673 The Meaning of God’s Trials and Refinement of Man


The aim of the work of refinement

is mainly to perfect people’s faith.

In the end, what is achieved is that

you want to leave God but you can’t;

some bereft of hope still have their faith;

people have no hope for their prospects.

Only when people get to this point

will God’s refinement be finished.

Verse 1

Hovering between life and death

is a stage that man has still not reached,

and neither has man tasted death,

so refinement remains incomplete.

Even those at the step of service-doers

were not refined to the utmost.

Verse 2

Job underwent the refinement process

right to its end, with naught to rely on.

And people must undergo the same thing,

to the point where they have no hope,

where they have nothing to rely on.

Only then is this true refinement.

Pre-chorus 1

You undergo the trials of Job, the trials of Peter,

undergo them at the same time.

When Job was tested, he stood witness, and in the end,

Jehovah was revealed to him.

Only after he stood witness was he found worthy

of seeing the face of God.


The aim of the work of refinement

is mainly to perfect people’s faith.

In the end, what is achieved is that

you want to leave God but you can’t;

some bereft of hope still have their faith;

people have no hope for their prospects.

Only when people get to this point

will God’s refinement be finished.


Why’s it said: “I hide from the land of filth

but show Myself to the holy kingdom”?

It means that only when you are holy and stand witness

have you the dignity to see God’s face.

Verse 3

If in the face of refinements you run,

or if you make complaints against God,

you’ll be failing to stand witness for Him,

becoming Satan’s own laughing stock.

Yes, if you retreat or cannot stand witness,

you won’t gain the appearance of God.


The aim of the work of refinement

is mainly to perfect people’s faith.

In the end, what is achieved is that

you want to leave God but you can’t;

some bereft of hope still have their faith;

people have no hope for their prospects.

Only when people get to this point

will God’s refinement be finished.

Verse 4

In the midst of trials, Job cursed his flesh

and never complained against God;

he was able to detest his own flesh,

with no complaints or sins in his words.

If you’re like Job, who managed all this,

then will you be standing witness.

Pre-chorus 2

When you undergo refinements to a certain degree

and are able to be like Job,

when you are utterly obedient in front of God,

without other requirements of Him,

when you can do all of this without your own notions,

then God will appear to you.


The aim of the work of refinement

is mainly to perfect people’s faith.

In the end, what is achieved is that

you want to leave God but you can’t;

some bereft of hope still have their faith;

people have no hope for their prospects.

Only when people get to this point

will God’s refinement be finished.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Those Who Are to Be Made Perfect Must Undergo Refinement

Previous: 671 God Will Appear to You If You Stand Witness in Trials

Next: 675 The Purpose of God’s Work of Refinement

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