Item Nine: They Do Their Duty Only to Distinguish Themselves and Feed Their Own Interests and Ambitions; They Never Consider the Interests of God's House, and They Even Sell Out Those Interests, Trading Them for Personal Glory (Part Seven) Section Three
One of the main intentions and attitudes of antichrists toward their duty is to use it as an opportunity to make a transaction with God and to gain the benefits that they want. They also believe: “When people abandon their families and renounce their worldly prospects to do their duty in god’s house, it goes without saying that they ought to gain something, to get something in return, this is only fair and reasonable. If you do your duty and receive nothing, even if you receive some truths, it’s not worth it. Dispositional change isn’t such a tangible benefit either—even if you’ve received salvation, no one will be able to see it!” These disbelievers turn a blind eye to any requirement God has for humankind. They do not acknowledge or believe it, and they adopt an attitude of denial. Judging from the attitudes and intentions with which antichrists treat their duty, they clearly are not people who pursue the truth, but are disbelievers and opportunists; they belong to Satan. Have you heard that Satan can loyally do a duty? (No.) If Satan can do its “duty” in front of God, then this duty must be in quotation marks because Satan is doing it passively and under compulsion, Satan is being maneuvered by God, and God is exploiting it. Therefore, because of their antichrist essence, and because they do not love the truth, are averse to the truth, and even more so, because of their wicked nature, antichrists cannot do their duties as created beings unconditionally or without compensation, nor can they pursue the truth or gain the truth while doing their duties or do them according to the requirements of God’s words. On account of this nature of theirs, the attitude with which they treat their duties and the various manifestations in the course of doing their duties, antichrists’ treatment of their duties is neglectful. In the course of doing their duties they can do evil and play a role of disrupting and disturbing the work of God’s house at any time, under any circumstances. What is the main and prominent manifestation in the course of doing their duties? It is acting willfully and arbitrarily, being a law unto themselves, and doing things without consulting others. They do things however they like, without considering the consequences. They only consider how they can get ahead and how they can control more people through doing their duties. They only want to show God that they have endured hardship and paid the price in doing their duties, that they have capital and are entitled to ask God for rewards and a crown, so as to realize their ambitions and desires and achieve their goal of receiving blessings.
In the course of doing their duties, antichrists are constantly calculating for their own prospects and destiny: how many years they have been doing their duties now, how much hardship they have endured, how much they have forsaken for God, how much of a price they have paid, how much of their energy they have expended, how many years of their youth they have given up, and whether they now have the entitlement to receive rewards and a crown; whether they have accumulated enough capital these few years doing their duties, whether they are a favored person in God’s eyes before Him, and whether they are a person who can receive rewards and a crown in God’s eyes. In the course of doing their duties they are constantly weighing up, calculating and planning in this way, while at the same time observing the words and expressions of others and observing the brothers’ and sisters’ assessments and statements about them. Of course, the thing they are most concerned with is whether the Above knows that they exist, and that they are doing their duties. They are even more concerned with how the Above sees them, talks about them and assesses them, whether the Above understands their “good intentions” in suffering hardship and paying the price, whether the Above knows clearly the suffering and tribulations they’ve endured in their years of following God, and how God in heaven judges everything that they do. At the same time as busying themselves with the duties they hold, their minds are also constantly calculating, and they seek to acquire information from multiple sources and weigh up whether