What It Means to Pursue the Truth (12) Part Three
Now that we have dissected the saying “Bend to a task and strive to do your utmost until your dying day” and fellowshiped extensively on it, do you understand everything that was said? (Yes.) In summary, we can now be certain that this saying is not positive, and has no positive or practical meaning. So what kind of effect does it have on people? Is this saying deadly? Does it demand people’s lives? Is it appropriate to call it a “deadly saying”? (Yes.) The fact is that it takes your life away. It uses nice-sounding words to make you feel how great and glorious it is to be able to spend your life bending to a task and striving to do your utmost until your dying day, and what a big-hearted person that makes you. Having such a big heart means you no longer have room for thoughts of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, and other such trappings of domesticity, let alone taking care of your wife and children, or longing for a warm bed. How can it be okay for a big-hearted person to do without a few special things? Is it too mundane for you to only have room in your heart for things like firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea? You must make room in there for things that the average person cannot, such as the nation, the great enterprises of your native land, the destiny of humankind, and so on—this is “when Heaven is about to confer great responsibility on a person.” Once people get this kind of idea, they will aspire even more to bend to the task and strive to do their utmost until their dying day, using this saying about moral conduct to constantly spur themselves on, and thinking, “I must bend to the task of serving the destiny of my native land and humankind, and strive to do my utmost until my dying day, this is my lifelong endeavor and aspiration.” But it turns out that they are not able to shoulder the great cause of their native land and nation, and become so tired that they vomit blood—bending to the task and striving to do their utmost ultimately causes their death. Such people don’t know how people should live, or what humanity is, or what human feelings are, or what love is, or what hate is, and even cry so hard worrying about the country and the people that they run out of tears, and until their dying breath they still cannot let go of the great undertaking of their native land and nation. Is “Bend to a task and strive to do your utmost until your dying day” a deadly saying that demands people’s lives? Don’t such people die a pitiful death? (Yes.) Even at the point of death, such people refuse to abandon their hollow thoughts and ideals, and in the end they die with grievances and hatred inside them. Why do I say that they die with grievances and hatred inside them? Because they can’t let go of the nation, their native land, the fate of humankind, and the mission entrusted to them by the rulers. They think, “Alas, my life is too short. If only I could live a few thousand years more, I would see where the future of humankind is headed.” They spend their lifetime holding everything under heaven in their hearts, and in the end they still can’t let go of it. Even at the point of death, they don’t know what their own identity is, or what they should or shouldn’t do. The fact is that they are ordinary people, and ought to lead the lives of ordinary people, but they have accepted the deception of Satan and the poison of traditional culture, and regard themselves as the world’s saviors. Is that not pitiful? (Yes.) It is pitiful in the extreme! Tell Me, if Qu Yuan hadn’t been influenced by this traditional idea of the greater righteousness of the nation, would he have committed suicide by throwing himself into a river? Would he have taken such extreme action by ending his own life? (No.) He most certainly would not have. He was a victim of traditional culture, who rashly ended his life before he had lived it to the end. If he had not been influenced by these things, and hadn’t worried about the country and the people, and had instead focused on living his own life, would he have been able to reach old age and die naturally? Could he have died a normal death? If he hadn’t aspired to bend to a task and strive to do his utmost until his dying day, could he have been happier, freer, and more at peace in life? (Yes.) That is why “Bend to a task and strive to do your utmost until your dying day” is a deadly saying that demands people’s lives. Once a person is infected with this kind of thinking, they start spending all day agonizing over the country and the people and end up worrying themselves to death, without however being able to change the current state of affairs. Is their life not robbed by this idea and view of bending to a task and striving to do their utmost until their dying day? Such ideas and views are indeed deadly and demand people’s lives. Why do I say that? Who can make room in their heart for the fate of a country or nation? Who can shoulder such a burden? Is this not overestimating one’s abilities? Why do people tend to overestimate their abilities? Do some people bring it all upon themselves? Is it that they are willing to do this on their own initiative? The fact is that they are victims, but of what? (The ideas and views that Satan instills in people.) That’s right, they are victims of Satan. Satan instills these ideas in people, telling them that “you must hold everything under heaven in your hearts, keep the populace in your hearts, worry about the country and the people, be a knight-errant, a righteous person who robs the rich to help the poor, and contribute to the destiny of humankind, bending to the task and striving