718 Have Faith in Dispositional Change


A change in disposition

does not happen overnight,

as it’s achieved through finding

the source of one’s corrupt essence.

Verse 1

During the course of this process,

after undergoing much,

you may grasp just one part of the truth,

gain one part of dispositional change.

Perhaps only after knowing

many people, events, environments,

after taking many winding roads,

will you gain the slightest transformation.


Whatever size your transformation,

it’s precious in God’s eyes.

He treasures and remembers it,

for you suffered and paid a big price.

God sees into the depths of men’s hearts;

He knows your weaknesses,

and He knows what your wishes are.

Even more He knows what you need.


No matter how weak you are,

if you don’t forsake God’s name,

if you do not leave God or this way,

you’ll always have a chance to be changed,

to be changed in your disposition.

Verse 2

A story in the Bible

tells of the prodigal son.

This analogy is made to show

God’s will to save humans is true.

He gives men the chance to change.

And during the course of this process,

He understands men, knows they will fail,

and knows their corruption and weakness.


Whatever size your transformation,

it’s precious in God’s eyes.

He treasures and remembers it,

for you suffered and paid a big price.

God sees into the depths of men’s hearts;

He knows your weaknesses,

and He knows what your wishes are.

Even more He knows what you need.


No matter how weak you are,

if you don’t forsake God’s name,

if you do not leave God or this way,

you’ll always have a chance to be changed,

to be changed in your disposition.


Once we know what a change in disposition is,

and what we must go through to experience it,

we need not be afraid but should be confident.

And to achieve this change, God’s work is practical.

He has the power to save men from Satan’s hands,

save them from the essence of Satan’s corruption.

He also holds the power and the wisdom

to let men gain a change in disposition.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. The Path of Practice Toward Changing One’s Disposition

Previous: 717 Witnesses for God Must Have a Change in Disposition

Next: 719 Those Who Truly Obey God’s Work Can Be Gained by Him

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