What It Means to Pursue the Truth (15) Part Three

Having just identified and dissected errors with the thought and view that “A gentleman’s word is his bond,” let’s look at what God requires of people in terms of their words and actions. What kind of person does God require people to be? (An honest person.) That’s right. Be honest, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t be deceitful, and don’t play tricks. Seek the word of God and the truth principles when you act. It’s just these few things; it’s very simple. If you speak dishonestly, correct yourself. If you exaggerate, lie or speak above your station, reflect and become aware of it, and seek the truth to resolve it. You must say things which reflect your actual situation, the understanding in your heart and the facts. In addition, if you can do the things that you have promised others, then do them. If you can’t, then tell them immediately. Say, “I’m sorry, I can’t do it. I don’t have the ability, and I won’t be able to do a good job. I don’t want to hold you up, so you had better ask someone else to help.” You do not need to always stick to your word, you can back out of your promises. Just be an honest person. Be honest in what you say and do, rather than trying to falsify or deceive, and seek the truth principles in all situations. It is that simple; it’s so easy. Is there any part of what God asks people to do that makes them pretend? Has He ever asked too much of people, for them to do more than they can bear or are capable of? (No.) If people do not have what it takes in terms of caliber, comprehension ability, physical energy or strength, God tells them it is enough that they do what they are capable of, try their best and give it their all. You say, “I’ve given it everything I have, but I still can’t meet God’s requirements. That’s all I can do but I don’t know if God is satisfied.” Actually, by doing this you have already fulfilled God’s requirements. God does not give people a load too heavy for them to bear. If you can carry one hundred pounds, God certainly will not give you a load heavier than one hundred pounds. He will not put pressure on you. This is how God is with everyone. And you will not be controlled by anything—any person or any thought and view. You are free. When something happens, you have the right to choose. You can choose to practice according to the word of God, you can choose to practice according to your personal desires, or, of course, you can choose to cling to the thoughts and views that Satan has instilled in you. You are free to choose any of these options, but you have to take responsibility for whatever choice you make. God only shows you the way; He does not force you to do, or not do, something. After God has shown you the way, the choice is yours. You have full human rights, including the absolute right to choose. You can choose the truth, your human desires, or, of course, Satan’s thoughts and views. No matter which one you choose, the final result will be yours to bear; no one else will shoulder it for you. When you make a choice, God will not interfere in any way, nor will He do anything to force you. You may choose as you wish, no matter what that choice is. In the end, God will not heap praise on you, give you a big advantage, put a pleasant feeling in your heart, or make you feel extremely noble just because you chose the right path and the truth. He will not do that. God will also not immediately discipline or curse you if you choose your human desires, or immediately rain disaster down upon you as punishment even if you act recklessly according to the thoughts and views that Satan has instilled in you. While you are choosing, everything proceeds naturally, and after you choose, everything continues to proceed naturally. God just observes, watches it all play out, and looks at the cause, process and result. Of course, in the end, when people are judged and their end is determined, God will categorize the path you have taken based on all of your personal choices, look at this path as a whole to see what kind of person you really are, and from this, determine what kind of end you should have. That is God’s method. Do you understand? (Yes.) When God is doing His work, He never lets a statement, saying, thought or view become a trend among people which would confine and control their thoughts in order to make them involuntarily do what God wants them to do. This is not God’s way of working. God gives people complete freedom and the right to choose, and they enjoy full human rights and the absolute right to choose. In every situation people encounter, they can choose to accept and use Satan’s thoughts and views to discern and judge the constitution of a particular thing, or they can choose to do so according to the word of God and the truth principles. Is this a fact? (Yes.) God does not force people; what God does is fair for everyone. Those who love the truth and positive things eventually walk the path of pursuing the truth, gain the truth, have a God-fearing heart, can truly submit to God and will be saved because they love the truth and positive things. As for those who do not love the truth, and who always act recklessly according to their own will, they are fed up with the truth and do not accept it in any way. They are just afraid of God’s chastisement and judgment, and are afraid they will be punished, so they reluctantly do a bit of work in God’s house for show, perform a little service and exhibit some good behavior. However, they never accept the truth or follow God’s way, and are not on the path of pursuing and practicing the truth. As a result, they will never understand the truth or enter into the truth reality, and will therefore miss the opportunity to be saved. The majority of these people are service-doers. Even if they do no evil, don’t cause disruptions or disturbances, and are not cast out or cleared out from God’s house like antichrists and the wicked, ultimately, they will just barely manage to get the title of “service-doer,” and it is unclear whether they will be spared. There is another group of people who belong to Satan and stubbornly hold on to all its thoughts and views. These people would rather die than accept the truth or go along with the truth and the word of God. They are even at odds with all positive things and with God. Because they disrupt and disturb the church’s work, do many evil things and play the role of Satan to the full extent, some of these people are ultimately cleared out from the church, and some are expelled or have their names struck off the register. Even if there are