Item Twelve: They Want to Withdraw When They Have No Status and No Hope of Gaining Blessings (Section Three)
III. Antichrists’ Approach to Their Being Dismissed
We’ve just fellowshipped on two of the manifestations of antichrists, one is when they’re confronted with being pruned, and the other is when adjustments are made to their duty. The focus of our fellowship has been on what attitude antichrists have when such things befall them, and what decisions they make. Of course, regardless of what an antichrist’s perspective and attitude are when they are pruned or when their duties are adjusted, they always link these things to whether or not they will receive blessings. If they are sure that they will not be blessed, that they have no hope at all, then they will naturally withdraw. To a regular person, to someone who does not have any ambitions or desires, neither being pruned nor having their duty adjusted is actually a big deal. Neither will have a great impact on them. They have not been stripped of their right to do a duty, nor has their hope of being saved been taken away, so for a regular person, there is no need to overreact, to be frightened or hurt, or to start making contingency plans. However, this is not so for an antichrist. They see these as very serious matters, because they connect them with being blessed, and this ends up giving rise to all sorts of rebellious thoughts and behaviors in them, which in turn give rise to ideas and plans of withdrawing, of leaving God. Antichrists can even give rise to the idea of withdrawing when things like these, which are exceedingly ordinary, befall them. So, for someone who has status and is responsible for important work in God’s house, what kind of attitude would they have when they’re facing dismissal? How would they handle it, and what choice would they make? Such things are even more illustrative. For an antichrist, status, power, and prestige are the most important kinds of interests, and the things that they equate with their own life. This is why, when an antichrist is dismissed, when they lose their title of “leader” and no longer have status, which means that they have lost their power and prestige, that they will no longer receive the special treatment of being esteemed, supported, and looked up to, as an antichrist who sees status and power as life itself, they find this absolutely unacceptable. When an antichrist is dismissed, their first reaction is like they have been struck by lightning, as if the sky has come crashing down, and their world has collapsed. The thing they’d been able to pin their hopes on is gone, as is their chance at living with all the benefits of status, along with the drive that makes them run amok doing bad things. This is what is most unacceptable to them. Their first thought is, “Now that my status is gone, how will people see me? What will brothers and sisters from my hometown think of me? How will everyone who knows me see me? Will they still fawn over me? Will they be so friendly to me? Will they keep supporting me at every turn? Will they still follow me around? Will they still take care of all the things I need in my life? When I talk to them, will they still be courteous and welcome me with a smile? How will I get by without my status? How will I walk the path that follows? How can I gain a foothold for myself among other people? Now that I’ve lost my status, doesn’t that mean I have less hope of being blessed? Will I be able to obtain great blessings? Will I get any major rewards, or a big crown?” When they think that their hopes of being blessed have been destroyed or that they’ve seriously decreased, it’s as if their head is about to explode, it’s like their heart is being pounded with a hammer, and it’s as painful as being cut with a knife. When they are about to lose the blessing of entering the kingdom of heaven they have so longed for day and night, to them it seems like terrible news that has appeared out of nowhere. Not having any status is, to an antichrist, the same as not having any hope of being blessed, and they become like a walking corpse, their body becomes like an empty shell, devoid of a soul, with nothing to guide their life. They have no hope and nothing to look forward to. When an antichrist faces being exposed and dismissed, the first thing that occurs to them is that they have lost any hope of being blessed. So, at this point, would they just give up? Would they be willing to submit? Would they use this chance to relinquish their desire for blessings, let go of status, willingly be a regular follower, and gladly labor for God and do their duty well? (No.) Could this be a turning point for them? Would this turning point make them develop in a good direction and in a positive way, or would it make them develop in a worse direction and in a negative way? Based on an antichrist’s nature essence, it is evident that being dismissed is absolutely not the beginning of them letting go of their desire for blessings, or the beginning of them loving and seeking the truth. Instead, they will work even harder to fight for the opportunity and hope of being blessed; they will cling to any opportunity that can bring them blessings, that can help them to stage a comeback, and enable them to regain their status. That is why, when facing dismissal, aside from being upset, disappointed, and antagonistic, an antichrist will also fight tooth and nail against being dismissed, and will strive to turn the situation around, to change it. They will struggle with all their might to retain their hope of being blessed, and to keep their status, prestige, and power in their same state. How do they struggle? Through trying to vindicate themselves, through giving justifications, making excuses, and talking about how they did what they did, what caused them to err, how they’ve been staying up all night to help others and fellowship with them, and what it was that caused them to be negligent in this matter. They will completely clarify and explain every part of this matter, so that they can salvage the situation and escape the misfortune of being dismissed.
