Item Eleven: They Do Not Accept Being Pruned, nor Do They Have an Attitude of Repentance When They Commit Any Wrong, but Instead Spread Notions and Publicly Pass Judgment on God (Section Three)

B. Refusing to Acknowledge That They Have a Corrupt Disposition

When an antichrist is pruned, not only do they not repent, they also spread notions and openly pass judgment. The first main reason for this is that they refuse to acknowledge that they have done wrong. What is the second reason? It is that an antichrist does not acknowledge that they have a corrupt disposition. Is this not more serious and more concrete than refusing to acknowledge that they’ve done something wrong? The minimum knowledge that should be possessed by anyone who accepts God’s work, who accepts God’s judgment and chastisement, is to first acknowledge that humans are corrupt, that they have been corrupted by Satan, that they lack reason and humanity, do not possess the truth or know God, and are those who resist God. Only antichrists would never admit that they are too deeply corrupted, and that corrupt humans are all of Satan, much less would they ever admit that they themselves are devils and Satans. In particular, at times when most people are able to reflect, know themselves, and accept being pruned, antichrists can’t even admit that they have a corrupt disposition—this is a serious problem. Why do I say it’s serious? Since antichrists are incapable of acknowledging the truth and do not believe that God’s words are the truth, they refuse to accept anything that is said in God’s words from deep within their hearts. Some people say, “How can You say they refuse to accept that? They admitted they were devils and Satans, that they were God’s enemies.” How does that count as an admission? Even a nonbeliever might say that they are not a good person, but does that count as admitting to having a corrupt disposition? It does not. True admission of having a corrupt disposition means first knowing what kind of person you are. It also means being able to link yourself to the different corrupt dispositions described by God to varying degrees, and further acknowledge the different corrupt dispositions that you reveal while in different states. Aren’t these some concrete manifestations? (Yes.) But an antichrist does not possess these things, because they don’t acknowledge God’s words—instead they despise them. That is why they just listen to God’s words exposing mankind’s corrupt dispositions, and that’s it; they never reflect on themselves, dissect themselves, or compare themselves to these words deep within their heart. In other words, they don’t dissect and compare their various manifestations, intents, thoughts, and perspectives according to these words of God; they don’t do these things at all. What does them not doing these things signify? It signifies that to them, these words that God has spoken are simply one way of putting things, a different perspective—they are simply a different way of describing man’s dispositions, personality, practices, and essence, they are by no means the criterion for defining man’s dispositions. This is an accurate way to describe how antichrists do not regard God’s words as the truth. Antichrists only have an approximate understanding in their minds of God’s exposure of mankind’s various corrupt dispositions, but they never accept it deep in their hearts. Since they don’t accept it, when something befalls them, are they able to use God’s words to restrain their disposition, change their practices, and resolve their incorrect perspectives? Absolutely not. Antichrists do not accept the truth, which means that they do not admit that they have a corrupt disposition. Take arrogance, for example—God’s words exposing this disposition talk about some of the ways this is manifested and revealed in man. A person who pursues the truth and acknowledges that God’s words are the truth will weigh their own behavior and disposition against these words of God. They will weigh these things over and over, and then admit: “I have an arrogant disposition. It is the disposition I revealed when I did this. These thoughts, actions, and attitudes of mine are arrogant. These ways I have of treating others, doing my work, and approaching my duty are arrogant.” Isn’t that acknowledging that God’s words are the truth? (Yes.) They view God’s words as the standard, and use it to draw comparisons to their own behavior, and when they find a link, they unconsciously acknowledge that they have a corrupt disposition, that everything God says is true, and not false at all. For now, let’s not get into whether people can use God’s words to resolve their corrupt disposition after they have acknowledged that they have one. First, let’s just talk about whether people acknowledge that they have a corrupt disposition. When it comes to acknowledging, most people who possess rationality, conscience, and normal thinking can gain enlightenment and illumination from God’s word, and then, unconsciously accept and say “Amen” to God’s words, acknowledge that God’s words are the truth, and thereby acknowledge that they are a corrupt human being with a corrupt disposition and bow down before God. Once they have acknowledged that they have a corrupt disposition, they will have a correct, fitting attitude toward God, the truth, and in particular