some who avoid having their names struck off or being expelled, God ultimately must cast them out. They lose the opportunity to be saved because they simply do not accept the truth and God’s salvation, and they will eventually be destroyed with Satan when the world is destroyed. You see, God works in such a free and liberating way that everything takes its course naturally. God works in people to guide, enlighten and help them, and sometimes to remind, comfort and exhort them. This is the side of God’s disposition that shows abundant mercy. As God shows His mercy, people enjoy the abundance of God’s grace and blessings, and enjoy full freedom and liberation without any feeling of being controlled or bound, and certainly without any feeling of being confined by any statement, thought or view. At the same time that God does this work, He also restrains people with the administrative regulations and various systems of the church, and prunes, deals with, judges and chastises their corruption and disobedience. He even disciplines and chastens some of them, or exposes and rebukes them with His words, as well as doing other work. However, while people enjoy all this, they also enjoy God’s abundant mercy and deep anger. When the other side of God’s righteous disposition—deep anger—is revealed to people, they still feel free and liberated, not controlled, bound, or confined. When people experience any aspect of God’s righteous disposition and it works in them, they will in fact feel the love of God. The results achieved in them will be positive, they will gain from it, and will of course be the greatest beneficiaries. God works in this way, never forcing, coercing, suppressing or binding people, but making them feel liberated, free, relaxed and happy. No matter whether people enjoy God’s mercy and lovingkindness or His righteousness and majesty, ultimately, they gain the truth from God, understand the meaning and value of life, the path they should tread and the direction and goal of being human. They gain so much! People live under the power of Satan, and are bound, confined, and crippled by the various false thoughts and views which it instills in them. This is unbearable, but they are powerless to break free. When people come to God, God’s attitude toward them will always remain the same, no matter what kind of attitude they have toward Him. This is because God’s disposition and essence do not change. He always expresses the truth, and in so doing, reveals His disposition and essence. This is how He works in people. They fully enjoy God’s lovingkindness and mercy, as well as His righteousness and majesty, and people who live in this environment are blessed. If, in an environment such as this, people are unable to pursue, love and ultimately gain the truth, miss the opportunity to be saved, and some are even punished and destroyed like Satan, there is only one reason for it, and it is a fact. What do you think it is? People will walk a certain path and have a certain end according to their nature. The time when each person’s end is ultimately determined, will be the time when they are grouped according to their type. If a person loves the truth and positive things, when God ultimately speaks and works, they will return to God and follow the path of pursuing the truth no matter how many negative things Satan has instilled in them. However, if a person does not love the truth and is sick of it, this disposition of theirs will remain unchanged and will direct them, no matter how much God speaks, how sincere His words are, how much work He does, and how amazing His signs and wonders are. Wicked people are even more extreme. They are not just sick of the truth, but have an essence which is evil and hates the truth. They are opposed to God and belong in the camp of Satan. Even if they believe in God, they will eventually return to Satan. These three types of people have all experienced Satan’s corruption, and have been deceived and imprisoned by Satan’s various statements, thoughts and views. So, why can some people ultimately be saved and others not? It mainly comes down to the path that people follow and whether or not they love the truth. It is related to these two things. Why, then, are some people capable of loving the truth and others not? Why can some people follow the path of pursuing the truth, while others cannot, and some even openly quarrel with God and publicly denigrate the truth? What is going on here? Is this determined by their nature essence? (Yes.) They have all experienced Satan’s corruption, but every person’s essence is different. Tell Me, does God do His work with wisdom? Is God able to see through mankind? (Yes.) Then why does God give people the right to choose freely? Why doesn’t God forcibly indoctrinate everyone? It is because God wants to classify each person according to their type and He wants to expose all of them. God does not do useless work; there are principles behind all the work God does, and the work He does in a person is based on what type of person they are. How is a person’s category revealed? On what basis are they divided into different categories? This is based on the things people like and the path they follow. Isn’t that right? (Yes.) God classifies people according to what they like and the path they take, determines whether or not they can be saved based on their category, and works in them according to whether or not they can be saved. It is like how some people like to eat sweet food, some spicy, some salty and some sour. If these different types of food are laid out on the table, there is no need to tell people what to eat and what not to eat. Those who like to eat spicy foods will eat something spicy, those who like to eat sweets will eat something sweet and those who like to eat salty foods will eat something salty. They can be allowed to choose freely. People who believe in God have the right to choose whether or not they love the truth and what path they will take, but it is not up to them to decide whether they will be saved or not and what their end will ultimately be. Do you see that there are principles behind God’s work? (Yes.) There are principles behind His work, and one of the greatest principles is to let people be categorized according to their pursuits and path, and to let everything play out naturally. People always fail to understand this, and ask, “It’s always said that God has authority, but where is it? Why doesn’t God do a little forcible indoctrination to show His authority?” That’s not how God’s authority is manifested; that’s not how God makes His authority visible to people.