In what contexts and matters are antichrists most liable to unmask and reveal their satanic nature? It’s when they are being exposed and dismissed, that is, when they lose status. The primary manifestation antichrists exhibit is that they do their utmost to vindicate themselves and engage in sophistry. No matter how you fellowship on the truth with them, they are resistant, and they refuse to accept what you say. When faced with God’s chosen people exposing all the facts of their evildoing, they don’t admit to these things at all, fearing that if they do they’ll be found guilty as charged, and get cleared out or expelled. While refusing to admit to the charges laid against them, they even push their mistakes and responsibilities onto the shoulders of other people. This fact sufficiently shows that antichrists never accept the truth, acknowledge their mistakes, or truly know themselves, and this proves even more that their nature is arrogant and self-righteous, that it is averse to the truth, hates the truth, and doesn’t accept the truth at all, and so they are beyond saving. Those with a modicum of humanity and some reason can admit and accept their own mistakes, bow their heads when confronted with the facts, and feel regret for the evil things they’ve done; antichrists, however, are incapable of these things. This shows that antichrists don’t possess any conscience or reason at all, and that they are totally without humanity. In their hearts, antichrists always equate how high or low their status is with how great or small their blessings will be. Whether it is in God’s house or any other group, to them, people’s status and class are delineated, as are their final outcomes; how high someone’s status is and how much power they wield in the house of God in this life is equivalent to the magnitude of the blessings, rewards, and crown they will receive in the world to come—these things are linked. Does that view hold water? God never said this, nor has He ever promised anything like that, but this is the sort of thinking that arises within an antichrist. For now, we won’t delve into the reasons why antichrists have such thoughts. However, just in terms of their nature essence, they were born with a love for status, and they also hope to have illustrious status and high prestige in this life, to wield power, and want to continue to enjoy all of this in the world to come. So, how will they achieve all this? In the minds of antichrists, they will achieve this by doing some things they are capable of doing and things they want and love to do while they have status, power, and prestige in this life, and then exchanging these things for future blessings, crowns, and rewards. This is the antichrists’ philosophy for worldly dealings, and it is the way in which they believe in God and the perspective they hold in their belief in God. Their thoughts, views, and the way they believe in God have absolutely nothing to do with God’s words and promises—they are totally unrelated. Tell Me, aren’t these antichrists a bit wrong in the head? Aren’t they wicked in the extreme? They ignore and refuse to accept anything God’s words say, they reckon that the way they think and the way they believe in God are right, and they find pleasure in this, enjoying and admiring themselves. They never seek the truth, nor do they examine God’s words to see if they say such things or make such promises. Antichrists take it for granted that they are innately cleverer than other people, innately wise, talented, and highly gifted; they feel they should be the standout figure among other people, that they should be the boss, that they should be looked up to by others, that they should wield power, that they should rule over others, as though all believers in God should be governed by them, and everyone should be there for them to lead. These are all things they want to obtain in this life. They also want to attain blessings which other people can’t in the world to come, and this they regard as a matter of course. For antichrists to have such thoughts and views, doesn’t this make them quite without shame? Aren’t they somewhat deaf to reason? On what grounds do you think this way? On what grounds do you want to have the high esteem of others? On what grounds do you want to govern others? On what grounds do you want to have power and be in a high position among man? Did God predetermine these things, or do you possess the truth and humanity? Are you qualified to assert your status and lead others just because you have some education and knowledge, and because you’re somewhat tall and good-looking? Does that make you qualified to issue commands? Does that make you qualified to control other people? Where in God’s words does He say, “You’re attractive, you possess strengths and gifts, and so you should lead other people and have permanent status”? Has God given you this power? Did God predestine this? No. When brothers and sisters select you to be a leader or worker, are they giving you status? Is it a blessing you deserve in this life? Some people interpret enjoying these things as receiving a hundredfold in this life, and think that as long as they have status and power, and can issue commands and govern lots of people, they must be surrounded by a retinue of followers, and always have people serving them and revolving around them wherever they go. On what grounds do you want to enjoy these things? Brothers and sisters select you to be a leader so that you can do this duty; it is not so that you can mislead people, be held in high esteem and be looked up to by brothers and sisters, and much less so that you can wield power and enjoy the benefits of status, instead it is so that you can do your duty in accordance with work arrangements and the truth principles. Moreover, God has not predestined that someone chosen by brothers and sisters to be a leader