they can avoid disasters, gain God’s approval and receive that unknown crown and blessings. These are the things they often calculate deep in their hearts, the most primary and core things they calculate every moment of every day. However, they never try to ponder or reflect on whether they themselves are people who practice the truth; just how much of the truth they understand; how much of the truth that they do understand they can actually practice; whether their disposition has undergone a real change; whether there is the slightest bit of sincerity, or any adulterations, transactions, or requests contained within the things they do for God; how much corruption they have revealed in the performance of their duties; whether each duty and task they do every day is done according to truth principles; and whether the performance of their duties is up to standard and satisfies God’s intentions. They never reflect on or try to ponder these things. They only calculate whether they can gain blessings in the future and what their destination is. They only calculate their own interests and their own gains and losses, but never expend any energy or effort on the truth, on dispositional change or how to satisfy God’s intentions. Antichrists never practice reflecting on, knowing, or dissecting their own corrupt disposition or the wrong paths they have taken, and never consider how to change their own mistaken perspective. They will never hate that they violated the truth and did many evil things to resist God, will never hate themselves because they live by their corrupt disposition, and will never feel remorse for the wrong paths they have taken or the things they have done to disrupt and disturb. In the course of doing their duty, besides concealing their own deficiency, weaknesses, negativity, passivity and corrupt disposition at all costs, they do their utmost to exhibit themselves so that they can get ahead, and think of every possible way to let God and God’s chosen people see their talents, gifts and abilities. They use this to comfort themselves and to make themselves think that they have the capital and assurance to get a crown and rewards, and that they do not need to walk the path of pursuing the truth. Therefore, the reason of antichrists is unsound. However the truth is fellowshipped, and however clearly it is fellowshipped, they still do not understand God’s intentions or just what believing in God is for, and what the correct path is that people should take. Because of their wicked disposition, because of their wicked nature, and because of the nature essence of such people, deep down they cannot distinguish just what is the truth and what are positive things, just what is right and what is wrong. They hold on firmly to their own ambitions and desires, regarding them as the truth, as the only goals in life, and as the most just undertaking. They do not know the truth that if a person’s disposition does not change then they will forever be an enemy of God, and do not know that what blessings God gives a person and how God treats a person is not based on their caliber, gifts, talents or capital, but on how much truth they practice and how much truth they gain, and whether they are a person who fears God and shuns evil. These are truths that antichrists will never understand. Antichrists will never see this, and this is where they are most foolish. From beginning to end, what is the attitude of antichrists toward their duty? They believe doing one’s duty is a transaction, that whoever expends the most in their duty, makes the biggest contribution to God’s house and endures the most years in God’s house will have a higher chance of being blessed and getting a crown in the end. This is the logic of antichrists. Is this logic correct? (No.) Is this kind of perspective easy to reverse? It is not easy to reverse. This is decided by the nature essence of antichrists. In their hearts antichrists are averse to the truth, they do not seek the truth at all and are taking the wrong path, so their perspective of making transactions with God is not easy to reverse. Ultimately, antichrists do not believe God is the truth, they are disbelievers, they are here to speculate and gain blessings. For disbelievers to believe in God, this in itself is untenable, it is a preposterous thing, and they want to make a transaction with God and obtain blessings by enduring suffering and paying the price for God, this is an even more preposterous thing.
