The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (3) Part Three
Just now, I fellowshipped on various kinds of people who are greedy for food, sleep, and entertainment. There is another type of person. Initially, when supervisors are being chosen, this kind of person is seen as suitable in every way for the role, and the brothers and sisters are all willing to choose them. They think that this person has good humanity, that they are enthusiastic, and proficient in their profession, as well as being the best and strongest in the team in every aspect, making them an obvious choice for the position of supervisor. However, sometime after being selected, this person starts frequently feeling drowsy, even during gatherings. When others speak to them, they are always confused and give irrelevant answers to questions. They weren’t like this before, so why does it suddenly seem like they have become a different person? Later, somebody inadvertently discovers that this supervisor’s conversations with a particular person sound like the two of them are in a romantic relationship, and speculation arises as to whether they are indeed romantically involved. As this matter becomes more evident, this supervisor becomes increasingly muddled. Whenever they are asked questions or talked to about something, their responses aren’t as quick as before, and they don’t sound as clear and understandable as they once did. They start doing less and less of the work that a supervisor should do, and they have less and less enthusiasm in performing their duty. It’s as if they have become a different person; they are more interested in their clothes and personal grooming than before. There is a problem here. In the past, during busy work periods, they rarely bathed, but now they wash their face twice a day, and comb their hair and look into the mirror at every opportunity, and constantly ask others, “Do you think my skin has become fairer or darker recently? Why does it look like I’ve become darker?” People respond, “It’s so frivolous for you, a supervisor, to talk about these things—how does becoming fairer or darker affect anything?” They consistently talk about these trivial topics, and aren’t in the mood to do their work. Whenever they get the chance, they discuss clothes, women, men, love, and what kind of spouses people would choose, but they never discuss what issues exist within the performance of their duties or how to resolve them. Isn’t there a problem here? Can they still do work? (No, they cannot.) Their mindset has changed, and matters of doing a duty are no longer in their thoughts. Instead, their mind is preoccupied all day with thoughts of how to engage in romantic relationships, how to dress themselves, and how to attract the opposite sex. There is a phrase among nonbelievers: “falling in love.” Is this love? No, it’s a deep pit! Once you enter, you cannot come back out of it. Are there people like this among the personnel who are doing their duties? (Yes.) While God’s house doesn’t interfere with people seeking romantic partners, if they disturb the church life and affect the church’s work in doing so, those people need to be cleansed away. Those couples should go off and date on their own and not affect other people. If you are someone who has dedicated themselves to spending their whole life expending for God, and you have resolved to not engage in romantic relationships, then focus on expending yourself for God. If you have gotten into a romantic relationship and no longer feel like doing your work, then you should not perform the duty of a supervisor, and God’s house will choose another person for the position. The work of God’s house must not be delayed or influenced by your romantic relationship. The work must continue. How can it continue? By selecting another supervisor who isn’t romantically involved, who has strong professional skills and can shoulder the work, to hand your work over to. The house of God always operates in this way, and this principle remains unchanged. Some supervisors say, “My romantic relationship doesn’t affect my work; let me continue to be in charge.” Can we believe this statement? (No, we can’t.) Why can’t we believe it? Because the facts are there for all to see! When a person is in a romantic relationship, all they think about is their romantic partner, and their heart is preoccupied with these matters, and so they frequently feel drowsy during gatherings and cannot do their duties. Therefore, the way the house of God deals with such individuals is appropriate and in line with principles. The house of God does not prevent you from dating, nor does it strip you of your freedom to date. You may date someone to your heart’s content: that is your own decision, so long as you don’t regret it, and don’t cry about it later. Some supervisors have been dismissed because of a romantic relationship. Some people ask, “Is a person not allowed to believe in God once they are in a romantic relationship?” The house of God has never said that. Is it the case that God’s house rejects or expels all those who are engaged in romantic relationships? (No.) If you are in a romantic relationship, then you can’t be a supervisor or a leader or worker, and if you are not devoted to doing your duties, then you should leave the full-time duty church. Has anybody said that you aren’t allowed to believe in God anymore, or that you will be expelled? Has anyone passed a verdict saying that you cannot be saved, or that you will