cannot be dismissed. Do you think you’re someone who’s being used by the Holy Spirit? Do you think that no one can dismiss you? So what’s wrong with dismissing you? If you’re not expelled, then it’s because you’re pitied and are being given a chance to repent, but you still aren’t satisfied. What are you arguing about? If you want to withdraw and not believe in God anymore because your hopes of being blessed have been dashed, then go ahead and withdraw! Do you think God’s house can’t get by without you? That without you the world will stop turning? That without you the work of God’s house can’t be accomplished? Well, you thought wrong! The loss of any person will not stop the world from turning, or the sun from rising—only God is indispensable, not any human being—the work of the church will continue to operate as usual. If anyone thinks that the church can’t do without them, and that God’s house can’t do without them, aren’t they an antichrist? You’re used to enjoying the benefits of status, aren’t you? You’re used to enjoying being looked up to, being held in high esteem, and being fawned over by others, aren’t you? How are you qualified to enjoy being looked up to by others? How are you qualified to be greeted with smiles by others? Do you also want people to bow down and worship you? If so, doesn’t that mean you’re utterly without shame? When some people get dismissed from their duty, they get more upset and suffer more than if a family member had died. They dig everything up and argue with God’s house, as though no one else could possibly lead the church, as if they have been the only one supporting the church work until now—this is a great mistake. God’s chosen people not leaving God is an effect achieved by God’s words, and they attend gatherings and live the church life because they believe in God and have true faith in God. It’s not the case that God’s chosen people stand firm and attend gatherings normally because these people have understood the truth and watered them well. Church leaders are replaced, time and time again, many false leaders and false workers are dismissed, and God’s chosen people attend gatherings and eat and drink God’s words as usual—this has nothing at all to do with these false leaders and false workers. What’s the point in making those arguments? Aren’t you just making arguments that are absurd and muddled? If you truly possess the truth reality and have resolved many of God’s chosen people’s issues with life entry, then God’s chosen people will know this in their hearts; if you do not possess the truth reality and cannot fellowship on the truth to resolve problems, then the normal development of the church work has nothing to do with you. There are so many false leaders and false workers who, once they get dismissed, keep making excuses, as though they contributed so much to the church, when in fact they didn’t do any real work, nor did they maintain the normal order of church life; without them, God’s chosen people continue to attend gatherings normally and do their duties as usual. If you do not possess the truth reality and can’t do any real work, then you should be dismissed to prevent you from continuing to affect and delay both the church work and the life entry of God’s chosen people. God’s house won’t use you false leaders and false workers—did you think God’s house doesn’t have the power to dismiss you? You have made such a mess of your work, you have caused such trouble and such great losses to the church work, you have caused the Above to worry so much, using you is so troublesome, and it makes people feel such disgust, aversion, and loathing. You are so foolish, ignorant, and stubborn, and don’t deserve even to be pruned, so God’s house wants to kick you out, immediately eliminate you, and be done with the matter. And yet you still want the Above to give you another chance to keep being a leader? Forget it! When it comes to false leaders and antichrists who are without conscience and reason and who commit evil and cause disturbances, once they are eliminated, they are eliminated forever. If you can do real work, then you’ll be put to use; if you can’t do real work and you also commit evil and cause disturbances, then you’ll be eliminated immediately—this is the principle of God’s house for using people. Some antichrists do not yield, and say, “You’re dismissing me for not doing real work—why won’t you give me a chance to repent?” Isn’t this a twisted argument? You’re being dismissed because you’ve committed a great deal of evil, and you’re only being dismissed after being pruned so many times and still absolutely refusing to repent, so what other arguments can you make? You pursued fame, gain, and status and didn’t do real work, you brought the church work to a standstill, and there was a backlog of so many problems and you didn’t handle them—how much did the Above have to worry because of you? While the Above was supporting you and helping you with your work, you were doing things under the table, you were doing so many things that are in violation of the principles, things that are not fit to be seen, behind the Above’s back, arbitrarily spending God’s offerings to buy so many things you shouldn’t be buying, causing so much damage to the interests of God’s house and bringing such great disaster upon the church work! Why don’t you ever speak about these evil deeds? When God’s house wants to dismiss you, you say totally shamelessly, “Can you give me another chance?” Should God’s house give you another chance so that you can keep running amok doing bad things? Aren’t you devoid of any sense of shame to ask God’s house to give you another chance? Can you be given another chance when you don’t know your own nature at all, much less have any remorse in your heart? People like this have no shame, they are dead to shame, and they are evil people and antichrists!