to do your utmost until your dying day, rather than leading an unremarkable life. Why fulfill family and social responsibilities? It’s not worth mentioning those things, the people who do them are just like ants. You are not an ant, and neither should you be a sparrow. Rather, you should be an eagle, and must spread your wings and soar, and have great aspirations.” Such incitement and instigation confuses people into thinking, “That’s exactly right! I can’t be a sparrow, I must be an eagle soaring high.” However, they cannot fly high, no matter how hard they try, and finally they drop down dead from exhaustion, having ruined themselves of their own making. The fact is that you are nothing. You are not a sparrow, nor are you an eagle. So what are you? (A created being.) That’s right, you are an ordinary person, an ordinary created being. It’s okay to skip one of your three meals a day, but it’s not okay to go without eating for days on end. You will get old, you will get sick, you will die, you are just an ordinary person. People with a bit of talent and ability can become overwhelmingly arrogant, and after being encouraged, enticed, egged on, and deluded in this way by Satan, they are confused into actually thinking that they are the saviors of the world. They waltz in and sit at the Savior’s place, and bend to the task of serving the country and the nation and strive to do their utmost until their dying day, and they think nothing of humankind’s mission, responsibilities, obligations, or life, which is the most precious thing that God bestows on people. Consequently, they feel that life is not important or precious, that the cause of their native land is the most precious thing, that they must hold everything under heaven in their heart, and worry about the country and the people, that by doing so they will have the most precious of characters and the noblest of morals, and that all people should live like this. Satan instills these thoughts in people, deluding them and encouraging them to cast off their identities as created beings and ordinary people, and to do some things that do not correspond with reality. What is the outcome of this? They drive themselves along the path to their doom, and unwittingly go to extremes. What does “go to extremes” mean? It means straying further and further from God’s requirements for human beings, and from the instincts that God preordained for humankind. Eventually such people reach a dead end, which is the path to their own doom.
Regarding how people should live, what are God’s requirements toward humankind? The fact is that they are very simple. They are to assume the proper place of a created being and to perform the duty that a person should perform. God didn’t ask you to be superhuman or an eminent person, nor did He give you wings to fly in the sky. He only gave you two hands and two legs that allow you to walk on the ground one step at a time, and to run when necessary. The internal organs that God created for you digest and absorb food, and provide nutrition for your whole body, so you must stick to a routine of having three meals a day. God has given you free will, the intellect of normal humanity, and the conscience and sense that a human being should possess. If you use these things well and correctly, follow the laws for survival of the physical body, properly look after your health, steadfastly do what God asks of you, and achieve what God requires you to achieve, then that is enough, and it is also very simple. Has God asked you to bend to the task and strive to do your utmost until your dying day? Has He asked you to torment yourself? (No.) God does not require such things. People should not torment themselves, but should have some common sense and properly cater to the body’s various needs. Drink water when you are thirsty, supplement your diet when hungry, rest when tired, exercise after sitting down for a long time, go to the doctor when you are sick, stick to your three meals a day, and maintain the life of normal humanity. Of course, you should also keep up your normal duties. If your duties involve some specialist knowledge that you don’t understand, you should go study and practice it. This is normal life. The various principles of practice that God puts forward for people are all things that the intellect of normal humanity can grasp, things that people can understand and accept, and which do not exceed the scope of normal humanity in the slightest. They are all within humans’ scope of attainment, and in no way overstep the bounds of what is proper. God does not require people to be superhuman or eminent people, whereas sayings about moral conduct compel people to aspire to be superhuman or eminent people. Not only must they take on the great cause of their country and nation, but they are also required to bend to the task and strive to do their utmost until their dying day. This compels them to give up their lives, which runs completely counter to God’s requirements. What is God’s attitude toward people’s lives? God keeps people safe in every situation, and guards them from falling into temptation and other dangerous predicaments, and protects their lives. What is God’s aim in doing this? It is to make people lead good lives. What is the purpose of making people lead good lives? He does not compel you to be superhuman, nor to hold everything under heaven in your heart, nor to worry about the country and the people, and much less to take His place in ruling over all things, orchestrating all things, and ruling over humankind. Rather, He requires you to assume the proper place of a created being, to fulfill the duties of a created being, to perform the duties