Are you now able to discern the saying about moral conduct “A gentleman’s word is his bond”? Do you also understand what God requires of people? (Yes.) What is your understanding? (God requires that people are honest.) God’s requirements of people are very simple. He requires that people are honest, handle matters that come up according to the truth principles, do not pretend, do not just focus on superficial behavior, but rather focus on doing things according to the principles. If the path you take is correct, and the principles by which you pursue how to comport yourself are correct and conform to the truth of God’s words, that is enough. Isn’t that simple? (It is.) Satan does not possess or accept the truth, so it deceives people with sayings that people think are good and right, and makes them try to be gentlemen who behave well, rather than villains who do bad things. People are quickly misled by Satan because these things are in line with people’s notions and preferences, and they can easily accept them. Satan makes people do things which only appear to be good. It does not matter how bad a thing you have done behind the scenes, how corrupt your disposition is, or whether you are evil or not; as long as you have disguised your outward appearance according to the sayings and requirements set by Satan, and others call you a good person, then you are a good person. These requirements and standards clearly encourage people to be deceitful and bad, to wear a mask and prevent them from walking the right path. Therefore, can we say that every thought and view Satan instills in people is leading them down one wrong path after another? (Yes.) The work that God wants to do today is to allow people to discern Satan’s various heresies and fallacies, see through and reject it, and then to pull people back from their various wayward paths onto the right path, so that they might view people and things, comport themselves and act according to the principles. None of these principles come from people, but are the truth principles. When people understand these truth principles, and are able to practice them and enter into their reality, the words and life of God will gradually be wrought into these people. If people take God’s words as their life, they will no longer be misled by Satan and walk the wrong path, Satan’s path, and the path of no return. These people will not betray God no matter how Satan deceives and corrupts them. No matter how the world changes, and no matter what time comes, their life will not decay or perish because these people have God’s words as their life, and because their life will not decay or perish, they will coexist with this kind of life and live on forever. Is this a good thing? (Yes.) When people are saved they are richly blessed!