Antichrists only believe in God in order to gain blessings and a crown. They did not take this path because somebody forced them, let alone because God’s words misguided them in any way. God gave promises to humankind, but at the same time as giving promises, He also bestowed on them a great number of truths and put forth a lot of requirements of them, which normal people should be able to see. What do people with the reason of normal humanity think? “It is not easy to gain these blessings, so I must act according to God’s requirements and walk the correct path; I must not walk the path of Paul. If people walk the path of Paul, then they are completely done for. Only when people believe, accept, and submit to the words of God will all the promises, blessings, prospects and destiny of which God has spoken have anything to do with them. If they don’t believe, don’t accept, and don’t submit to these words of God, then all these promises and blessings of which God has spoken will have nothing to do with them.” People with the reason of normal humanity will think like this. But why don’t antichrists think like this? Antichrists are Satans, they are devils, and they do not have the reason of normal humanity—this is the first reason. Second, antichrists are averse to the truth, do not believe each word spoken from the mouth of God, and are averse to positive things. Can a person who does not acknowledge the truth and is averse to positive things practice according to the truth and according to positive things? (No, they can’t.) This is like making a wolf eat grass like a sheep does—they fundamentally cannot do it. When there is no meat and they are about to starve to death, they might be forced to eat a little grass, but once there is meat to eat, their first choice is certainly to eat meat; this is decided by the wolf’s nature. Antichrists have such a nature. Their interests can prompt them to display some good behaviors, pay a certain price, and show some good manifestations, but they can never give up the pursuit of and desire for these benefits. For instance, what they pursue in the course of doing their duty is personal interests, and what they think about is how to turn doing their duty into capital to gain blessings for themselves. Once this hope is dashed, and once this line of defense collapses, they can give up on their duty at any time, under any circumstances. When that time comes, and you say to them how good and how perfectly natural and justified doing one’s duty is, will they still listen? (No, they won’t.) When they decide to give up and leave, people try to persuade them: “You should stay. Doing your duty is so good and going back out into the world is so hard. You’ll gain nothing, you’ll be bullied and exhausted, you won’t gain the truth and you’ll have no chance to be saved.” People may think it’s okay to give them advice, but not only will they not stay, they will also cry in embarrassment. Why will they cry? (They feel wronged.) This is true. And how are they wronged? (They feel wronged because they think they have endured a lot of suffering and paid a great price but haven’t gained what they wanted.) They think they have gained nothing, and they are full of grievances. God does such great work, and it has never moved them, nor have they ever shed a tear for it, but when others try to persuade them, they start crying. If they felt wronged, why didn’t they say so? Wouldn’t stating it clearly take care of things? What are they crying for? Why not just speak plainly? Because their thoughts are so unspeakable that even they are embarrassed to talk about them. At the outset, they made an oath to God that shook heaven and earth, and what about now? “I regret what I did; how could I have been so foolish? If I’d known it would come to this, I wouldn’t have acted how I did in the past! I didn’t understand anything back then. They said that believing in god was good, so I believed in him. I even forsook my family and my job to do my duty in god’s house. I suffered a lot, I was persecuted, and I was arrested, but I haven’t gained anything at all from doing my duty these last few years.” They feel wronged and sorrowful, and they regret all that they have done. They think it was not worth it and think they have been taken in and hoodwinked. What would you say should be done about this kind of person? (They should be made to leave quickly.) Would you still try to persuade them? (No.) If you keep trying to persuade them, they will roll about on the floor throwing a tantrum. You absolutely must not try to persuade such people.
God’s house is the good land of Canaan. It is a piece of pure land. People come to God’s house and receive the judgment and pruning of the words that come from God, and they receive His provision, assistance, guidance, and blessings. God works and shepherds personally, and even though people have to pay a bit of a price and endure some suffering, it’s worth it. Everything people do in order to free themselves from this evil world, to change their dispositions and to be saved is worthwhile. But for antichrists, if it isn’t to gain blessings or rewards, if the crown and rewards don’t exist, then doing all these things isn’t worth it—they are all foolish actions, and they are all manifestations of being hoodwinked. However big a resolution or however lofty an oath they have made before, it can all be written off just like that and cannot be counted. If they suffer and pay a price in doing their duty like this, and in the end they don’t gain anything, then they would be better off escaping this “troubled place” as soon as possible. Antichrists regard