toward being pruned. That is to say, while acknowledging that they have a corrupt disposition, when they are pruned they will be able to unwittingly and subconsciously submit from the heart to this pruning, and be willing to accept it. There are even some people who long for others to restrain and discipline them through pruning, and they very naturally develop positive feelings toward being pruned; they have a positive, proactive attitude toward it. These are normal people. The only abnormal people are antichrists; such people don’t accept God’s words, often snort in contempt at them, and resist, judge and condemn them in their hearts. Therefore, they have the same attitude toward God’s exposure and characterization of man’s corrupt dispositions. What attitude is that? Take, for example, God saying that people have an arrogant disposition, and talking about its specific manifestations. When an antichrist hears about these specific manifestations, they don’t simply refuse to accept this, instead they escalate to despising these specific manifestations that God speaks of. Why would they do that? Because they follow the logic of Satan, that is, Satan’s attitude toward the truth and positive things. They say, “You call this arrogance, but among those who are capable, who isn’t ostentatious? Among people with leadership talent, who doesn’t speak in an imposing way? Among people with status, who isn’t a little ostentatious? None of these things are a big deal. All of these things are perfectly normal in the world of nonbelievers, but here you all are making a mountain out of a molehill. Also, does taking action without discussing things with others really count as arrogance? Is that really being a law unto oneself? People who are capable should call the shots, and being able to monopolize power is called being competent. What’s the use in discussing things with you ordinary people? What do you know? So, I’m not being arrogant, I’m just competent and capable. It’s called having leadership ability, and it’s an innate talent. I have such great aptitude, I can do anything. No matter what the circumstances are or what group I’m in, I can take charge—this is being a talented individual! Talented individuals should not be stomped on, nor should they be exposed. Instead, no matter what group they’re in, they should be recommended, exalted, and given important roles! Since they’re able, talented individuals with leadership abilities, they should have the demeanor of a leader, of a chief. If they bury these things, isn’t that putting on a facade?” They use this twisted reasoning and these heresies to judge and condemn God’s exposure of arrogant disposition, so no matter what you say, they will never acknowledge the various manifestations of the corrupt dispositions described and defined by God. They think, “What god said is just one way of putting things. It’s fairly positive, orthodox, and traditional, but it can’t be defined as the truth. It only fits some people. For example, some people are quite guileless, and they don’t have any talent, nor are they very capable or smart, and moreover they don’t have any leadership abilities. If they don’t have an appropriate partner, they have to consult with others when they act, and if they don’t, they cannot shoulder their work—this is the sort of person that god’s words fit.” Arguments like these are all satanic heresies and fallacies.

Antichrists never believe that God’s words are the truth, so any time they hear them, they just go through the motions; they are just like the Pharisees, using God’s words to keep up appearances. They don’t accept them deep in their hearts or make God’s words their life and the goal for their practice. This is why, when an antichrist commits an error, they won’t admit that they did something wrong when you prune and expose them for it, much less will they accept it when you prune them regarding the disposition and essence they revealed in that matter. Just like with them refusing to acknowledge that they’ve done something wrong, when an antichrist reveals a corrupt disposition, they will always have some reason, some excuse, some explanation to deny that they have a corrupt disposition. For example, when they reveal an arrogant disposition in a certain matter, they say that they were in a rush, that it was a bad choice of words and they raised their voice a little. When someone says they were being deceitful in another matter and not being open, they say that most people have poor caliber, so if they said what was going on, others wouldn’t understand them, and would misunderstand what they said, and this is why they weren’t being open. No matter what corrupt disposition they reveal, they can always find excuses and explanations. All in all, no matter what corrupt disposition they reveal, no matter how obvious or serious it is, they will never admit that it is a corrupt disposition. Antichrists often lie, saying one thing to people’s faces and another behind their backs, and no one can tell and nobody knows when they are telling the truth and when they are lying. However, they will never admit that they are a deceitful person, rather than an honest one. On the contrary, they often justify themselves and explain how utterly guileless they are, how particularly sincere they are with others, and when another person has any