361 Man’s Deception of God Pervades Their Deeds


Many people wish to truly love God,

but their hearts aren’t theirs,

they can’t control themselves.

Verse 1

Many love God in trials He gives,

yet they cannot grasp that He truly exists.

They just love Him in emptiness,

not because of His existence.

Many lay their hearts before Him,

pay them no heed,

hearts snatched away by Satan

whenever it has the chance to,

after which they leave Him.


God wishes for man to be earnest before Him.

He does not ask for anything but to be taken seriously.

He asks that they allow Him to bring back

the sincerity of man, instead of tricking Him.

Verse 2

Many love God when He gives His words,

yet don’t cherish His words in their spirits,

using them instead like public property,

tossing them back when they feel like it.

Man searches for God in the midst of pain,

looking unto Him among trials.

They enjoy Him in times of peace,

but in peril, deny Him, forgetting Him when busy.

They go through the motions for Him when they are idle.

Yet never has anyone loved Him for their whole life.


God wishes for man to be earnest before Him.

He does not ask for anything but to be taken seriously.

He asks that they allow Him to bring back

the sincerity of man, instead of tricking Him.


God’s enlightenment, His illumination,

the cost of His efforts pervade all people,

yet so do the truth of man’s actions

and their deceit of Him.

Their smooth talk never tricked Him,

He figured out man long ago.

Who knows how much impurity

or Satan’s venom is in them?

Man grows more used to it every day.

So they are numb to the torments of Satan,

no interest in the “art of a healthy existence.”


God wishes for man to be earnest before Him.

He does not ask for anything but to be taken seriously.

He asks that they allow Him to bring back

the sincerity of man, instead of tricking Him.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 21

Previous: 360 Do You Truly Live in God’s Words?

Next: 362 God Allows No Created Being to Cheat Him

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