve to practice the truth, they are disturbed by the evil people, losing heart and motivation, and then want to quickly leave this place of conflict. Are these consequences serious? They are very serious. Thus, in the church, if there is someone who always starts disputes over something that does not conform to their wishes, argues over who is in the right, debates right from wrong, and even contests who is superior or inferior, then such individuals should raise red flags. See what role they play in the church, what consequences they bring about, and through this, you can see through to what their nature essence is.

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