difficulties, how much they want to help them out of the kindness of their hearts. Antichrists not only do not admit that they have a corrupt disposition, they are always trying to whitewash themselves, bragging about how they are a good, kind person. Not only do they not admit that they have a corrupt disposition, at the same time they also brag about how great they are at working on people, how good they are at obtaining people’s favor and winning over people’s hearts. They brag about how strategic and capable they are when it comes to acting and speaking among people, about how no one can excel and surpass them, how no one is more competent for their job. When an antichrist pays a bit of a price, is able to preach some lofty doctrines and theories, and does something for a short time that misleads people and makes most people esteem them, then they’ll think that they have successfully cloaked their corrupt disposition, and that they have managed to get people to ignore their corrupt disposition. So based on these manifestations of antichrists, and this kind of understanding and attitude they harbor toward their corrupt disposition, when they are pruned, their first reaction will be to oppose and resist it, to do everything they can to clear their name. On top of refusing to acknowledge the losses they have brought upon the work of the church, they will also refuse to acknowledge the corrupt disposition that they revealed in the matter, and the error that they committed under the compulsion of their corrupt disposition. Considering this manifestation and essence of antichrists, is it possible for them to achieve dispositional change? (It’s not.)

I’ve encountered some antichrists who make mistakes in their work, who are lazy, don’t carry out their work, and neglect specific tasks, while still bossing people around, recklessly committing misdeeds, and doing things their own way. When such antichrists are pruned for this, on the surface they appear very compliant, but behind the scenes they are not at all repentant. Judging from their unrepentant attitude, they have not remotely accepted being pruned. Judging from them not accepting being pruned, they have never examined what revelations of corrupt dispositions they possess. Instead, after being pruned, they continue doing whatever they please, doing things their own way, engaging in underhanded manipulation, deceiving those above and below them, establishing their own independent kingdoms, and reveling in special privileges, without changing in the slightest. Why don’t they change in the slightest? It’s precisely because antichrists don’t remotely acknowledge that they have a corrupt disposition, nor do they accept the truth; so, they leap on the chance of holding great power and make the most of having that power, and then take advantage of that time to do whatever they want to, to do their utmost to do bad things, and to disturb the work of God’s house and undermine the normal order of God’s house. While enjoying all kinds of material treatment from God’s house, they don’t do any good things at all. Aside from doing some superficial work, what do they do on the sly? They convene gatherings, preach words and doctrines, and even meddle in unrelated affairs—other than that, they just boss people around. They don’t carry out any of the specific work assigned to them by the Above, and they don’t appear in person to provide detailed instructions, supervision, or guidance. They simply order people around from up above, and occasionally, when they really have no choice, they’ll show up at the work site to get some things done and give some directions. This is just a temporary display of enthusiasm, and soon after they are nowhere to be found. When they promote someone or appoint someone to a post, no one can say that person isn’t good or oppose it, and antichrists will never check or supervise that person’s work. No matter how bad the things the person they’ve promoted or appointed does, they do not permit anyone else to expose them, no one can dismiss them, and no one is allowed to report them. Anyone who does report that person will become their adversary. Regardless of how great losses the person they’re using does to the work of the church, how great disturbances they cause to it, antichrists will do their utmost to protect them, and if they fail to do that, then they will hurry to disassociate themselves from that person, and quickly divest themselves of responsibility. Whatever antichrists do, whether it’s to other people’s faces or behind their backs, they utterly lack a God-fearing heart. They are disbelievers, demons, and living Satans, and they still shamelessly wish to occupy a position and enjoy the benefits of status; they are parasites freeloading off the house of God. There are even some who, when they have been pruned, and see that they won’t be able to hold on to their status, feel discouraged, disappointed, and downcast. Why do they feel downcast? Why do they feel discouraged? It’s because they can’t hold on to their status, their chance at enjoying special privileges and their special treatment are gone, no one esteems them anymore, and their days of playing with power are over. They will have to start doing everything for themselves—they’ll no longer have the chance to just stand there and issue orders. They don’t feel remorseful or