The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (18) Part Three
Throughout history, humankind has continuously slandered and blasphemed God, and in the last days, the forces among all humankind that resist God have grown even stronger, with more voices slandering and condemning God. Humankind utilizes various methods, through newspapers, television, the internet, and other media, to slander and attack God. But have we ever dissected these rumors in all our gatherings? (No.) Why not? Some people say, “Is it because the innocent remain innocent, and rumors die when they reach the wise?” Is that why? (These rumors fundamentally can’t affect God’s work. No matter how Satan disturbs, it cannot sabotage or obstruct the progress of God’s work and plan.) Satan is just such a thing; as long as God acts, as long as God works, it comes to disturb. This is precisely the role it plays. Is it okay for you to stop it from performing? You have to give it enough space, enough of a stage, enough opportunity to perform. When it has performed enough, is tired from its turmoil, and has done enough evil, its days are over. We don’t need to waste precious time dissecting and analyzing its various rumors and evil deeds to debunk these rumors; doing so is useless and worthless. What’s the use of dissecting those? Can it represent people understanding the truth? There are too many truths that people should understand; they can’t even listen to all these truths, let alone debunk these rumors. Do people have that spare time? To be honest, I’m really not interested in those matters, nor am I willing to mention them or pay attention to them. Some people say, “In these years, is it that You don’t dare to go anywhere? Is it that there are so many rumors flying around that You’re always anxious and scared wherever you go?” I say I feel nothing at all. Some people say, “Don’t You want to defend Yourself against things You haven’t done?” What is there to defend? I can’t even keep up with My proper business! I converse with people, with created beings, not with devils. Some people ask, “Doesn’t it make You angry to hear these rumors?” I say I feel nothing toward them, they don’t make Me feel anything; I don’t bother with these matters. Some people ask, “Don’t You feel wronged?” I say I don’t feel wronged, what is there to feel wronged about? Do what I can, do what I should, do well what I can and should do, fulfill My responsibilities—that is the best thing, that is meaningful. I won’t be distracted by or spend time on those meaningless, worthless things. I don’t have time to bother with those matters. Some people say, “What about when You have free time, will You bother with them then?” No, not even when I have free time. I’d rather talk to My dog than converse with devils. If you clearly know it’s a devil spouting its devilish talk, why bother with it? You shouldn’t bother at all; letting the devil be thoroughly shamed is the correct thing to do. In short, God’s attitude toward these rumors is as follows: In doing anything or saying each sentence, God is not justifying Himself, not proving Himself to humankind, and certainly not justifying Himself to Satan, His enemy, saying He is pure and innocent, and without guilt. Everything God does is for His management, to save the humans He intends to save. He follows His management plan step by step; He does not do it to demonstrate anything to anyone, nor to confirm His identity. Speaking in human terms, everything God does is done instinctively without any insincerity or passivity. God instinctively carrying out all these tasks confirms His identity and His essence. Humankind cannot change God’s plan, nor can they surpass God’s authority and power; this is a fact. Therefore, God disregards the rumors and devilish words that attack and slander Him from any side within humankind. Tell Me, would it not be too easy for God to utter a chapter of words or write a condemnation to rail against the attacks and resistance against God of the atheistic ruling parties in the world and the religious community? But God will not act this way toward Satan. God operates on principles; when it comes to God destroying Satan’s evil forces, He has His own timing. For God, acting is too easy. God could perform some wondrous deeds in the heavens, and suddenly the heavens would split open with a voice saying, “I am the one true God whom you slander, attack, and blaspheme; I am the Almighty you are currently slandering and blaspheming!” Upon hearing this, humankind would be immediately stunned and at a loss, only able to prostrate themselves on the ground, weeping and gnashing their teeth. This one sentence would resolve