What is the single most important thing for you right now? It is to be equipped with more of the truth. Only when you are better equipped with the truth, and have heard, experienced and understood more, will you be able to view people and things, comport yourself and act according to God’s words, and know exactly what the truth principles are. Only then will you not go astray, and not replace the words of God and the truth principles with human will and the thoughts and views that Satan has instilled in you. Is that not the case? (It is.) Therefore, one of the most important and urgent things you should do now, is to be equipped with the truth and understand more of God’s words. You must apply yourself to God’s words. God’s words include many things, and there are many items of truth. You must equip yourself with all of these truths without delay. If you don’t equip yourself, you won’t be able to use God’s words as a foundation when something happens, and will just deal with the matter according to your own will. As a result, you will violate the principles, and your transgressions will remain with you as a stain. If you do not know how to seek the truth when something happens, and only handle it according to your own will and to achieve your own goals, and if you rely on your own will and have impurities but do not know how to reflect on yourself and become self-aware, nor know how to compare yourself to God’s words, then you will not know yourself, and will not be able to truly repent. If you do not truly repent, how will God see you? This means you have an intransigent disposition and are sick of the truth, which will leave another stain, and is another serious transgression. Is it beneficial to you to accumulate many stains and transgressions? (No.) No, it’s not. So how can transgressions be resolved? Previously, I expressed a chapter called “Transgressions Will Lead Man to Hell.” This means that transgressions are directly related to a person’s end. What is going on with people who always commit transgressions? Some of them say, “It wasn’t intentional. I didn’t mean to do anything evil at the time.” Is this a good excuse? If you didn’t mean it, was it not a transgression? Do you not need to reflect and repent? It wasn’t intentional, but wasn’t it still a transgression? You didn’t do it on purpose, but you offended God’s disposition and administrative decrees, isn’t that true? (Yes.) This is a fact, and so it was a transgression. It’s no use giving excuses. You say, “I’m young. I don’t have much education, and I don’t have much experience in society. I didn’t know that it was wrong—no one told me.” Or you say, “The situation was too dangerous. I did it in the heat of the moment.” Are these good reasons? None of these are good reasons. If you have the opportunity to act according to your own will, you also have the opportunity to seek the truth, and should use the truth as a principle for your actions. So why did you choose to act according to your will when you had the opportunity to seek the truth? One reason is that your understanding of the truth is too shallow, and you usually do not put importance on pursuing the truth and equipping yourself with God’s words. There is another reason and situation which is also true: You usually do things without God or God’s words in your heart. God’s words have never reigned over your heart. You are used to being willful, and you habitually think you are in the right, habitually reign over every matter, and habitually do things according to your own preferences. You only go through the process and formalities of praying to God. God’s words have no place in your heart and cannot rule over it, and God has no place in your heart and cannot rule over it. It is natural for you to be in charge in everything you do, and as a result, you violate the truth principles. Is this a transgression? It is certain—this is a transgression. Then why are you making excuses? There is no valid excuse. A transgression is a transgression. If you commit many transgressions, harm the interests of the house of God and the work of the church, and eventually enrage God’s disposition, then your chance of salvation will be cut off. This is an accurate interpretation of “Transgressions Will Lead Man to Hell”; it is a fact. It is caused by people’s corrupt dispositions, which produce all kinds of behavior, which in turn constitute the path that people take. This incorrect path causes people to commit all kinds of transgressions at important and critical moments while they are doing their duty. If you have committed too many transgressions and they accumulate, then your chance of salvation is gone. Why do people always commit transgressions? The fundamental reason is that they are never, or rarely, equipped with God’s words, and they seldom do anything based on God’s words or the truth principles—in the end they always commit a transgression. When people transgress, they always forgive themselves and give reasons and excuses, like, “I didn’t mean to do it. I had good intentions. It was because the situation was urgent. It was because of this person. It was because of all kinds of objective reasons. …” No matter what the reason, if you don’t pursue the truth, and don’t act according to God’s words with the truth as your criterion, you will be liable to transgress and resist God. This is an undeniable fact. According to this fact, your end will turn out as I mentioned before: “Transgressions Will Lead Man to Hell.” This will be your ending. Do you understand? (Yes, I understand.)