expending themselves for God, suffering hardship, and paying a price while doing their duty as things they have no choice but to do, and as bargaining chips to obtain capital, to exchange for a crown and rewards. This starting point itself is wrong, so what is the end result? For some people, their performance of their duty fizzles out and they cannot labor until the end. At the same time, because of their nature essence, such people constantly violate the truth principles in the course of doing their duty, acting recklessly and arbitrarily and only doing things that disrupt and disturb. So, what do the duties they do turn into? In God’s view, they are not good deeds but evil deeds, and heaps of them at that. Such results have a root cause. Can a person who simply does not believe in the truth or in the words of God act according to His words? They certainly cannot. They will only find every opportunity to show themselves off, seize power, control others, control the behavior and thoughts of others, and even control everything about people for their own purposes. Therefore, some of these people who commit many evil deeds are expelled, and some who are relatively treacherous and good at disguising themselves still stay in God’s house. Why is it said that these people stay in God’s house? These people haven’t done obvious evil, and some of them even know their place and are well-behaved and obedient, doing whatever they are asked, but as far as their essence is concerned, they cannot fulfill their duties and obligations to the best of their abilities. They do not expend themselves for God, instead muddling along and whiling away the time, believing that if they endure until the end they will win and gain something. What kind of people are they? They are those opportunists, those people who fundamentally do not pursue the truth. Some people have done some evil in God’s house, but according to the administrative decrees of God’s house, they have not reached the level of being cleared out or expelled, and they are still doing their duties. Actually, deep down, they know that the reason God’s house has not cleared them out or expelled them is not because it is not well-informed about them or does not know their true state of affairs, but for various other reasons. A number of these people who have not been expelled are also antichrists. Why do I say this? This is because these people now have no chance, yet based on their nature essence, once they gain status and wield power, they will immediately do a lot of evil. In addition, even though these people have not been cleared out from God’s house, usually the cons outweigh the pros when it comes to the performance of their duties. They frequently do some bad things, things which harm the interests of God’s house. Although they know it themselves, they never feel remorse, never think they have done wrong, and never think that they should not have acted like this. They have no regrets, and what kind of state arises in their hearts instead? “As long as god’s house doesn’t expel me, I’ll just drag out my stay here and muddle along until my time’s up. I won’t pursue the truth, and if they ask me to do something, I’ll do what I can. If I’m happy, I’ll do a bit more, and if I’m not happy, I’ll do a bit less. Also, I have to hold them back and spread some negativity and notions, spread some judgmental words. When the time comes, even if they clear me out and expel me and I don’t gain any blessings, I will use some people as scapegoats and bring some others down with me.” Aren’t these evil people? They observe which people have no discernment, which are often weak and negative, which have a bad humanity, which are promiscuous, which seem like nonbelievers, and then they draw these people in and spread negativity to them behind the scenes. Do they know the nature of such actions? They know all too well. Then why can they still act like this? (Their nature cannot be changed.) That their nature cannot change is something that is apparent on the surface, but in reality what do they think? (They want to make it a lose-lose situation and have others perish along with them to get back at God.) They have this malicious mind. They know that their days are numbered and that sooner or later they must be cleared out. They know what they have done and know the nature of these things that they have done, but not only do they not turn back, repent or relinquish the evil that they hold, they double down instead and draw in more evil people to commit evil with them. They even spread negativity and disseminate notions, causing more people to abandon their duties and harming the interests of God’s house. This carries a little of the nature of revenge, and what they are saying by doing this is: “I can’t go on believing, and sooner or later I’m bound to be cleared out by god’s house, so I won’t give you all an easy time of it, and I won’t let god’s house have an easy time of it either!” Before God’s house has made any decision on them, they strike first. Are these not the deeds of evil people? They believe, “I have no hope of gaining blessings. You don’t need to tell me the things I did before—I understand it all clearly. You don’t need to expel me; I will give up myself.” They even believe that doing so is self-aware and reasonable, that it is a wise move. They say, “If you don’t allow me to gain blessings, and I gain nothing, not only will I not repent, but I will also hold you back, spread negativity, and spread notions and fallacies behind your back. If I can’t gain blessings, then don’t think that others will!” Aren’t such people malicious? Some