everything, prove everything; would anyone then dare to insult God? Would those devils in the religious community not be scared into vanishing without a trace? Satan fabricates rumors about God, it slanders and attacks God, making those who believe in God angry and hateful, unable to eat or sleep, wanting to write articles and produce programs to refute it, while God acts simply—He could just speak a few sentences and all of humankind would then yield completely, no longer daring to attack or blaspheme Him. How was Paul made to be obedient? (God appeared to him on the road to Damascus.) God appeared to him. Actually he saw nothing; there was just a light that frightened Paul so much he fell prostrate on the ground, and he no longer dared to persecute Jesus. Dealing with Satan is that simple; actually, it’s too easy for God. God could settle it with just one word. Doing this would be much easier than spending decades talking to you and putting all this effort into you, but God does not act this way. Why? There’s a secret I must tell you: It is humans that God saves, that is, those people God has chosen; the rest, whom God has not chosen, are not considered humans but are beasts, devils, unworthy of hearing God’s voice, seeing God’s face, or much less knowing any information about God. Therefore, God does not act this way. God’s identity is honorable; not just anyone who wishes to see Him can do so, and He will not appear to someone simply because they are always intently, eagerly, and wholeheartedly looking up to a certain place in the sky. Do you think anyone who wants to see God can see Him? God has dignity; God appears to those who fear Him and shun evil, He appears in holy places and hides from filthy places. Whether the entirety of humankind is filthy or holy needs no discussion. This humankind does not deserve to see God; they do not acknowledge that there is a God, so why would God appear to them? They are not worthy! God is capable of doing things but does not do them; this confirms God’s humility and hiddenness, and the honorableness of His identity. Tell Me, if Satan could do those things, how many times a day would it do them, how much would it show off? When humans corrupted by Satan hold some minor office and wield a bit of power, who knows to what extent they will show off this power—to say nothing of Satan, who will abuse and flaunt any bit of power it possesses in unimaginable ways. God does not act in this way; do not measure God with Satan’s logic, that would be a grave mistake. As for what God can do, it’s up to God whether He wishes to do it; if God wishes, it could be done in a moment, and if He does not wish to, no one can coerce Him. God’s attitude toward rumors is just this—He ignores them. God still does what He ought to do, what He intends to do; no person, no force can upset or change His plan. These rumors that attack, slander, and denigrate God change nothing. Rumors, after all, are just rumors and can never become facts. Even if they align with human philosophy, science, morality, theory, and so forth, even if all of humankind rises to attack God, the truth will not stand with humankind, nor will humankind become the possessor of truth. God is forever God; His identity and status never change. Thus, no matter how Satan disturbs, God’s work still proceeds in an orderly fashion, because this is God’s work. If it were human work, Satan’s regime causing such disturbances and various societal forces launching such attacks and slander would have already caused it to collapse and cease to exist. Only when God speaks and works, only when the Holy Spirit works, does the church prosper more and more. Isn’t this a fact? Have you seen this fact? (Yes, we have.) What have you seen? (The kingdom gospel has already spread to dozens of countries, and those rumors fabricated and spread by Satan have not stopped those who love the truth from turning to God at all.) This is God’s doing; God’s work can achieve this effect, God’s words can achieve this effect—this is beyond Satan’s expectations. God’s words have such immense power; the gospel is spreading in a good direction and everything is proceeding orderly according to God’s plan, without any discrepancy. God’s work and God’s words are spreading among God’s chosen people, as has long been preordained. The number of people gained from preaching the gospel and the number of people investigating the true way are increasing month by month. Doesn’t this show how the gospel work has spread? If it were not God’s work, no matter how many people paid how great a price, they could not achieve this effect. This is the might of God, the effect achieved by the power of God’s words.