upset about the evil consequences brought about by their corrupt disposition. Instead, they are upset, shed tears, and feel a sense of loss about no longer being able to enjoy the benefits of status. There are even some people who, after being dismissed, brazenly ask over and over again for another chance. Tell Me, can people like that be given another chance? What do they intend to do with that chance? To live off the church, to be freeloaders, and to act recklessly. If they were given another chance, would they come to know their own corrupt disposition? Would they be able to know themselves? (No.) If they were to get another chance, would they gain a bit of a sense of shame? Would their character change? With another chance, would they start doing things according to the truth principles, and no longer try to establish their own independent kingdoms? (They would not.) They wouldn’t do any of this—aren’t they done for? If you were pruned, and it was such a serious matter that the Above had no choice but to dismiss you, what would you be thinking? (That I really should be dismissed, because my nature is so wicked, I have done so many things that violate the principles and resist God, I have committed so much evil, and I have caused so many losses to the work of the church. I should be dismissed.) A person who possesses reason would first reflect on themselves, “What did I really do during this time? Why was I pruned? Was me getting pruned for doing those things, and the things that person said when they pruned me really right? How should I accept them? How should I approach this pruning?” They would then examine what they had truly done, if there were any adulterations of human will in their actions, whether there was conscience and reason in them, whether what they did was in line with the truth principles, how much of what they did was in line with God’s requirements and how many things they did according to their own will. A person with reason should examine these aspects, not fuss over whether they’ve lost their status, if God’s house has been fair to them, what people will think of them if they do not have status, or what kind of prospects and destination they’ll have. A person with reason would not fuss about such things.

Just how shameless are some antichrists? If, after these antichrists get dismissed, the brothers and sisters are no longer as deferential toward them, if they’re not as warm or kind, and are instead cold and ignore them, these antichrists won’t be able to stand this. Why are they so touchy about these things, while not being so sensitive about their corrupt disposition? Is that part of their nature? Do they have dignity? Do they have shame? (No.) The two most precious things in humanity are shame and uprightness. There is no trace of either of these things in an antichrist. Antichrists are shameless, and no matter how much they reveal corrupt dispositions or how much evil they commit, they feel absolutely nothing, they feel no guilt, yet they still want to drag out their stay and freeload off God’s house. After they’ve been pruned and exposed, after they’ve been dismissed and no longer have any status, they still want the brothers and sisters to venerate them deferentially and courteously. Isn’t that unreasonable? Does this manifestation of antichrists sound revolting to you? (It does.) Every person feels a sense of loss when they’re pruned, especially if they are dismissed and lose their status. They feel that they have been put in an awkward situation, and shamed a bit in front of others, and they are too embarrassed to face anyone. However, a person who knows shame won’t spout skewed arguments. What does not spouting skewed arguments mean? It means being able to face everything in the correct manner, without thinking and talking about things in a skewed way, and instead honestly acknowledging the things they did wrong, and facing the matter fairly and rationally. What does fair and rational mean? It means that, since you were pruned for something, there must be a problem with what you did—putting aside what corrupt disposition you have, let’s just say that if you messed up in this matter, then you certainly have some responsibility for it; and since you have responsibility, you should shoulder it, and acknowledge that you did it. Once you have acknowledged this, you should examine yourself, and ask: “What corrupt disposition did I reveal in this? If I wasn’t driven by a corrupt disposition, then were my actions adulterated with human will? Was this caused by foolishness? Did it have anything to do with my pursuit, with the path that I’m taking?” Being able to examine oneself like this is called having rationality, knowing shame, viewing things in a fair, objective way, in a way that is true to the facts. This is precisely what antichrists lack. When they are being pruned, they first think, “How could you so mercilessly prune a dignified leader like me in front of so many people, even exposing my shameful secret? Where’s my prestige as a leader? In pruning me, haven’t you obliterated it? Who will listen to me from now on? If no one listens to me, how can I have any status as a leader? Wouldn’t that make me just a figurehead? How am I going to enjoy the benefits of status then? Won’t I no longer be able to enjoy the items offered up by the brothers and sisters?” Is