antichrists also spread such words: “People like us are objects of exploitation in god’s house; we’re all too foolish!” They see that they cannot gain blessings, so they specially focus on spreading these things to those negative, muddled, and undiscerning people. Doesn’t this carry the nature of disturbance? Once they believe that they cannot stand firm in God’s house and that they won’t be blessed, and that sooner or later they will be cleared out, the path they choose is not to relinquish the evil they hold and confess and repent to God, do their duty with sincerity, and make up for their past errors. Instead, they double down in spreading negativity in God’s house, disturbing others’ performance of their duties, damaging and disturbing the work of God’s house, trying to cause more people to do evil like them, become negative and withdraw, and abandon the performance of their duties, which achieves their goal of revenge. Is this not what evil people do? Do such people still have God in their hearts? (No, they don’t.) In their hearts is a vague God in heaven, and they regard the God who can be seen by people on earth and works among people as a human. There are also some people who do the opposite. In their hearts they have always believed in a vague God, but in the end, they submit to the people they idolize as gods, so they submit to these people in everything they do. What does it mean to believe in God as though He were human? When they believe in a vague God, they believe that this vague God which they cannot see can bestow blessings upon them and has enough capability to take them into the next age and give them rewards and a crown. Before they know it, they start to doubt the practical God on earth. No matter how they look at Him, He doesn’t seem like God, so they find it hard to believe in Him. In their hearts, they only believe that God in heaven is the true God, and because the practical God who they can see is too insignificant, too normal, and too practical, in their view He doesn’t have what it takes to make them believe in Him, and they regard this God as a human. When they regard God as a human, their difficulties arise: “Besides giving people the truth and giving them some promises, what else can this person do? Regardless of how I look at him, he doesn’t resemble god and he can’t bring people any advantages or benefits. He is just a human; what can this person do? If people believe in god, they still have a little hope, a little spiritual sustenance. But if they believe in a human, what advantages and benefits can this human give people? Can people’s hopes and sustenance be realized in him? Will they come to nothing? If he is a human, then there is no need to be afraid of him. I’ll say what I should say and do what I should do before his eyes.” This is how evil people treat God. When they haven’t seen Him, they imagine that God is so lofty, so sacred, so unoffendable, but when they see God on earth, their imaginings and their notions become untenable. What will they do when this happens? They treat God as a human. Then the bit of respect for God in their hearts is gone, to say nothing of their dread or fear for Him. Without these things, evil people become bolder and the lines of defense and the wariness in their hearts disappear, and then they will dare to do anything. Even if such people believe until the very end, they will still be people who resist God.
Antichrists find it easy to believe in God in heaven, but believing in God on earth is truly difficult for them. Paul was a living example of this. What was the end result of his belief in Christ? What did the goal that he pursued in his belief in Christ ultimately turn into? He wanted to become christ and replace Christ. He denied God on earth and wanted to obtain a crown and blessings from God in heaven. These antichrists are exactly the same as Paul. They regard God on earth as a human, and they regard the vague God in heaven who cannot be seen as the greatest God in their hearts, who can be deceived, toyed with at will, interpreted however they like and be made the subject of notions and resisted as they please. This is the difference between how disbelievers and antichrists treat God in heaven and God on earth. It is precisely because they treat God on earth with such an attitude that they produce different manifestations in the treatment of their duties. These manifestations include becoming less and less interested in and willing to do their duties when they see God on earth. This causes them to lose interest in believing in God and produce some negative thoughts and manifestations. Therefore, antichrists are all unable to stand firm in the end; even if the church doesn’t clear them out, they will leave of their own accord. Do you know of any such examples? (Yes, I have met an antichrist before. He was particularly willful. He did not pursue the truth or practice the truth, and he did his duty in a perfunctory and unconscientious way. Also, he did not work hard to study his profession, and he was particularly lazy, and he put on airs. Every day all he was concerned with was food and clothing, and he engaged in fornication. When he was expelled, he didn’t have the slightest intention to repent, but instead felt it was a kind of relief.) People like this do not cherish the opportunity to do a duty, much less do they respect or value their own duty, they are perfunctory and waste their time. Did anyone fellowship to him that this was no way to perform a duty? (Yes. I also fellowshipped to him, but he wasn’t listening, his attitude was quite perfunctory.) Somebody else give an example. (There