173 The Best Thing About the Work of God Incarnate


The best thing about God’s work in the flesh

is He leaves His specific will for mankind,

and accurate words and exhortations

to those among man who follow Him,

so that in the future His followers

can more accurately and concretely pass on

His work in the flesh and His will to everyone

who accepts this way.

Verse 1

Only God’s work in the flesh achieves

God being with man and living with man,

and fulfills man’s desire to see God’s face,

witness God’s work and hear His own words.

When God works in His flesh amongst mankind,

those who follow Him no longer seek

or grope after vague, ambiguous things,

and they cease to guess at the vague God’s will,

at the vague God’s will.


The best thing about God’s work in the flesh

is He leaves His specific will for mankind,

and accurate words and exhortations

to those among man who follow Him,

so that in the future His followers

can more accurately and concretely pass on

His work in the flesh and His will to everyone

who accepts this way, who accepts this way.

Verse 2

The Spirit is invisible to man,

His work can’t leave more facts of God’s work.

Man shall never behold God’s real face,

but shall ever believe in a vague God.

Man will never hear God’s personal words.

Their empty thoughts can’t replace God’s true face,

nor can man impersonate God’s work

or His inherent disposition, disposition.


The invisible God in heaven

and His work can only be brought to earth

by God who is incarnate,

who personally works amongst man.

This way is best for God to appear to man.

This is the best way in which man sees God

and comes to know the true face of God,

impossible for a non-incarnate God.


The best thing about God’s work in the flesh

is He leaves His specific will for mankind,

and accurate words and exhortations

to those among man who follow Him,

so that in the future His followers

can more accurately and concretely pass on

His work in the flesh and His will to everyone

who accepts this way, who accepts this way.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of the Incarnate God

Previous: 172 The Necessity of God Becoming Flesh to Do His Work

Next: 174 Only God Incarnate Can Completely Save Man

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