712 The Expressions of Those Whose Disposition Is Changed

1 Those who have experienced a change in their disposition have understood the truth, they are discerning on all issues, they know how to act in accordance with God’s will, how to act in accordance with the truth principles, how to act to satisfy God, and they understand the nature of the corruption they reveal. When their own ideas and notions are revealed, they are able to be discerning and forsake the flesh. This is how a change in disposition is expressed. The main thing about a change in disposition is that they have clearly understood the truth, and when carrying things out, they put the truth into practice with relative accuracy and their corruption is not revealed as often.

2 People whose dispositions have changed appear to be particularly reasonable and discerning, and because of their understanding of the truth, they do not exhibit as much self-righteousness and arrogance. They can see through and discern much of the corruption that is revealed, so do not give rise to arrogance. They are able to have a measured grasp on what man’s place is, how to behave reasonably, how to be dutiful, what to say and what not to say, and what to say and what to do to which people. This is why it is said that people like this are relatively reasonable. Those who have a change in disposition truly live out the likeness of a human.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Part Three

Previous: 711 Good Behavior Does Not Equal Dispositional Change

Next: 713 The Features of Dispositional Change

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