was a director who consistently did his duty in a perfunctory way; much of the material he shot was unsuitable, and he also caused disruptions and disturbances. After he was moved to Group B, he stopped doing his duty. He busied himself all day with going to work and earning money, and he hung around with nonbelievers, and in the end, he was cleared out. In fact, even if the church hadn’t cleared him out, he would have withdrawn of his own accord. He did not pursue the truth, and ultimately was unable to stand firm.) The disposition essence of these antichrists is the same, they are averse to the truth and averse to positive things, they are fond of unrighteousness, and they have extremely strong ambitions and desires. They treat their duty like a game and in a perfunctory manner, and their style of behavior is particularly improper and unrestrained. Their nature is wicked and vicious. They only come to God’s house and do a duty to obtain blessings, and if it weren’t for obtaining blessings, they wouldn’t believe in God! There is fundamentally no difference between these people and the nonbelievers, they are out-and-out disbelievers and nonbelievers; this is their essence. If you do not allow them to be like the nonbelievers, and make them do their duty around believers in God, they will find this life very painful, and every day will seem like torture to them. They feel that it is uninteresting to do their duty with the brothers and sisters in God’s house in a well-behaved way, keeping to their proper place, and that this life isn’t as free and unfettered as it is hanging around with nonbelievers out in the world—they feel that way of life is interesting. Therefore, them coming to God’s house and doing their duty is done purely out of necessity, it is driven by the intention to gain blessings, and done for the sake of satisfying their personal ambitions and desires. Judging from their nature essence, they fundamentally do not love the truth or positive things, let alone believe in the things that God can accomplish. They are out-and-out disbelievers, and out-and-out opportunists. They have not come to do their duties, they have come to do evil, to cause disturbances, and to make transactions. Therefore, judging from the sum total of these manifestations of antichrists, when these people are in God’s house are they useful or harmful to its work? (Harmful.) Have you ever seen a person with an antichrist essence who is somewhat gifted and capable, and who can keep to their proper place while doing their duty in God’s house without causing trouble or disruptions? Suppose that you say to an antichrist, “For a person like you, who has done some evil in the past, it’s not certain if you will have any kind of prospects or destiny in the future. Since you are somewhat gifted, just work hard at rendering service in God’s house!” Will they be willing to render service with no regard for whether they will be blessed or suffer misfortune? Absolutely not. People who can achieve this are those with relatively good humanity, but do antichrists possess such humanity? (No, they don’t.) Their disposition is vicious. They think, “If you don’t give me benefits, or some promises or commitments, then how can I work hard for you? Don’t even think about it, there’s no way!” This is a vicious disposition. This is the comprehensive manifestation of how antichrists treat their duty, God, and God’s requirements. Do you think there are any antichrists that say, “God has lifted me up and given me this gift, so I will offer myself up to God”? (No.) What would they say? “You want to exploit me? You just favor my gifts and talents. If you want to take advantage of me, then you need to give me some benefits. If you want to exploit me then there’s no way that’s happening!” They do not believe that this is God lifting them up, nor do they believe that this is a God-given opportunity which they should cherish, they believe that this is them being exploited. This is what antichrists believe. Some people are perhaps temporarily ignorant, they cause disruptions and disturbances, and do some bad things, and then they are isolated for self-reflection. Those who pursue the truth reflect for a while and say: “I must confess and repent to God, and I cannot act like that again in the future. I must learn to submit, learn to cooperate with others, and learn to seek the truth and act according to God’s word, I must not commit evil again.” Afterward, the church arranges for them to do their duty, and they thank God in floods of tears, cherishing from the bottom of their hearts this chance that God has given them. They feel honored to have the chance to do their duty again. They feel they should cherish it and not let it slip away again, and they do their duty better than before. They have some knowledge of themselves and they have undergone some changes. While they may still do some ignorant things, and might still become negative and weak, and throw up their work at times, judging from their overall mentality and attitude, they have already transformed. They hate their own prior actions and have some knowledge of this matter. They can accept the truth and are somewhat submissive. More importantly, when God’s house allows them to come back and do their duty, they do not refuse, make excuses, or resist, and they certainly do not say unpleasant things. Instead, they feel honored and that God has not abandoned them, and they think that, since they still have the chance to do their duty in God’s house, they should cherish it. Their attitude has already undergone a great change. Such people are the ones who can be saved.