Let’s return to talking about how people treat various rumors. People cannot attain the same attitude as God toward various rumors. They do not understand God’s intentions, and upon hearing rumors, they always feel: “If I don’t do something, I’d be failing my conscience. If the people who fabricate rumors prevail, I will feel uneasy, discontented, and indignant, feeling an imbalance, so I must refute them. I must make a video, or write an article to clarify the rumors.” It’s worth reflecting whether doing things under such a mindset is in line with God’s intentions, whether it conforms to the truth principles. If your purpose and motivation in doing church work and your duties are merely to clarify rumors and to explain clearly that it is the true God in whom you believe, that you are on the right path in life, and that all you’ve done to preach the gospel and testify to God has been just—and that it’s just because the world does not know or understand the truth of all these facts that they have accused you of many baseless crimes—and you thereby hope that when everything is clarified, the world will recognize you as innocent, that all parties in the world will universally acknowledge that “it is the true God in whom you believe, you are on the right path in life, and everything God has asked you to do is correct and is a just cause,” then what? Will you then feel at ease and justified in your belief? Will you have embarked on the right track in believing in God? Will you have embarked on the path of salvation without any external interference? Will you have developed a God-fearing heart? Can you then achieve submission to God? Can you then receive God’s approval? (No.) Is it possible for people to have no misunderstandings about you and only praise and revere you, after which you can believe in God with a clear conscience? Absolutely not! Of course, people cannot reach the same attitude toward rumors as God, but one should have a correct perspective, an accurate attitude and stance, saying: “These rumors are indeed hateful and disgusting. From these rumors, it can be seen that this corrupt humankind is indeed the enemy of God; this is absolutely correct! I must not judge whether God’s work is true or false based on Satan’s rumors. Through reading God’s words and through experiences in doing my duty, I confirm that all God’s words are the truth, and all that He does enables people to be saved. Having come before God today to accept His salvation, I ought to do my duty, and fulfill my obligations and responsibilities to propagate God’s words, proclaim His name, and testify to God’s work and His intentions, so that the ones God chooses may return to God’s house, hear His voice, and receive the supply of words and life from Him as quickly and as soon as possible. This is my obligation, my responsibility. I am cooperating with God’s work, but not to justify that the path I follow is the right one or that the cause I undertake is just—not for these things. I am not doing my duty to retaliate against Satan’s attacks and slanders against God. Rather, I am fulfilling my own obligations and responsibilities, and of course, my own loyalty, to repay God’s love, to accept God’s commission, and cooperate with God’s work.” Is this the correct perspective? Is this the perspective that people should have? (Yes.) From this angle, when creating various programs, whether it’s singing hymns, dancing, making films, or producing stage plays about experiential testimonies, shouldn’t people’s stance, the angle from which they stand, and some specific statements they make undergo some changes? (Yes.) However, most people, while performing all these tasks, have done so with impetuousness and hatred, and mixed with human emotions. Therefore, they have exposed too much about the actions and behaviors of nonbelievers, the ruling party, and the religious community, and their words have been too harsh, leaving a somewhat negative impact on others after they view such programs. The reason is simple: People undertake all these activities with a certain emotion, from not quite the right angle. And people still feel this is quite just, saying: “They attack, denigrate, and fabricate rumors about us; what’s wrong with exposing them? This is legitimate self-defense! Defending oneself legitimately isn’t illegal, nor are we making things up; we are all dissecting things based on facts. They fabricate rumors about us out of nothing; is it wrong for us to expose and dissect them? Can’t we retaliate?” What use is retaliation? Devils are full of lies and never speak a single truthful statement; constantly dissecting their lies to make them recognize that what they say is lies and so that after they admit to lying they never lie again—is there any value in that? Can they achieve this? (No.) Isn’t that approach foolish and ignorant? I have long said that our main task is to testify to God’s work, the effects achieved by His work, His words, and the effects of His words on people, and that regarding the suppression and persecution by the ruling party, and the resistance and condemnation by the religious community, it’s enough just to briefly mention some of the background involved. But people cannot understand no matter how they hear this. They always treat these issues with impetuousness and want to argue. And what’s the result? It yields no effect at all, for the evil forces of Satan are beyond reasoning with. Isn’t this the foolishness and ignorance of people?