Some leaders and workers can’t do any real work at all, and they still can’t do any after being guided and helped by the Above for some time. They can’t even handle the work of general affairs well, and this shows that they are too lacking in caliber. The Above must also make regular inquiries and inspections of all aspects of the work and ask brothers and sisters to promptly report any problems; the Above also needs to conduct checks, give guidance, and fellowship on the principles regarding all aspects of the work. After the Above finishes fellowshipping on the principles, some people still don’t know how to do things, and they do them badly, and some even run amok doing bad things; no matter what work they’re doing, they never seek with the Above, they never report any problems to the Above, instead they just do things under the table—what problem is this? What is the nature of these people? Do they love the truth? Are they worth cultivating? Do they still deserve to be leaders and workers? Firstly, they don’t seek before they do something; secondly, they don’t make any reports while they’re doing it; and thirdly, they give no feedback after they’ve done it. They act so disgracefully and still they don’t want to be dismissed, and they do not yield after they’re dismissed—aren’t these people beyond help? Tell Me, aren’t most people who are beyond help totally shameless and deaf to all reason? They don’t do anything well, and they’re lazy and covet comfort; when doing any work, they just move their mouths to issue commands, and once they’ve spoken they don’t do anything else. They never supervise, inspect, or follow up on the work, and they feel antipathy and resentment toward anyone who does these things, and want to make that person suffer—aren’t these classic antichrists? This is the disgracefulness of antichrists; they don’t know what they are, they act so disgracefully and they still want to be blessed, they still want to vie for superiority with God’s house and the Above, and they still want to argue—aren’t they courting death by doing this? When pieces of trash such as these get dismissed, they are very indignant and recalcitrant. They really are without shame and without even a shred of reason! When doing their duty, they run amok doing bad things and disrupt and disturb the church work, and when they get dismissed, they not only refuse to acknowledge their own mistakes, they also push the responsibility onto the shoulders of others and look for someone else to take the fall in their place, saying, “They did this thing, and I’m not the only one responsible for doing that other thing. Everyone discussed that matter together and I wasn’t the one taking the lead.” They take no responsibility at all, as if by taking responsibility they’ll be condemned and eliminated and will totally lose all hope of being blessed. Therefore, they’d rather die than acknowledge their mistakes and admit that they are directly responsible, and instead insist on pushing the responsibility onto the shoulders of others. Judging by their mindset, they will fight God till the very end! Are these people who accept the truth? Are these people who accept God’s judgment and chastisement? To be able to fight God’s house in this way shows that there is something seriously wrong with their disposition. When it comes to how they approach their mistakes, first of all, they don’t seek the truth, and second, they don’t reflect on themselves; they also pass the buck, and when God’s house defines them in a certain way and dismisses them from their duty, they fight God’s house, and they spread their complaints and negativity everywhere they go, trying to win the sympathy of God’s chosen people. They believe in God yet oppose Him—aren’t they courting death? These people really are deaf to all reason! So what if they got dismissed from their duty and lost their status? They haven’t been expelled, and their right to live hasn’t been stripped away; they can repent, start fresh, and get up again wherever it is that they failed and fell down. Antichrists can’t even accept such a simple thing—these people really are beyond saving! Of course, when some antichrists are dismissed, they reluctantly obey on the outside, and they don’t act too despondent or show any antagonism, but does this mean that they are accepting the truth and submitting to God? No, it doesn’t. An antichrist has an antichrist’s disposition and essence, and this is what distinguishes them from a normal person. Though they say nothing on the outside after being dismissed, in their heart they continue to resist. They make no admission of their mistakes, and no matter how much time passes, they will never be capable of truly knowing themselves. This has long since been proved. There is also something else about an antichrist that never changes: No matter where they are doing things, they want to be different, to be looked up to and esteemed by others; even if they don’t have a legitimate post and title as a church leader or team leader, they still want to be head and shoulders above others in terms of their standing and worth. Regardless of whether they can do the work, what sort of humanity or life experience they have, they will devise all sorts of means and go to great lengths to find chances to show off, to secure people’s favor, to win over people’s hearts, and entice and mislead people, in order to gain their esteem. What do antichrists want people to admire about them? Even though they have been dismissed, they think that “a weakened bear