What is the difference between antichrists and people who can be saved? When antichrists do their duty, they want to have the final say, they will strive for power and benefits, and they will just do whatever they like. If they do not gain power or benefits, then they do not want to do their duty. After they disrupt and disturb the church’s work and are replaced, isolated, or cleared out by God’s house, are they able to truly repent? What do they say? “You want me to repent so you can exploit me? You pull me in when I’m useful and kick me away when you have no need for me.” What twisted logic is this? What does kicking away mean? If they had not committed evil, would God’s house have dealt with them? Would God’s house arbitrarily deal with them if they performed their duty according to the principles? These people brought losses upon the work of the church because they caused disruptions and disturbances, and committed evil. God’s house dealt with them, and they not only refuse to accept this or reflect on and try to know themselves, instead they are full of resentment. They feel that they are not popular or in power anymore, and that they are being bullied and mistreated. When they are given the chance to do their duty again, they not only aren’t grateful in their hearts and don’t cherish this opportunity, they even make a false counteraccusation, saying that God’s house is exploiting them. They do not accept from God the attitude with which God’s house treated them. Instead, they believe it was people bullying them, kicking them away, and mistreating them. Their hearts are full of complaints, and they do not want to do their duty again. Their justification for not wanting to do their duty again is that they do not want to be exploited, and they believe that everyone who does their duty is being exploited by God’s house. This is so nonsensical and fallacious! Is there any word of this that corresponds to the truth, humanity, or rationality? (No.) So, antichrists do not accept the truth, their hearts are full of hotheadedness, full of viciousness, full of complaints, full of transactions, and even more so, their hearts are full of personal desires. These things fill up their hearts. They cannot accept from God being dealt with by God’s house in any way or any environment which God orchestrates for them. They can only approach these things with hotheadedness, taking a tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an eye. They approach all of it using Satan’s methods and Satan’s logic. So in the end they still don’t gain the truth and can only be eliminated. Different people have different reactions to being replaced and having their duties adjusted, or even to being isolated or cleared out. People who truly love the truth abhor their own deeds. The antichrists who do not love the truth not only do not accept these things from God in their hearts, but are also full of hatred. What are the consequences of this? It gives rise to complaints, vilification, judgment, and condemnation in them. It leads to them rejecting and blaspheming against God. This is the source of their outcome, it is decided by their nature essence. Antichrists are incapable of understanding the truth, accepting things from God, and submitting to everything God has arranged, so their outcome is set. They are cleared out by God’s house in this life; there’s no need to mention what will happen to them in the world to come. Can you see through to these matters? If you discover such people around you, can you compare these words of Mine with them? What are the most prominent manifestations of antichrists? Not believing the truth, not accepting the truth, not submitting to God’s orchestrations and arrangements, not being able to accept anything from God, and not admitting their mistakes or repenting no matter what misdeeds they commit. This determines that these people are of Satan and that they are targets of destruction.