The disposition of some people is so intransigent, and they are so unscrupulous, that they always think wishfully, “A little transgression is nothing. God does not punish people. He is merciful and loving, and is forgiving and patient with people. The day of God is still far away. I will pursue these truths He has issued later when I have the opportunity. Although God spoke these words in a sincere and urgent tone, there will still be plenty of opportunities for us to believe in God and be saved.” They are always dismissive, never have a sense of urgency, do not have a tremendous desire for God, or a thirst for the truth. They always have an intransigent heart, and always completely ignore the truth and the demands of God’s words. If they do their duty with this kind of attitude and in this state, what will ultimately happen? They will constantly commit transgressions and acquire stains! It is dangerous for a person to constantly acquire stains and commit transgressions, yet not treat it seriously, and be so unconcerned about it. Just because God does not condemn you now does not mean that He will not condemn you in the future. In short, a person who lives in such a state is in danger. They do not treasure God’s words, the opportunity to be saved, or the opportunity to do their duty, and much less every circumstance that God has orchestrated for them. They are always slack and unconcerned, and do everything in a careless, lax and absent-minded manner. This kind of person is in danger. Some people still feel good about themselves, thinking, “When I do things, God is with me, I have God’s enlightenment and guidance, sometimes I have God’s discipline, and He is with me in my prayers!” God’s grace is abundant—certainly enough for you to enjoy—you can take all you want and never use it up, but so what? God’s grace does not represent the truth, and your enjoyment of God’s grace does not mean that you have the truth. God has compassion for every person, but God’s compassion is not over-lenient. God has compassion for human life and for every created being. However, this does not mean that He has no principles in His work, that He does not have a righteous disposition, and that the standards He requires of people and with which He evaluates them will change. Do you understand? (Yes.) You feel that God has never been angry with you, that God is always gentle and considerate to you, and that He cares, loves, and cherishes you immensely. You feel God’s warmth, God’s provision, God’s help, and even God’s favoritism and graciousness. You feel that God loves you the most, and that even if He abandons others He will never abandon you. So you are filled with self-confidence, and feel as though you are justified in not pursuing the truth, not suffering and paying a price while doing your duty, and not seeking a change in disposition. God will certainly not abandon you. Is this strong confidence of yours based on God’s words? If one day you really can’t feel God’s presence, you will have panic in your heart and think, “Could it be that God has forsaken me?” It should be clear to you what your end will be. People who do not pursue the truth and are too self-righteous will absolutely not end up well. God’s goal in loving and cherishing people, having compassion on people, bestowing grace on people, or even treating a certain proportion of people favorably or graciously, as well as the substance of these actions, is definitely not to coddle or indulge you, or to lead you down the wrong path or lead you astray, or to make you turn your back on the truth or the true way. God’s purpose in doing all this is to support you in walking the right path, to make you have a heart which has a tremendous desire for Him, to increase your faith in Him, and then to develop a genuine God-fearing heart. If you always want to enjoy God’s coddling and be His pet, then I say you are wrong. You are not God’s pet, and His graciousness or favoritism for you is definitely not coddling or indulgence. God’s purpose in doing all this is to enable you to treasure God’s words, to accept the truth, and to be strengthened by His graciousness and blessings, so that you will have the will and perseverance to walk the path of pursuing the truth, and to walk the right path in life. Of course, it can be said with certainty that when God issues these truths, you have been provided for, you have gained life, and you have enjoyed His love. If you can thank God for His graciousness, stand firmly in your proper place, be more equipped with God’s words, treasure His words more, seek the truth principles when doing your duty, and strive to view people and things, comport yourself and act according to God’s words, then you have not failed Him. However, if you take advantage of God’s graciousness and favoritism toward you, disregard His compassion toward you, insist on doing things your own way, and act willfully and recklessly, never equip yourself with God’s words, don’t have the will to strive for the truth, or don’t view people and things, comport yourself and act according to God’s words with the truth as your criterion, except to enjoy God’s grace and feel good about yourself, then, when you fall short of God’s expectations—that is, when you repeatedly disappoint God, sooner or later, God’s grace, compassion and lovingkindness toward you will be exhausted. The day those things are exhausted, is the day God takes away all of His grace. When you don’t even feel the presence of God, you will know what you really feel inside. There will be darkness inside you. You will feel downcast and uneasy, worried and empty. You will feel that the future is uncertain. You will be frightened and in a constant state of anxiety. This is a very terrible thing. Therefore, people must learn to cherish all that God has given them, to cherish the duty they should perform, and at the same time, know how to reciprocate. In fact, God’s request that you reciprocate is not about how much of a contribution you make on behalf of Him, or how resounding your testimony is unto Him. What God wants is for you to walk the right path, the path that He requires you to walk. God’s grace is sufficient for people to enjoy. He is not miserly about bestowing this grace upon people, nor will He regret bestowing this grace upon people. If God blesses and is gracious toward a person, it is always done willingly. It is part of His essence, disposition and identity that He does this. He never regrets or is remorseful about giving these things to people. However, let’s say people do not know good from bad or how to appreciate favors. They always let God down and disappoint Him again and again. No matter how high a price God has paid or how long He has waited, people still ignore Him and do not understand His good intentions. People only seek to enjoy God’s grace—the more the better. No matter how much of God’s grace and blessings they enjoy, they do not know