that people should perform, and to do what people should do. There are many things which you should do, and they do not include ruling over the destiny of humankind, holding everything under heaven in your heart, or holding humankind, your native land, the church, God’s will, or His great undertaking of saving humankind in your heart. These things are not included. So what do the things that you should do include? They include the commission that God entrusts to you, the duties God gives you, and every requirement that God’s house places on you in every period. Is this not simple? Is it not easy to do? It is very simple and easy to do. But people always misunderstand God and think that He doesn’t take them seriously. There are those who think, “People who come to believe in God shouldn’t see themselves as being so important, they shouldn’t be preoccupied with their physical body, and should suffer more, and not go to bed too early at night, because God may be unhappy if they go to bed too early. They should get up early and go to bed late, and toil through the night performing their duty. Even if they don’t produce results, they must still stay up until two or three o’clock in the morning.” As a result, such people drive themselves into the ground until they are so exhausted that even walking takes a supreme effort, and yet they say that performing their duties is what makes them exhausted. Is this not caused by people’s foolishness and ignorance? There are others who think, “God is not happy when we wear clothes that are a bit special and nice, nor is He happy that we eat meat and nice food every day. In God’s house, we can only bend to our task and strive to do our utmost until our dying day,” and they feel that as believers in God, they must fulfill their duty until death, otherwise God will not spare them. Is that actually the case? (No.) God requires people to fulfill their duty with responsibility and loyalty, but He doesn’t compel them to be hard on their bodies, and much less does He ask them to be careless and perfunctory, or to while away the time. I see that some leaders and workers arrange people to perform their duties in this way, not demanding efficiency but only squandering people’s time and energy. The fact is that they are wasting people’s lives. In the end, in the long run, some people develop health problems, and back trouble, and their knees hurt, and they feel dizzy whenever they look at a computer screen. How can this be? Who caused this? (They caused it themselves.) God’s house demands that everyone rests by no later than 10 p.m., but some people don’t go to bed until 11 or 12 p.m., which impacts on other people’s rest. Some people even reproach those who take normal rest, for coveting life’s comforts. This is wrong. How can you do a good job if your body is not well rested? What does God say about this? How does God’s house regulate this? Everything should be done according to God’s words and the stipulations of God’s house, and only this is correct. Some people have absurd understandings, always going to extremes, and even controlling others. This is not in line with the truth principles. Some people are just absurd fools with no discernment whatsoever, and they think that to perform their duties, they must stay up late, even when they are not busy with work, not allowing themselves to sleep when they are tired, not permitting themselves to tell anyone if they are ill, and even worse, not allowing themselves to see a doctor, which they regard as a waste of time that delays the performance of their duty. Is this point of view correct? Why do believers still come up with such absurd views after hearing so many sermons? How are the work arrangements of God’s house regulated? You must rest punctually by 10 p.m., and get up at 6 a.m., and you must ensure that you get eight hours’ sleep. In addition, it is even repeatedly emphasized that you should look after your health by exercising after work, and stick to a healthy diet and routine, so as to avoid health issues while performing your duty. But some people just don’t get it, they can’t adhere to principles or abide by rules, and stay up late needlessly and eat the wrong kind of things. Once they make themselves ill, they are unable to perform their duty, and by then it’s pointless having regrets. I heard recently that some people have fallen ill. Is this not caused by them doing their duty without adhering to the principles and acting recklessly? It’s true that you do your duty earnestly, but you cannot violate the natural laws of your body. If you do violate them, you will make yourself ill. You absolutely must have a general understanding of how to look after your health. You should exercise when appropriate, and eat at regular times. You can’t binge or drink too much, and you can’t be a picky eater or have an unhealthy diet. In addition, you need to regulate your mood, pay attention to living before God and practicing the truth, and act according to the principles. That way, you will have peace and joy in your heart, and won’t feel hollow or depressed. In particular, if people cast off corrupt dispositions and live out normal humanity, then their state of mind will be completely normal and their body will be healthy. I have never told you to go to bed late and get up early, or to work more than ten hours a day. It is all because people do not behave according to the rules and do not abide by the arrangements of God’s house. Ultimately, people are so ignorant that they take their health for granted. I saw that in some places, people were always performing their duties indoors, and weren’t going out to get some sun or stay active, so I made