You should all compare yourselves with the various revelations, manifestations, and practices of antichrists which I have exposed; in the course of doing your duties, you will undoubtedly exhibit some of these manifestations, revelations, and practices, but how are you different from antichrists? Can you accept from God the things that befall you? (Yes, we can.) To be able to accept from God what befalls you, this is the rarest thing. Can you turn yourself around if you take the wrong path, do something wrong, do ignorant things, or commit transgressions? Can you repent? (Yes, we can.) To be able to repent and turn yourself around is the most precious and rare thing. But antichrists lack exactly this. Only people who will be saved by God have this. What things are the most important to possess? First is believing that God is the truth; this is the most fundamental thing. Can you do this? (Yes, we can.) Antichrists don’t possess this most fundamental thing. Second is accepting that God’s word is the truth; this can also be considered the most fundamental thing. Third is submitting to God’s orchestration and arrangements. This is absolutely unattainable to antichrists, but this is where it begins to get difficult for you. Fourth is accepting everything from God without disputing, justifying yourself, giving reasons, or complaining. This is absolutely impossible for antichrists. Fifth is repenting after rebelling or committing transgressions. This will just be difficult for you to achieve. It is when, after committing transgressions, people gradually gain some knowledge of their own corrupt dispositions through a period of reflection and seeking, sadness, negativity, and weakness. Of course, this requires time. It could be one or two years, or it could be longer. One can only truly repent after fully understanding their corrupt dispositions and yielding from the heart. Although this is not easy, ultimately manifestations of repentance can be seen in those who pursue the truth, those who can attain God’s salvation. But antichrists do not possess this. Think about it, what antichrist does not dredge up the past three or five years, or even 10 or 20 years, after doing something bad? No matter how much time has passed, after you meet them again, all they talk about are still those arguments of theirs. They still do not recognize or accept their own evil deeds, and they do not even show the slightest bit of remorse. This is the distinction between antichrists and ordinary corrupt people. Why can antichrists not show remorse? What is the root cause? They do not believe that God is the truth, which leads to their inability to accept the truth. This is hopeless, and it is determined by the antichrists’ essence. When you hear Me dissect the various manifestations of antichrists, you think: “I’m done for. I also have the disposition of an antichrist—am I not also an antichrist?” Isn’t this a lack of discernment? It is true that you have the disposition of an antichrist, but where you are different from antichrists is that you still possess positive things. You can accept the truth, confess, repent, and change, and these positive things can enable you to cast off the dispositions of antichrists, and enable your corrupt dispositions to be cleansed, and you to achieve salvation. Doesn’t this mean that you have hope? There is still hope for you!
You all find writing experiential testimony articles very difficult and cannot produce them. Some people only write a single testimony article after many years of experience. Some only write one after believing for 10 or 20 years, and they summarize the quintessence of these years’ experiences all together. Some have believed in God for 30 years, and still have no true experiential knowledge. The bottom line is that they do not understand the truth. So, what should I do when faced with this current situation of you not understanding the truth? I must speak to you more, patiently and earnestly, talking and prattling on more, and you must have a little patience and listen more to My fellowship. Listen carefully, gain discernment, and strive to understand the essence of each aspect of the truth. As I just said, if you understand what the manifestations of those who possess the disposition of antichrists are, what the manifestations of those people with the essence of antichrists are, and what the distinction between the two is, then you will have a path to walk, and at the same time, you will also have discernment. You will be able to discern your own corrupt dispositions and the essence of antichrists. If you meet an antichrist, you will be able to promptly discern and expose them, promptly stop and limit their rash and arbitrary actions and practices, and avoid or reduce the losses caused by their evil deeds to the work of the church. Otherwise, if you have poor comprehension ability and lack discernment, or if you are not meticulous when it comes to the truth, and always just understand doctrines, and cannot see through to a person’s essence, this will lead to you not only being unable to discern the antichrists around you, but also to you following them as though they were good leaders. Think carefully, consider carefully, do the things that antichrists do bring more benefit to God’s house or more harm? After careful consideration, you can see that, although antichrists appear to do some good things while working in God’s house, they actually do more harm than good. The gains are not worth the losses. In fact, their good deeds bring even greater hidden dangers, causing more harm than good to the work of the church. The role these people play in God’s house is that of the lackeys of Satan.
April 25, 2020
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