to return God’s love, or return their heart to God and follow Him. Do you think God will be satisfied if people treat Him in this way? (No.) What kind of true attitude should a person have in order to make God satisfied? People must repent, have practical manifestations, and perform their duty well. They must not hold on to various justifications and excuses. God’s grace, forgiveness, and compassion for humankind are not capital with which to indulge yourself, or excuses to indulge yourself. No matter what God does, or what kind of effort, price or thought He invests in people, He only has one ultimate purpose. That is, He hopes people will turn to, and walk, the right path. What is the right path? It is to pursue and become more equipped with the truth. If the path people walk is in accordance with God’s words, with the truth as its criterion, then the price God invests in people and all the expectations He has for them will be reciprocated. Do you think God places high demands on people? (No.) God does not place high demands on people, and He has enough patience and love to wait for people to return. When you turn to God, He will not simply bestow some grace and blessings on you, but will provide for you, support and guide you in the truth, in life, and on the path you are walking. God will do even greater work in you. That is what He is looking forward to. Before doing this work, God tirelessly guides people, supports them, and bestows grace and blessings upon them. All of this was not God’s original intention, nor is it something He particularly wants to do. However, He has no choice but to oblige Himself to pay any price for people, and to do this work at all costs. What God ultimately wants after doing all this work is to see that people can turn back. If people understand His intentions and thinking, and why He really wants to do this, then people will recognize His loveliness, have some stature and have grown up. When people begin to be meticulous and work hard at each truth that God has provided for them, and begin to enter into the reality of each truth, God is pleased. Then, He no longer has to do the simple work of being with people, and comforting, prompting, and exhorting them. Rather, He can provide more for them in terms of the truth, in life, and on the path that they are walking. He can do greater and more concrete work on people. Why does God prefer to do this kind of work? It is because while doing such work, He sees hope in people, sees their future and sees that people are united with Him in heart and mind. This is an immeasurably great thing for both people and God, and something that He has been looking forward to for a long time. When a person takes the path of pursuing the truth, they will gradually have more strength and real stature with which to fight Satan, and stand firm in their witness to God, and God will have more hope of seeing one more created human being stand up and fight for Him against Satan. This is the glory of God. As people grow in stature, become stronger and stronger, bear witness more and more and become increasingly fearful of, and obedient to, God, it means that there is hope that God will gain a group of overcomers and be glorified through and among the people. Is this a good thing? (Yes.) This is what God is looking forward to, and His hope and expectation for you. He has been waiting for this for a long time. If people understand and are able to be considerate of God’s heart, they will work at what He asks of them, and pay the price for what He asks of them. They will make every effort to cooperate with what God wants to do, fulfill His wishes, and comfort His heart. However, if you do not want to do this, then God will not force you. You say, “Why don’t I want this? Why don’t I want to do what God requires? Why do I feel uneasy, uncomfortable, and unwilling to obey when I think about meeting God’s requirements?” You don’t have to meet God’s requirements; it is voluntary. You have the right to choose, and you are free. God does not force people. I am just telling you this so that you may fully understand the reality of what God wants to accomplish, the responsibility you bear and what God expects of you. Is this clear? (Yes.) It’s good that it’s clear. If it’s clear, then people’s hearts will be aware. They will know inside what to work on next, what to do and what price they must pay; they will have direction.

Today, I fellowshiped the saying about moral conduct, “A gentleman’s word is his bond.” Having fellowshiped previously several other sayings about moral conduct that are promoted by Satan, it makes this saying a bit easier to discern. No matter which saying about moral conduct it is, Satan basically wants to use a kind of statement to bind and restrict human behavior, and then form a trend in society. By creating this trend, it wants to deceive, control and imprison the minds of all humanity, and thereby turn all humanity against God. After people are against God, Satan wants to see that God has no way to act on people or do work. This is the goal Satan wants to achieve, and this is the essence of all these things that Satan does. Regardless of which aspect of behavior they represent, or which thoughts and views, these sayings about moral conduct that Satan promotes are, in any case, irrelevant to the truth, and they are also contrary to the truth. How should people deal with these sayings about moral conduct which Satan promotes? A very simple and basic principle is that any statement that comes from Satan is something that we should expose, dissect, see through, and reject. Since they come from Satan, if our hearts see through them, we can condemn and reject them. We cannot allow Satan’s things to exist in the church and deceive, corrupt, and disturb God’s chosen people. The goal must be achieved whereby God’s chosen people reject Satan, and not even a hint of Satan’s heresies and fallacies can be seen in them. Instead of these heresies and fallacies, God’s words and the truth should reign over the hearts of God’s chosen people, and become their lives. This sort of humankind is the sort God wants to gain. Let us end today’s fellowship here.

July 9, 2022

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