arrangements for people to find them some fitness equipment and told them to exercise once or twice a week, which corresponds to a healthy routine. People who don’t do proper exercise will naturally become ill, and this also affects their normal lives. Once I make such arrangements, do I need to check up on who is exercising and how frequently? (No.) I don’t need to, I have fulfilled My responsibility, I have made My point, and told you with all sincerity what you should do, without a word of a lie, and you just need to do as instructed. But people don’t take it in, they think they are young and healthy, so they don’t take My words seriously. If you don’t value your own health, it’s unnecessary for Me to concern Myself with it—just don’t blame others when you fall ill. People don’t pay attention to doing exercise. One aspect is because they have some wrong ideas and views. The other is that they also have a fatal problem, which is laziness. If people have a minor physical ailment, all they need do is pay attention to looking after their health and be more active. But some people would rather go and get an injection or take medication once they fall ill, than do exercise and look after their health. This is caused by laziness. People are lazy and unwilling to exercise, so there is no point saying anything to them. In the end, they can’t blame others when they fall ill; they know deep down what the real reason is. Everyone should do a normal amount of exercise every day. Every day I have to do at least one or two hours’ walking and some necessary exercises. This helps not only to strengthen My constitution, but also to prevent illness and make Me feel better physically. Exercise is not just only about preventing illness, it is also a normal physical need. In this matter, God’s requirement for human beings is that they have a modicum of insight. Don’t be ignorant, and don’t be hard on your body, but follow its natural laws. Don’t abuse your flesh, but don’t be overly preoccupied by it either. Is this principle easy to grasp? (Yes.) It’s actually very easy to grasp, the crux is whether people put it into practice. What is another of people’s fatal weaknesses? It is that they are always letting their imagination run away with them, thinking, “If I believe in God, I won’t get sick, I won’t grow old, and of course, I certainly won’t die.” This is utter nonsense. God does not do these supernatural things. He saves people, makes promises to them, and asks them to pursue and understand the truth, cast off their corrupt dispositions, attain His salvation, and enter the beautiful destination of humankind. But God has never promised people that they will not fall ill or grow old, nor has He promised people that they will not die. And of course, God has certainly not placed any requirement on people that they should “bend themselves to a task and strive to do their utmost until their dying day.” When it comes to doing one’s duty and the church’s work, and what hardships to endure, what to forsake, what to expend, and what to let go of, people should act according to the principles. When dealing with one’s own physical life and bodily needs, people should have some common sense, and should not violate the normal needs of their body, let alone the laws and rules that God has established for people. Of course, this is also the bare minimum of common sense that people should possess. If people don’t even know how to deal with the needs and laws of their physical body, and don’t have any common sense whatsoever, but only rely on imaginings and notions, and even have some extreme ideas and adopt some extreme methods for treating their physical body, then such people have an absurd understanding. What kind of truth can people with this kind of caliber comprehend? There is a question mark here. How does God require people to treat their physical body? When God created people, He established rules for them, so He requires you to treat your physical body according to such rules. This is the requirement and standard that God sets for people. Don’t rely on notions, and don’t rely on imaginings. Do you understand?
Under the inculcation and influence of this saying on moral conduct, “Bend to a task and strive to do your utmost until your dying day,” people don’t know how to treat their physical body or how to lead a normal life. This is one aspect. The other aspect is that people don’t know how to deal with their death, nor how to live in a way that is meaningful. Let us look, then, at God’s attitude toward dealing with the death of people. No matter what the aspect of the duty being performed, God’s aim is for people, in the process of doing their duty, to understand the truth, to put it into practice, to cast aside their corrupt dispositions, to live out the likeness of a normal person, and to reach the standard for attaining salvation, rather than rushing headlong toward death. Some people get a serious illness or cancer and think, “This is God asking me to die and give up my life, so I will obey!” In fact, God did not say that, nor did such an idea occur to Him. This is nothing more than people’s misunderstanding. So what does God mean? Everyone lives a certain number of years, but their lifespans are different. Everyone dies when God determines it, at the right time and place. This is all ordained by God. He makes it happen according to the time He ordained for that person’s lifespan and the place and manner of their death, rather than letting anyone die due to some arbitrary matter. God regards a person’s life as very important, and He also regards a person’s death and the ending of their physical life as very important. All of this is ordained by