is still stronger than a deer,” and that they remain an eagle flying above the chickens. Isn’t this the arrogance and self-righteousness of antichrists, and what’s different about them? They cannot reconcile themselves to being without status, to being a regular believer and an ordinary person, to simply doing their duty well with their feet on the ground, to staying in their place, or to just doing a good job, showing their loyalty, and doing their best, in the work that falls to them. These things come nowhere near satisfying them. They are unwilling to be that sort of person or to do those sorts of things. What is their “grand aspiration”? It is to be esteemed and looked up to, and to hold power. So, even if they do not have a particular title in name, an antichrist will strive for themselves, speak up for themselves and justify themselves, doing everything they can to exhibit themselves, afraid that people won’t notice them or that no one will pay them any attention. They will pounce on every opportunity to become better known, to increase their prestige, to make more people see their gifts and strengths, and show that they are superior to others. While doing these things, an antichrist is willing to pay any price it takes to flaunt and commend themselves, to make everyone think that, even if they are not a leader, and do not have status, they are still superior to ordinary people. Then an antichrist will have achieved their goal. They aren’t willing to be a regular person, an ordinary person; they want power and prestige, and to be head and shoulders above others. Some people say, “This is inconceivable. What’s the use in having status, prestige, and power?” To someone with reason, power and status are useless and they are not things which they should pursue. But to antichrists who burn with ambition, status, power, and prestige are vital; no one can change their perspective, and no one can change the way they live and their goals of existence—this is antichrists’ nature essence. Therefore, if you see someone who does their duty proactively and protects their status when they have it, and still wants to do all they can to protect their own reputation when they lack status—a person of this sort is beyond saving, and they are an antichrist through and through.
Before and after an antichrist is dismissed, when they still fail to obtain status, as well as the power and prestige they want despite making a series of efforts, they will not let go of status and their desire for blessings. They will not set these things aside and turn themselves around to pursue the truth, or do their duty well in a down-to-earth and well-behaved manner. They will never truly repent for whatever they have done wrong, and will instead make repeated assessments such as, “Will I have any hope of gaining status in the future? Without status, do I have any hope of being blessed? Will my desire for blessings be satisfied? What rank am I at in god’s house, in the church? Where am I in the hierarchy?” When they conclude that they do not have great prestige in the church, that they are not looked upon favorably by the majority of people, and that many even use them as a negative teaching example, they feel that their prestige within the church has been completely ruined, that they don’t have the support of most people, and cannot possibly be approved of by most people again, and that their hope of being blessed is virtually nonexistent. When they see all this, when they reach these conclusions in their assessment, their thought and attitude will still not be to put down their own intentions and desires and truly repent to God, or to fully commit themselves to laboring for God, and do their duty loyally. This isn’t what is in their minds—so what is? “Since I’m not going to achieve my aspirations or have any status in god’s house, in the church, then why should I keep following this dead-end path? People can benefit from a change in location. Things might really look up for me if I go someplace else. Why shouldn’t I get out of this place that broke my heart? Why not leave behind this place where I can’t fulfill my aspirations, where it’s difficult to achieve my aspirations?” When an antichrist thinks of these things, doesn’t that mean they are about to leave the church? Would you want someone like that to leave, or to stay? Should they be persuaded to stay? (They shouldn’t be persuaded, and they won’t stay even if people try to persuade them.) No one can get them to stay—this is true. What is the cause of this? When all is said and done, antichrists do not love the truth, so staying in God’s house will just cause them pain. It would be like trying to get a prostitute, a floozy, to assist her husband and educate her children, to be a virtuous woman and a good wife and kind mother. Could she do those things? (No.) It’s a question of one’s nature. So if you see that an antichrist wants to withdraw, then whatever you do, don’t try to convince them otherwise, unless there’s a certain situation, where they say, “Although I’m an antichrist, I wish to labor for god’s house. I’ll force myself not to do any evil and I’ll rebel against Satan.” In a case like this, do they need to be swatted away like a fly? (No.) In a case like this, we can let things take their natural course, but one procedure must be applied: More people must supervise and watch over that antichrist, and at the first sign of trouble, such as them wanting to commit evil, they must be cleansed away quickly. If they can’t bear to be supervised