Some people preach the gospel, learn some technical profession, or do a certain type of duty, with the sole motivation of clarifying rumors and explaining what is true to people, declaring war on the dark world and the evil humans who resist God. Is this an act of justice? Whether you are right or wrong in doing this, you need to understand: Can God save those wicked people who are hostile to Him? Is there any value in you doing this? If you do not understand what kind of humans God saves and always express some viewpoints that seem right but are actually wrong, isn’t this hindering your own salvation? Some people do their duty just to fight against the evil forces that resist God and to oppose worldly trends. “They say we neglect our families and don’t live normal lives, so I want to prove myself by doing my duties well. In the future, when I go to heaven and enter the kingdom and they are judged, they will see that I am right!” What’s the use of proving yourself like that? Even if you have proven yourself, what good can it do? What does it represent? What is the value of that? If it could truly allow you to enter the kingdom and gain God’s approval, then it would be worth it, and your path would be correct. But unfortunately, this path is not feasible. This is not the path God has predestined for people, and God does not require people to act in this way. People are always foolish, thinking that because they stand on the side of the truth and have the truth, they must undertake just causes, declaring war on this evil world and all those who fabricate rumors: “We believe in God and follow God, we do our duty—we’ll show you who’s on the right path!” Isn’t this impetuousness? Is there any use in arguing over these things? It has no value at all. If you really have the time and energy, it would be better to learn some more about a profession, to study some more knowledge and common knowledge related to a profession. This is beneficial and supportive to your performance of duty. Why are you always contending with the evil forces of the world? Why always contend with rumors? Isn’t this expending effort where it’s not needed? No matter how others attack you, there’s no need to pay attention to them. They are of a devilish nature, and are beasts, they are just that kind of thing; God does not save them, does not change them, and does not speak to them. God ignores them, so do you need to pay attention to them? If people insist on obstinately doing what God does not do, isn’t this a bit foolish and lacking in wisdom? At the very least, you are a person who does not have a heart of submission to God, and you do not love what God loves, or hate what God hates. You do not see what God’s attitude toward these things is—God ignores them; you don’t even realize why that is. In each of God’s three stages of work, God has spoken many words. There are many dialogues between God and humankind, and from these dialogues, one can see God’s intentions, God’s disposition, and essence. However, God never talks about how He dialogues with Satan in certain specific matters, and thus exposes Satan, allowing humankind to see clearly Satan’s true face, and to see clearly how Satan treats God. There are so many such matters, but God does not mention them. Why doesn’t God mention them? Because talking about those things is of no benefit to you. That which is most beneficial to you are the words of God’s life; these words that can enable you to come before God and become a person who submits to God, and who fears God and shuns evil are the most beneficial to you. God tells you how to live and how to speak, and also how to discern people and matters and learn to practice the truth and be wise in various environments and situations—these are all beneficial to you. God says and does whatever is beneficial to you. God does not say a single word that is of no benefit to you. Wouldn’t it be all too easy for God to say those words? So why doesn’t He say them? Because corrupt humankind does not need those words. These rumors are equivalent to the words of devils and Satan, and God ignores them, so you shouldn’t contend with them either. Understand? (Understood.) Once you understand, you know how to practice, don’t you? Don’t put effort into dissecting rumors, refuting rumors, searching for the sources of rumors, and so forth. If you truly have the heart to testify for God and want to stand firm in your testimony and gain God’s approval, there are so many words you can say and so many things you can do. The words and truths that God supplies to people require you to ponder, experience, and engage with them, so that they become your own principles and paths of practice, eventually becoming your own life. It is necessary for you to spend time and energy to implement this. If you are foolish and stupid, always putting effort into rumors, always wanting to clear your name and clarify yourself to the world, then that spells trouble; you will not gain the truth, and you will be utterly entangled and exhausted by these worldly rumors. In the end, you will not be able to explain things clearly. Why won’t you be able to explain them clearly? Because you are facing the devil, and it tells blatant lies. What does the devil say now? The great red dragon says, “China is the defender of world order, the defender of world peace, and its role in maintaining world peace and order is crucial.” Which words that it says are facts? Are these words facts? When you hear these words, don’t you feel angry? After hearing this, you think Satan is so shameless to even say such things. Why would you argue with it? Aren’t you being foolish? This is just the sort of thing it is—God just uses it to render service, He absolutely does not intend to save or change it. Isn’t it foolish to argue with it? Don’t do such stupid things. Wise people do not listen to these rumors, nor are they constrained by them. Some people say, “After hearing the rumors, I get disturbed!” Then you should pray in your heart, use the truth to discern, and then curse those devils and Satan, and these rumors will no longer have any effect on your heart. There is another way: You must see through to the essence. You say, “Even if God’s actions don’t conform to my notions and are condemned and rejected by corrupt humankind, I see that He is the truth, and devils and Satan have no truth. I am determined to believe in God! Only God can save me. He has God’s essence, He is God, and His essence never changes. No matter how much devils and Satan resist God, they have no truth, and I don’t believe the words of devils and Satan!” Do you have this faith? (Yes.) If you have this faith, you should not be perturbed by any people, events, or things, and even less should you be misled or attacked by Satan. What should you do, then? Ignore it; just focus on pursuing the truth and standing firm in your testimony, and Satan will be shamed.
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