be cursed? (No.) The house of God has never said such things. The house of God does not interfere with your personal choices and freedom at all; it does not strip any freedom from you at all—it gives you freedom. However, when it comes to this kind of supervisor, the principle of God’s house for dealing with them is to dismiss them and find a suitable person to take their place. If they are suitable to continue doing a duty, they can be retained. If not, they will be sent away. There will not be any hitting or verbal abuse or humiliation. It is not a shameful matter; it is very normal. So when some people are removed from their positions or sent to ordinary churches because of their romantic relationships, is this embarrassing? It can only indicate that they lack loyalty in doing their duties, that they are not interested in the truth, and bear no burden at all for their own life entry. This kind of supervisor doesn’t tend to their proper work—they only focus on romantic relationships, which delays the church’s work, and has already affected the progress of the work of the church—isn’t this a serious problem? (Yes.) Therefore, this kind of supervisor is not suitable to be retained and should be removed from their position. Some say, “Isn’t it a bit too hasty to remove them?” If, from the start of their romantic relationship to the time of their removal, only one or two days have passed, that might be considered hasty. But if three to five months have passed, would that still be considered hasty? (No.) The action has been taken slowly enough, the work has already been delayed so much—how are you not anxious about it? Isn’t this a problem? (Yes, it is.)
False leaders never inquire about supervisors who are not doing actual work, or who are not tending to their proper work. They think they just need to choose a supervisor and that’s the end of the matter, and that afterward the supervisor can handle all work matters themselves. So false leaders just hold gatherings every so often, and do not supervise the work or ask how it’s going, and act like hands-off bosses. If someone reports a problem with a supervisor, a false leader will say, “It’s just a minor problem, it’s fine. You can handle it yourselves. Don’t ask me.” The person who reported the issue says, “That supervisor is a lazy glutton. They only focus on food and entertainment, and they are bone idle. They don’t want to suffer even a little bit of hardship in their duty, and they always slack off deceitfully and make up excuses to avoid their work and shirk their responsibilities. They aren’t suited to be a supervisor.” The false leader will answer, “They were great when they were selected as supervisor. What you’re saying isn’t true, or even if it is, it’s just a temporary manifestation.” The false leader won’t try and find out more about the supervisor’s situation, instead they will judge and pass a verdict on the matter based on their past impressions of that supervisor. Regardless of who reports problems with the supervisor, the false leader will ignore them. The supervisor isn’t doing actual work, and the work of the church has nearly come to a standstill, but the false leader doesn’t care, it’s like they’re not even involved. It’s nauseating enough that when someone reports the supervisor’s issues, they turn a blind eye. But what is most detestable of all? When people report really serious issues with the supervisor to them, they won’t try and sort these out, and they’ll even come out with all sorts of excuses: “I know this supervisor, they truly believe in God, they would never have any problems. Even if they did have a small issue, God would protect them and discipline them. If they make any mistakes, that is between them and God—we need not concern ourselves with it.” False leaders work according to their own notions and imaginings in this way. They pretend to understand the truth and have faith, but they just make a mess of church work—the church work may even come to a standstill and they’ll still feign ignorance of this. Aren’t false leaders acting too much like paper pushers? They are incapable of doing real work themselves, and they aren’t meticulous regarding the work of team leaders and supervisors either—they do not follow up on it or inquire about it. Their view of people is only based on their own impressions and imaginings. When they see someone performing well for a time, they think that this person will be good forever, that they will not change; they do not believe anyone who says there is a problem with this person, and they ignore it when someone warns them about that person. Do you think false leaders are stupid? They are stupid and foolish. What makes them stupid? They blithely put their trust in a person, believing that because when this person was chosen, they swore an oath, and made a resolution, and prayed with tears streaming down their face, that means they are dependable, and there will never be any issues with them taking charge of work in the future. False leaders have no understanding of people’s natures; they are ignorant of the true situation of corrupt mankind. They say, “How could someone change for the worse when they have been chosen as a supervisor? How could someone who seems so intense and reliable shirk their work? They wouldn’t, would they? They have a lot of integrity.” Because false leaders have put too much faith in their own imaginings and feelings, this ultimately renders them incapable of timely resolving the many