and watched over by others, and they feel mistreated and aren’t willing to labor, then how should a person like this be treated? You should help them on their way and say, “You’re talented, and you should go out into the world of nonbelievers and realize your grand plans. You’re a fish that’s too big for this pond, the church doesn’t suit you. You can’t spread your wings here; this work is unworthy of your talents. If you return to the world, then maybe you’ll get promoted, make a lot of money, and become rich. Maybe you’ll become a celebrity!” Quickly encourage them to leave. If they pursue wealth and status, and they crave the benefits of status, then let them go back to the world to work and earn money, to then become an official and enjoy their life of the flesh. Some may perhaps ask whether treating them this way is treating them without a loving heart. In fact, even if you don’t say such things to them, antichrists will think in their hearts, “Hmph, promoted one day and then dismissed the next. I’m given status and yet I’m watched, supervised, and pruned—what a pain this is! This kind of status isn’t hard for me to find, and if I didn’t believe in god I’d be rich and have leapt up the social ladder in the world by now, I would at least be a city-level cadre. I was born to be an official. I’m outstanding no matter what I do out in the world, I do everything well, I can make a name for myself in any industry, and I’m enterprising.” Even if you don’t say such things to them, they’ll say things like these, and that’s why you should quickly say some pleasant-sounding words that they want to hear and encourage them to quickly leave the church—this will benefit everyone. Antichrists pursue status, power, and prestige; they don’t want to be ordinary people, but instead always want to be head and shoulders over others, until finally they ruin their reputation and standing, and get cursed by God. So, are you willing to be ordinary people? (Yes.) Being ordinary people is actually meaningful. Not pursuing fame and gain, and instead settling for real life, living with peace and joy, being grounded at heart—this is the right path in life. If someone always wants to be superior and to be head and shoulders above others, then that’s the equivalent of them roasting themselves over the fire and placing themselves into the meat grinder—they’re asking for trouble. Why do they have such feelings? Is being head and shoulders above others a good thing? (No, it isn’t.) It’s not a good thing. And yet antichrists insist on choosing this path. Whatever you do, do not follow this path!
When an ordinary corrupt person doesn’t yet have a foundation in their belief in God, when they have not developed true faith in God, they have little faith or stature. When such a person faces a setback, they will think poorly of themselves, and think that God does not love them, that He loathes them. Seeing themselves hitting a wall and failing at every turn, unable to satisfy God, they will feel discouraged; they’ll also experience some weakness and negativity, and sometimes thoughts of leaving the church will occur to them. But this is not the same as being defiant. This is the kind of thought that someone gets when they are despondent and dispirited, and it is an entirely different thing from an antichrist’s withdrawal. When an antichrist wants to withdraw, they would rather die than repent, but when an ordinary corrupt person is discouraged and thinks about leaving the church, with the help and fellowship of others, along with their own active cooperation, and with prayer and seeking, and reading God’s words, God’s words can gradually influence them, change them, and change whether they stay or go, as well as their decision and their mind. At the same time, God’s words can also help them to gradually develop repentance, a positive attitude, and the will to persevere, enabling them to gradually become strong. This is a manifestation of the process of life entry for a normal person. An antichrist, on the other hand, will fight to the bitter end. They will never repent, and would rather die than admit they were wrong, than get to know themselves, than give up their desire for blessings. They do not possess the slightest bit of life entry. So, for someone like that, who is not willing to labor, or who does not do a good job of it, just advise them to leave the church. This is a wise decision, and the wisest way to handle such a matter. Even if you don’t advise them to do so, will you be able to get them to stay? Can you change their method of pursuit or their perspective? You will never be able to change these things. There are some people who are urged to stay, and helped and supported by God’s house, because their negativity, weakness, and the corrupt dispositions they’ve revealed are common to all ordinary corrupt people, and fall within the scope of normalcy. Through fellowshipping on God’s words, through the help and support of others, they can gradually become strong, gain stature, develop faith in God, and be sincere in doing their duty. This is the kind of person we should aid and urge to remain. However, for antichrists who do not wish to labor or do not labor well, encourage them to leave, because, long before you advise them to leave, they have already wished to do so, or have been on the verge of leaving at any moment. These are the various manifestations and thoughts that antichrists have when they face dismissal and wish to withdraw.
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