God. Looking at it from this point of view, whether God requires people to perform their duties or to follow Him, He doesn’t ask people to rush headlong toward death. What does this mean? It means that God doesn’t require you to be prepared to give up your life at any time for the sake of performing your duty or expending for God, or for the sake of His commission. You don’t need to make such preparations, you don’t need to have such a mindset, and you certainly don’t need to plan or think that way, because God doesn’t need your life. Why do I say that? It goes without saying that your life belongs to God, it was He who bestowed it, so what would He want it back for? Is your life valuable? From God’s perspective, it is not a question of whether or not it is valuable, but only what role you play in God’s management plan. As far as your life is concerned, if God wanted to take it away, He could do it at any time, at any place and at any minute. Therefore, any person’s life is important to themselves, and is important to their duties, obligations and responsibilities, and also to God’s commission. Of course, it is also important to their role in God’s overall management plan. Although it is important, God doesn’t need to take your life away. Why? When your life is taken away, you become a dead person, and have no further use. Only when you are alive, living among the human race that God rules over, can you play the role that you are meant to play in this life, and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations that you are meant to fulfill, and the duties that God requires you to perform in this life. Only when you exist in this form can your life have value and realize its value. So, do not casually utter such phrases as “dying for God” or “giving up my life for God’s work,” and don’t repeat them, or keep them in your mind or deep in your heart; it is unnecessary. When a person constantly wants to die for God, and to offer themselves and give up their life for their duty, this is the most contemptible, unworthy, and despicable thing. Why? If your life is over, and you no longer live in this fleshly form, how can you fulfill your duty as a created being? If everyone is dead, who will be left for God to save through His work? If there are no human beings who need saving, how will God’s management plan be carried out? Would God’s work of saving humankind still exist? Could it still continue? Looking at it from these aspects, is it not an important matter for people to take good care of their bodies and lead healthy lives? Is this not worth it? It most certainly is worth it, and people should do this. As for those stupid people who casually say, “If the worst came to the worst, I’d die for God,” and who can carelessly make light of dying, and give up their lives, and abuse their bodies, what kind of people are these? Are they disobedient people? (Yes.) These are the most disobedient people, and should be despised and scorned. When someone is able to casually say that they would die for God, it could be said that they casually think about ending their own life, giving up their duty, giving up the commission that God has entrusted to them, and preventing God’s words from being fulfilled in them. Is this not a foolish way of doing things? You may casually and readily give up your life and say that you want to offer it to God, but does God need you to offer it? Your life itself belongs to God, and God can take it away at any time, so what use is there in offering it to Him? If you don’t offer it but God needs it, will He ask you nicely for it? Will He need to talk it over with you? No, He won’t. But what would God want your life for? Once God takes your life back, you will no longer be able to perform your duty, and a person will be missing from God’s management plan. Would He be happy and satisfied about that? Who truly would be happy and satisfied? (Satan.) If you give up your life, what can you gain from doing that? And what can God gain by taking your life away? If you miss the opportunity to be saved, is it a gain or a loss for God? (A loss.) For God it is not a gain, but a loss. God allows you, as a created being, to have the life and assume the place of a created being in order to perform the duty of a created being and, by so doing, to be able to enter into the truth reality, obey God, understand His will and know Him, do His will, cooperate with Him in accomplishing His work of saving humankind, and follow Him to the very end. This is righteousness, and this is the value and meaning of your life’s existence. If your life exists for this, and you live healthily for this, then this is the most meaningful thing, and as far as God is concerned, this is true dedication and cooperation—for Him this is the most satisfying thing. What God wants to see is a creature living in the flesh cast off their corrupt disposition amidst His chastisement and judgment, reject the myriad of fallacious ideas instilled in them by Satan, and be able to accept the truths and requirements from God, fully submit to the Creator’s authority, fulfill the duty that a created being should perform, and be able to become a true created being. This is what God wants to see, and this is the value and meaning of human life’s existence. Therefore, for any created being, death is not the ultimate destination. The value and meaning of human life’s existence are not to die, but to live for God, to exist for God and for one’s own duty, to exist in order to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a created being, to obey God’s will, and to humiliate Satan. This is the value of a created being’s existence, and also the meaning of its life.