problems that arise in church work, and stops them from promptly dismissing and reassigning the supervisor involved. They are bona fide false leaders. And just what is the issue here? Does false leaders’ approach to their work have anything to do with perfunctoriness? In one respect, they see the great red dragon rabidly carrying out arrests of God’s chosen people, so to keep themselves safe, they randomly arrange for someone to be in charge of work, believing that this will solve the problem, and that they don’t need to pay it any more attention. What do they think in their hearts? “This is such a hostile environment, I should hide for a while.” This is coveting fleshly comforts, is it not? In another respect, false leaders have a fatal flaw: They are quick to trust people based on their own imaginings. And this is caused by not understanding the truth, is it not? How does God’s word reveal the essence of corrupt humankind? Why should they trust in people when God doesn’t? False leaders are too arrogant and self-righteous, are they not? What they think is, “I couldn’t have misjudged this person, there shouldn’t be any problems with this person that I’ve judged to be suitable; they are definitely not someone who indulges in eating, drinking and entertainment, or who likes comfort and hates hard work. They are absolutely dependable and trustworthy. They will not change; if they did, that would mean I was wrong about them, wouldn’t it?” What kind of logic is this? Are they some kind of expert? Do they have x-ray vision? Do they have that special skill? You could live with a person for one or two years, but would you be able to see who they really are without a suitable environment to lay their nature essence utterly bare? If they were not revealed by God, you could live side-by-side with them for three, or even five, years, and would still struggle to see just what kind of nature essence they have. And how much more is that true when you rarely see them, are rarely with them? False leaders blithely trust a person based on a fleeting impression or someone else’s positive appraisal of them, and dare to entrust the work of the church to such a person. In this, are they not being extremely blind? Are they not acting recklessly? And when they work like this, are the false leaders not being extremely irresponsible? The upper leaders and workers ask them, “Have you checked the work of that supervisor? What is their character and caliber like? Are they responsible in their work? Can they shoulder the job?” False leaders reply, “They definitely can! When they were chosen, they made a vow and a resolution. I still have their written oath. They should be able to shoulder the job.” What do you think of the false leaders’ words? They believe that since this person made a vow to express their commitment, they will certainly be able to follow through with it. Does this statement hold true? How many people nowadays can actually follow through with their vows? How many honest people are there who carry things out according to their resolutions? Just because a person makes a vow doesn’t mean they can truly go through with it. Suppose that you ask them, “Can you guarantee that the supervisor won’t change? Can you guarantee their lifelong loyalty? When God wants to reveal people He has to set up various environments to try them. On what basis do you say that they are reliable? Have you looked into them?” False leaders respond, “There’s no need to. The brothers and sisters have all reported that they are reliable.” This statement is also incorrect. Is a person really good just because the brothers and sisters report that they are? Do all brothers and sisters possess the truth? Can they all see through to things? Are all the brothers and sisters familiar with this person? This statement is even more disgusting! In fact, that person has long since been revealed. They have lost the work of the Holy Spirit, and their scummy traits of loving ease and hating hard work, being gluttonous and lazy, and not tending to their proper work, have already been exposed. Apart from the false leaders, who are still totally unaware, everyone has seen through them long ago—only the false leaders still trust them this much. What’s the use of these false leaders? Aren’t they good-for-nothings? There are even some cases where the Above learns about the various manifestations of certain supervisors by going on-site to investigate and ask about them, and yet the leaders are still completely in the dark. Isn’t this a problem? These leaders are bona fide false leaders. They don’t do real work, they’re just paper pushers, and like hands-off bosses, they do a little bit of work and then live off that and think that they have the right to enjoy themselves, not bothering to lend a hand when things go wrong. What right do they have to enjoy the benefits of status? They are truly shameless! When false leaders work, they never check any work, they do not inquire about the progress of the work, and they certainly don’t look into the circumstances of various team supervisors. They only assign work and arrange supervisors, and then they think that they’re finished, that their work is over and done with, once and for all. They believe, “Someone is taking care of this work, so it’s not my business anymore. I can enjoy myself.” Is this doing work? Without a doubt, anyone who works like this is a false leader—a false leader who delays the work of the church and harms God’s chosen people.