this idea correct? Is it in line with the truth? Is it justifiable? (No.) This is being devoid of reason, and spouting skewed arguments. What do you mean by prestige? What is a leader? Surely you aren’t devoid of corruption? What do you mean by “exposing your shameful secret”? What is your shameful secret? It is your corrupt disposition. Your corrupt disposition is the same as anybody else’s—that is your shameful secret. There is nothing different about you, you are not superior to others. God’s house just saw that you have a bit of caliber and can do some work, so it promoted and cultivated you, and gave you a special burden, a little more to shoulder. But this does not at all mean that once you have status, you no longer have a corrupt disposition. And yet, antichrists latch onto this, saying, “Now that I have status, you shouldn’t prune me, especially not in front of so many people, which would allow most people to find out about my true situation.” Isn’t this a skewed argument? Where can this approach be applied? Out in society, when you build someone up, you must adulate them as perfect, and establish an image of perfection for them, without the slightest flaw. Isn’t that deceptive? Would God’s house do this? (No.) That is what Satan does, and is also what antichrists demand. Satan is devoid of reason, and antichrists are similarly lacking in reason in this regard. Not only that, but they make skewed arguments and put forward excessive demands. In order to protect their status, they ask the Above to be mindful about how they are pruned and during what occasions they are pruned, and what kind of tone is used. Is this necessary? They are corrupt human beings, and they are being pruned for something that is real and true—what need is there to do it in a particular way? Wouldn’t building them up be harming the brothers and sisters? Should they, evil people that they are, be built up, and have their status protected, so that they can recklessly commit misdeeds among those below and establish their own independent kingdoms? Would that be fair to the brothers and sisters? Is that showing responsibility toward them? That is not a way of showing responsibility toward them. So an antichrist behaving this way, thinking this way, and making those sorts of demands is purely them spouting skewed arguments and deliberately causing trouble, utterly lacking shame. When being pruned for something they did wrong, an antichrist does not acknowledge that they have a corrupt disposition, nor do they examine what corrupt disposition led to them doing such a thing. After spouting a load of skewed arguments, they not only refuse to examine themselves, they also think about countermeasures. “Who reported this? Who leaked this to the above? Who reported to the leaders that I did this? I need to find out who it was, and teach them a lesson. I need to rebuke them during gatherings, and show them how formidable I am.” When they are pruned, an antichrist will do everything they can to defend themselves, to find a way out, thinking, “I was careless this time and let the cat out of the bag, so I must do my best to keep this from happening again next time, and try a different approach to hoodwink the above along with the brothers and sisters below, so that none of them are aware. When I do something right, I should hurry to step forward and take credit for it, but when I make a mistake, I must be quick to push the responsibility off onto someone else.” Isn’t that shameless? It’s shameless to the extreme! When a normal person is pruned, deep inside, they privately admit to themselves, “I’m no good—I have a corrupt disposition. There’s nothing more to be said. I must reflect on myself.” They silently resolve to act according to what God requires if they encounter this kind of situation again. Whether they can achieve this or not, in any case, when they are pruned, they accept it within their heart in a rational way, and their rationality tells them that they indeed did something wrong, and that since they have a corrupt disposition, they must acknowledge it. They submit in the heart, without any resistance, and even if they feel a little wronged, their principal attitude is one of positivity. They are able to reflect on themselves, feel remorse, and resolve to strive not to make the same mistake in this matter in the future. On the other hand, not only does an antichrist feel no remorse, they are resistant in their heart, and not only are they unable to let go of the evil they are doing, they even try to find another way forward so they can keep recklessly committing misdeeds, continuing with their evil behavior. When they’re pruned, they don’t examine their own corrupt disposition, the source of their wrongdoing, their intents, or the different states and perspectives that arose within them when their corrupt disposition was revealed. They never examine or contemplate these things, nor do they accept it when anyone else gives them suggestions, advice, or exposes them. Instead, they scale up their efforts to hunt for various ways, means, and tactics to deceive those above them and below them, so that they can protect their status. They step up their efforts in causing disturbances in God’s house, and use their status to do evil. They truly are beyond all hope!

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