As regards God’s requirements toward people, the way God treats people’s life and death is completely different from that described in the saying “Bend to a task and strive to do your utmost until your dying day” in traditional culture. Satan constantly wants people to die. It feels uncomfortable seeing people alive, and is constantly figuring out how to claim their lives. Once people accept the fallacious ideas of traditional culture from Satan, all they want is to sacrifice their lives for their country and nation, or for their career, for love, or for their family. They constantly hold their own lives in contempt, are ready to die and lay down their lives anywhere and at any time, and do not regard the life given to them by God as the most precious thing and as something that should be cherished. Unable to fulfill their duties and obligations during their lifetime, while they still possess the life that God has given them, they instead accept Satan’s fallacies and nonsense, ever intent on bending to their task and striving to do their utmost until their dying day, and readying themselves to die for God at any time. The fact is that if you really do die, then you do it not for God, but for Satan, and you will not be remembered by God. Because only the living can glorify God and bear witness to Him, and only the living can assume the proper place of created beings and fulfill their duties, and thereby leave behind no regrets, and be able to humiliate Satan, and bear witness to the wondrous deeds and sovereignty of the Creator—only the living can do these things. If you don’t even have life, all of this ceases to exist. Is this not so? (Yes.) Therefore, by putting forward the saying on moral conduct, “Bend to a task and strive to do your utmost until your dying day,” Satan is unquestionably toying with and trampling on human life. Satan does not respect human life, but instead plays games with it, making people accept ideas such as “Bend to a task and strive to do your utmost until your dying day.” They live by such ideas, and don’t cherish life or regard their own life as precious, so that they casually give up their life, that most precious of things which God gives to people. This is a treacherous and immoral thing. As long as the deadline God ordained for you has not been reached, you should not speak lightly of giving up your life, no matter when. As long as you still have breath in you, don’t give up, don’t abandon your duty, and don’t abandon God’s entrustment and commission to you. Because the life of any created being exists only for the Creator, and only for His sovereignty, orchestration, and arrangements, and also only exists and realizes its value for the Creator’s testimony and His work of saving humankind. You can see that God’s view of human life is completely different from that of Satan. So, who truly cherishes human life? (God.) Only God, whereas people themselves do not know to cherish their own lives. Only God cherishes human life. Although human beings are not lovable or worthy of love, and are full of filth, rebelliousness, and the many kinds of absurd ideas and views instilled by Satan, and although they idolize and follow Satan, even to the point of opposing God, nevertheless, because human beings are created by God, and He bestows them with breath and life, only He cherishes human life, only He loves people, and only He continuously cares for and cherishes humankind. God cherishes human beings—not their physical bodies, but their lives, because only human beings who have been given life by God can ultimately become created beings that truly worship Him and bear witness to Him. God has work, commissions, and expectations for people, these created beings. Therefore, God cherishes and treasures their lives. This is the truth. Do you understand? (Yes.) So, once people come to understand the will of God the Creator, shouldn’t there be principles for how they should treat the life of their physical body, and deal with the laws and needs by which it survives? What are these principles based on? They are based on God’s words. What are the principles for practicing them? On the passive side, people must abandon the many kinds of fallacious views instilled in them by Satan, expose and recognize the fallacies of Satan’s views—such as the saying “Bend to a task and strive to do your utmost until your dying day”—which benumb, harm, and confine people, and abandon these views; in addition, on the active side, they must understand precisely what God the Creator’s requirements are for humankind, and make God’s words the foundation of everything they do. In this way, people will be able to practice correctly without deviations, and truly pursue the truth. What is pursuing the truth? (To view people and things, and to comport oneself and act, wholly according to God’s words, with the truth as the criterion.) To sum it up in these words is correct.
Today we have mainly fellowshiped about how to deal with death, as well as how to deal with life. Satan tramples on, ravages, and takes away people’s lives. It confuses and benumbs people by instilling in them the wrong kinds of ideas and views, and makes people treat the most precious thing they have—their life—with contempt, thereby disrupting and destroying God’s work. Tell Me, if all the people in the entire world wanted to die, and could do so casually, wouldn’t society fall into chaos? Would it then be difficult for human beings to survive and exist? (Yes.) So, what is God’s attitude toward human life? He cherishes it. God cherishes and treasures human life. What path of practice should people gain from these words of God? During their lifetime, while they still have life and breath, which are the most precious things given by God, people should properly pursue and understand the truth, and fulfill their duties as created beings according to God’s requirements and principles, without leaving behind any regrets, so that one day they may assume the place of created beings and bear witness to and worship the Creator. In so doing, they will give value and meaning to their life, by living not for Satan, but rather for God’s sovereignty, His work, and His testimony. People’s lives have value and meaning when they can testify about God’s deeds and work. But it cannot be said that human life has then reached its most glorious time. It is not quite right to say this, because that time has not yet been reached. Once you have truly understood the truth, gained the truth, gained knowledge of God, and can assume the place of a created being to worship God, and testify about God, about the sovereignty of the Creator, His deeds, and about His essence and identity, then the value of your life will have reached its peak and its fullest extent. The purpose and significance of saying all of this is to make you understand the value and meaning of life’s existence, and how you should treat your own life, so that you choose the path you should walk based on this. This is the only way to be in accordance with God’s will.
June 4, 2022
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