False leaders never ask about or follow up on the work situations of various team supervisors. They also don’t ask about, follow up on, or have a grasp on the life entry of supervisors of different teams and personnel responsible for various important jobs, as well as their attitudes toward church work and their duties, and toward faith in God, the truth, and God Himself. They don’t know whether these individuals have undergone any transformation or growth, nor do they know about the various issues that may exist in their work; in particular, they do not know about the impact of errors and deviations occurring in various stages of the work on the work of the church and the life entry of God’s chosen people, along with whether these errors and deviations have ever been corrected. They are entirely ignorant about all of these things. If they know nothing about these detailed conditions, they become passive whenever problems arise. However, false leaders don’t bother with these detailed issues at all while doing their job. They believe that after arranging various team supervisors and assigning tasks, their work is done—it counts as having done the job well, and if other problems arise it’s none of their concern. Because false leaders fail to supervise, guide, and follow up on various team supervisors, and they do not fulfill their responsibilities in these areas, this results in a mess being made of the church’s work. This is the leaders and workers being derelict in their duties. God can scrutinize the depths of the human heart; this is an ability that humans lack. Therefore, when working, people need to be more diligent and attentive, regularly going to the work site to follow up on, supervise, and guide the work in order to ensure the normal progress of the church work. Clearly, false leaders are utterly irresponsible in their work, and they never supervise, follow up on, or guide various tasks. As a result, some supervisors do not know how to resolve various issues that arise in the work, and remain in their roles as supervisors despite not being nearly competent enough to do the work. Ultimately, the work is delayed again and again and they make a complete mess of it. This is the consequence of false leaders not asking about, supervising, or following up on the supervisors’ situations, an outcome which is entirely caused by the false leaders’ dereliction of duty. Because false leaders do not inspect, follow up on, or ask about the work, and cannot promptly grasp the situation, they remain oblivious about things like whether supervisors are doing real work, how the work is progressing, and whether it has produced real results. When asked what supervisors are busy with or what specific tasks they are handling, false leaders respond, “I don’t know, but they attend every gathering, and every time I communicate with them about the work, they never mention any issues or difficulties.” False leaders believe that as long as supervisors don’t abandon their work and are always around when they look for them, there’s no problem with them whatsoever. This is how false leaders work. Is this not a manifestation of “falseness”? Is it not a failure to fulfill their responsibilities? This is a serious dereliction of duty! In their work, false leaders focus only on going through the motions, and don’t seek actual results. On the surface, they frequently hold gatherings, appearing busier than the average person. However, it remains unknown what problems they have actually resolved, what specific tasks they have handled properly, and what results they have achieved. No one can give a clear answer regarding these things, including the false leaders themselves. But one thing can be certain: No matter what problems people have at the work site, these false leaders are nowhere to be found; no one has ever seen them at the work site resolving people’s problems. So, what work are false leaders doing all day? What problems do their gatherings resolve? No one knows for sure, and a pile of accumulated, unresolved issues is only ultimately discovered when their work is inspected. On the surface, false leaders really do seem quite busy—they are “dealing with a myriad of affairs.” However, when one examines the results of their work, it’s a complete mess; it’s chaos, there’s nothing of value in it at all, and it’s evident that these false leaders haven’t done a shred of real work. Despite the multitude of real problems they’ve left unresolved, false leaders seem to have no awareness of conscience and to feel no self-blame. Moreover, they are very self-satisfied and think that they are pretty good; they are truly devoid of reason. People like this do not deserve to be leaders or workers in the church.
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